How to use the google-proto-files.loadSync function in google-proto-files

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few google-proto-files examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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// Get a directory path by executing as a function
  const files = protos.getProtoPath('logging', 'v2');
  // node_modules/google-proto-files/google/logging/v2

  // Get a path to the entry proto file for a specific API version
  // node_modules/google-proto-files/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.proto

  // Load a proto which depends on google common protos.
  const root1 = await protos.load('./cloudcats.proto');
  const service1 = root1.lookup('example.MyService');

  // Load protos synchronously
  const root2 = protos.loadSync('./cloudcats.proto');
  const service2 = root2.lookup('example.MyService');