How to use the function in generate-object-property

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few generate-object-property examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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forEach(function (e, f) {
      var def = f.options && f.options.default
      var resolved = resolve(f.type,, false)
      var vals = resolved && resolved.values

      if (vals) { // is enum
        if (f.repeated) {
          objectKeys.push( + ': []')
        } else {
          def = (def && vals[def]) ? vals[def].value : vals[Object.keys(vals)[0]].value
          objectKeys.push( + ': ' + parseInt(def || 0, 10))

      objectKeys.push( + ': ' + defaultValue(f, def))


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Popular generate-object-property functions