How to use the graphql-tools.SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives function in graphql-tools

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github genie-team / graphql-genie / lib / GraphQLSchemaBuilder.js View on Github external
            if (this.typeDefs.includes('@connection')) {
                if (!this.config.generateConnections) {
                    throw new Error('Generate Connections must be true to use connection directive');
                // don't want to attempt this if we didn't create the necessary types yet
                if (this.typeDefs.includes('Connection') && this.typeDefs.includes('Edge') && this.typeDefs.includes('PageInfo')) {
                    SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(this.schema, {
                        connection: ConnectionDirective
            const typeMap = this.schema.getTypeMap();
            if (this.typeDefs.includes('@model')) {
                SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(this.schema, {
                    model: ModelDirective
            else {
                Object.keys(typeMap).forEach(name => {
                    const type = typeMap[name];
                    if (isObjectType(type) && !== 'PageInfo' && !'__') && !'Aggregate') && !'Connection') && !'Edge') && !'Payload') && !( === 'query') && !( === 'mutation') && !( === 'subscription')) {
                        has(this.schema, '_implementations.Node') ? this.schema['_implementations'].Node.push(type) : set(this.schema, '_implementations.Node', [type]);
            return this.schema;
        this.getSchema = () => {
github genie-team / graphql-genie / src / GraphQLSchemaBuilder.ts View on Github external
relation: RelationDirective,
				default: DefaultDirective,
				unique: UniqueDirective
			resolverValidationOptions: {
				requireResolversForResolveType: false

		if (this.typeDefs.includes('@connection')) {
			if (!this.config.generateConnections) {
				throw new Error('Generate Connections must be true to use connection directive');
			// don't want to attempt this if we didn't create the necessary types yet
			if (this.typeDefs.includes('Connection') && this.typeDefs.includes('Edge') && this.typeDefs.includes('PageInfo')) {
				SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(this.schema, {
					connection: ConnectionDirective

		const typeMap = this.schema.getTypeMap();

		if (this.typeDefs.includes('@model')) {
			SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(this.schema, {
				model: ModelDirective
		} else {
			Object.keys(typeMap).forEach(name => {
				const type = typeMap[name];
				if (isObjectType(type) && !== 'PageInfo' && !'__') && !'Aggregate') && !'Connection') && !'Edge') && !'Payload') && !'PreviousValues') && !( === 'query') && !( === 'mutation') && !( === 'subscription')) {
github coralproject / talk / src / core / server / graph / tenant / schema / index.ts View on Github external
export default function getTenantSchema() {
  const schema = loadSchema("tenant", resolvers as IResolvers);

  // Attach the directive resolvers.
  attachDirectiveResolvers(schema, { auth });

  // Attach the constraint directive.
  SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(schema, {

  return schema;
github MichalLytek / type-graphql / tests / functional / directives.ts View on Github external

      @Resolver(of => SampleObjectType)
      class SampleObjectTypeResolver {
        fieldResolverWithAppendDefinition(): string {
          return "hello";

      schema = await buildSchema({
        resolvers: [SampleResolver, SampleObjectTypeResolver],

      SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(schema, {
        upper: UpperCaseDirective,
        append: AppendDirective,
github parse-community / parse-server / src / GraphQL / ParseGraphQLSchema.js View on Github external
                if (!graphQLSchemaTypeField.astNode) {
                  const astNode = graphQLCustomTypeDef.fields.find(
                    field => === graphQLSchemaTypeFieldName
                  if (astNode) {
                    graphQLSchemaTypeField.astNode = astNode;

    } else {
      this.graphQLSchema = this.graphQLAutoSchema;

    return this.graphQLSchema;
github genie-team / graphql-genie / src / graphQLShema.ts View on Github external
export const addTypeDefsToSchema = (typeDefs: string): GraphQLSchema => {
	if (!typeDefs || typeDefs.indexOf('Query') < 0) {
		typeDefs = 'type Query {noop:Int}';
	schema = makeExecutableSchema({
		typeDefs: defaultTypeDefs + typeDefs,
		schemaDirectives: {
			display: DisplayDirective,
			relation: RelationDirective
	SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(schema, {
		model: ModelDirective
	return schema;