How to use the graphql-relay/lib/connection/arrayconnection.cursorToOffset function in graphql-relay

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github OpenCTI-Platform / opencti / opencti-platform / opencti-graphql / src / database / grakn.js View on Github external
export const listRelations = async (relationType, relationFilter, args) => {
  const searchFields = ['name', 'description'];
  const { first = 200, after, orderBy, orderMode = 'asc', withCache = true, inferred = false } = args;
  const { search, fromRole, fromId, toRole, toId, fromTypes = [], toTypes = [] } = args;
  const { firstSeenStart, firstSeenStop, lastSeenStart, lastSeenStop, weights = [] } = args;
  const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
  const isRelationOrderBy = orderBy && includes('.', orderBy);
  // Handle relation type(s)
  const relationToGet = relationType || 'stix_relation';
  // 0 - Check if we can support the query by Elastic
  const unsupportedOrdering = isRelationOrderBy && last(orderBy.split('.')) !== 'internal_id_key';
  const supportedByCache = !unsupportedOrdering && !relationFilter && !inferred;
  const useCache = !forceNoCache() && withCache && supportedByCache;
  if (useCache) {
    const filters = [];
    const relationsMap = new Map();
    if (fromId) {
      filters.push({ key: 'connections.internal_id_key', values: [fromId] });
      relationsMap.set(fromId, { alias: 'from', internalIdKey: fromId });
    if (toId) {
      filters.push({ key: 'connections.internal_id_key', values: [toId] });
github OpenCTI-Platform / opencti / opencti-platform / opencti-graphql / src / database / elasticSearch.js View on Github external
export const elPaginate = async (indexName, options) => {
  const {
    first = 200,
    types = null,
    filters = [],
    isUser = null, // TODO @Sam refactor this to use filter
    search = null,
    orderBy = null,
    orderMode = 'asc',
    relationsMap = null,
    connectionFormat = true // TODO @Julien Refactor that
  } = options;
  const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
  let must = [];
  let mustnot = [];
  let ordering = [];
  if (search !== null && search.length > 0) {
    // Try to decode before search
    let decodedSearch;
    try {
      decodedSearch = decodeURIComponent(search);
    } catch (e) {
      decodedSearch = search;
    const trimedSearch = decodedSearch.trim();
    let finalSearch;
    if (trimedSearch.startsWith('http://')) {
      finalSearch = `"*${trimedSearch.replace('http://', '')}*"`;
    } else if (trimedSearch.startsWith('https://')) {
github OpenCTI-Platform / opencti / opencti-graphql / src / database / grakn.js View on Github external
export const paginate = (
  ordered = true,
  relationOrderingKey = null,
  infer = false
) => {
  try {
    const { first = 200, after, orderBy = null, orderMode = 'asc' } = options;
    const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
    const instanceKey = /match\s(?:\$|{\s\$)(\w+)[\s]/i.exec(query)[1]; // We need to resolve the key instance used in query.
    const findRelationVariable = /\$(\w+)\((\w+):\$(\w+),[\s\w:$]+\)/i.exec(
    const relationKey = findRelationVariable && findRelationVariable[1]; // Could be setup to get relation info
    const orderingKey = relationOrderingKey
      ? `$${relationOrderingKey} has ${orderBy} $o;`
      : `$${instanceKey} has ${orderBy} $o;`;
    const count = getSingleValueNumber(
      `${query}; ${ordered && orderBy ? orderingKey : ''} get $${instanceKey}${
        relationKey ? `, $${relationKey}` : ''
      }${ordered && orderBy ? ', $o' : ''}; count;`,
    const elements = getObjects(
      `${query}; ${ordered && orderBy ? orderingKey : ''} get $${instanceKey}${
github OpenCTI-Platform / opencti / opencti-graphql / src / domain / stixRelation.js View on Github external
([result, via, viaRelation]) => {
        const { first = 200, after } = args;
        const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
        const globalCount =
          result.globalCount +
          sum(pluck('globalCount', via)) +
          sum(pluck('globalCount', viaRelation));
        let viaInstances = [];
        forEach(n => {
          viaInstances = concat(viaInstances, n.instances);
        }, via);
        let viaRelationInstances = [];
        forEach(n => {
          viaRelationInstances = concat(viaRelationInstances, n.instances);
        }, viaRelation);
        const instances = concat(viaInstances, viaRelationInstances);
        const finalInstances = concat(result.instances, instances);
        return buildPagination(first, offset, finalInstances, globalCount);
github OpenCTI-Platform / opencti / opencti-graphql / src / database / elasticSearch.js View on Github external
export const paginate = (indexName, options) => {
  const {
    first = 200,
    type = null,
    types = null,
    reportClass = null,
    search = null,
    orderBy = null,
    orderMode = 'asc'
  } = options;
  const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
  let must = [];
  let ordering = [];
  if (search !== null && search.length > 0) {
    let finalSearch;
    if (search.includes('http://') || search.includes('https://')) {
      finalSearch = `"*${search
        .replace('http://', '')
        .replace('https://', '')}*"`;
    } else if (!search.startsWith('"')) {
      finalSearch = `*${search}*`;
    } else {
      finalSearch = `${search}`;
    must = append(
        query_string: {