How to use g-legend - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few g-legend examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / extras / bar-stacked-german-election / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
        const partyColours = d3.scaleOrdinal()

        const myXAxis = gAxis.xLinear();// sets up yAxis
        const myYAxis = gAxis.yOrdinal();
        const myChart = stackedBarChart.draw(); // eslint-disable-line
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend();

        // define other functions to be called
        const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().height + (currentFrame.rem() * 1.4);// Used when drawing the xAxis ticks

            .domain( =>
            .rangeRound([0, tickSize], 10)

            .domain([Math.min(xMin, valueExtent[0]), Math.max(xMax, valueExtent[1])])
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / treemap / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
            const currentFrame = frame[frameName];

            // define other functions to be called
            const myLegend = gLegend.legend();// sets up the legend
            // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions
            // const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().width;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks
            const myTreemap = treemap.draw();

            // create a 'g' element at the back of the chart to add time period
            // highlights after axis have been created
            const axisHighlight = currentFrame.plot().append('g');

                .attr('width', currentFrame.dimension().width)
                .attr('height', currentFrame.dimension().height)
                .attr('fill', '#ededee');

github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / priestley-timeline / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
        // define other functions to be called

        const yAxis = gAxis.yOrdinal();// sets up yAxis
        const xAxis = gAxis.xDate();
        const myChart = priestleyChart.draw();
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend();
        const myAnnotations = priestleyChart.drawAnnotations();// sets up annotations

        // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions
        const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().height;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks

            .domain( =>
            .rangeRound([0, tickSize], 10)

            .domain([Math.min(xMin, valueExtent[0]), Math.max(xMax, valueExtent[1])])
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / choropleth / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend();
        const projection = d3.geoMercator()
            .center([10.411293, 51.5]) // Middle of Germany
            .translate([currentFrame.dimension().width / 2, currentFrame.dimension().height / 2]);

        // define other functions to be called

            .attr('class', 'choropleth')
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / grouped-symbol-column / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
            const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
            // define other functions to be called
            const xAxis = gAxis.xOrdinal();// sets up xAxis
            const xDotAxis = gAxis.xOrdinal();// sets up xAxis
            const xTotalAxis = gAxis.xOrdinal();// sets up xAxis
            const yDotAxis = gAxis.yOrdinal();
            const myChart = groupedSymbolChart.draw();
            const myLegend = gLegend.legend();
            const maxValue = valueExtent[1];
            const maxRows = (maxValue / divisor) / numberOfColumns;
            const rowIndex = d3.range(maxRows);

            // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions
            const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().width;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks


                // .align(xAxisAlign)
                .domain( =>
                .rangeRound([0, tickSize])
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / small-multiple-area / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];

        // define other functions to be called
        const myYAxis = gAxis.yLinear();// sets up yAxis
        const myXAxis = gAxis.xDate();// sets up xAxis
        const myAnnotations = areaChart.drawAnnotations();// sets up annotations
        // sets up the legend
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend(); // eslint-disable-line
        // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions

        // Create the plot widths, but for each individual graph
        const widthOfSmallCharts = ((currentFrame.dimension().width / currentFrame.numberOfColumns()) - currentFrame.rem());
        const heightOfSmallCharts = ((currentFrame.dimension().height / currentFrame.numberOfRows()) - (currentFrame.rem() * 3.5));

        const tickSize = widthOfSmallCharts;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks

        // draw the chart holders
        const chart = currentFrame.plot()
            .attr('id', d =>
            .attr('class', 'areas')
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / strip-plot / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
            const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
            // define other functions to be called
            const yAxis = gAxis.yOrdinal();// sets up yAxis
            const xAxis = gAxis.xLinear();
            const myChart = dotPlot.draw();
            const myQuartiles = dotPlot.drawQuartiles();
            const myLegend = gLegend.legend(); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().height; /* Used when drawing the yAxis ticks */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension(); // useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions

                .domain( =>
                .rangeRound([0, currentFrame.dimension().height])

                .domain([Math.min(xMin, valueExtent[0]), Math.max(xMax, valueExtent[1])])
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / germanyelex-bar / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
        // define other functions to be called

        const yAxis0 = gAxis.yOrdinal();// sets up yAxis
        const yAxis1 = gAxis.yOrdinal();// sets up yAxis
        const xAxis = gAxis.xLinear();
        const myChart = barChart.draw();
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend();

        // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions
        const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().height;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks
            .domain( =>
            .rangeRound([0, currentFrame.dimension().height])

            .rangeRound([0, yAxis0.bandwidth()]);

github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / strip-plot / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
            const currentFrame = frame[frameName];
            // define other functions to be called
            const yAxis = gAxis.yOrdinal();// sets up yAxis
            const xAxis = gAxis.xLinear();
            const myAnnotations = annotation.annotations();// sets up annotations
            const myChart = dotPlot.draw();
            const myQuartiles = dotPlot.drawQuartiles();
            const myLegend = gLegend.legend(); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            const tickSize = currentFrame.dimension().height; /* Used when drawing the yAxis ticks */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension(); // useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions

                .domain( =>
                .rangeRound([0, currentFrame.dimension().height])

                .domain([Math.min(xMin, valueExtent[0]), Math.max(xMax, valueExtent[1])])
github ft-interactive / visual-vocabulary-templates / small-multiple-line / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(frame).forEach((frameName) => {
        const currentFrame = frame[frameName];

        // define other functions to be called
        const myYAxis = gAxis.yLinear();// sets up yAxis
        const myXAxis = gAxis.xDate();// sets up xAxis
        const myHighlights = lineChart.drawHighlights();// sets up highlight tonal bands
        const myAnnotations = lineChart.drawAnnotations();// sets up annotations
        // sets up the legend
        const myLegend = gLegend.legend(); // eslint-disable-line
        // const plotDim=currentFrame.dimension()//useful variable to carry the current frame dimensions

        // Create the plot widths, but for each individual graph
        const widthOfSmallCharts = ((currentFrame.dimension().width / currentFrame.numberOfColumns()) - currentFrame.rem());
        const heightOfSmallCharts = ((currentFrame.dimension().height / currentFrame.numberOfRows()) - (currentFrame.rem() * 3.5));

        const tickSize = widthOfSmallCharts;// Used when drawing the yAxis ticks

        // draw the chart holders
        const chart = currentFrame.plot()
        .attr('id', d =>
        .attr('class', 'lines')



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