How to use the gl-mat4.invert function in gl-mat4

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gl-mat4 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jscad / / packages / utils / regl-renderer / src / rendering / commands / drawMesh / index.js View on Github external
unormal: (context, props) => {
        const model = props.model || props.transforms.matrix
        // console.log('here', model)
        // const model = mat4.identity([])
        const modelViewMatrix = mat4.multiply(mat4.create(), model,
        const normalMatrix = mat4.create()
        mat4.invert(normalMatrix, modelViewMatrix)
        mat4.transpose(normalMatrix, normalMatrix)
        return normalMatrix
github tmpvar / ray-aabb / example / cube.js View on Github external
function getEye(out, view) {
  mat4.invert(m4scratch, view);
  out[0] = m4scratch[12];
  out[1] = m4scratch[13];
  out[2] = m4scratch[14]
  return out;
github jscad / csg-viewer / src / rendering / drawMesh / index.js View on Github external
unormal: (context, props) => {
        const model = props.model
        const modelViewMatrix = mat4.multiply(mat4.create(), model,
        const normalMatrix = mat4.create()
        mat4.invert(normalMatrix, modelViewMatrix)
        mat4.transpose(normalMatrix, normalMatrix)
        return normalMatrix


gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces

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