How to use the fs-extra.outputFile function in fs-extra

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fs-extra examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rei / rei-cedar / build / vue-docs.js View on Github external
glob(`${vueCompDir}/${vueCompName}*.md`, (mdFileErr, mdFiles) => {
      if (mdFileErr) 
        throw new Error(`Error while trying to find markdown documentation files in directory ${vueCompDir}:\n${mdFileErr}`)

      // no markdown documentation file exists yet, create one
      if (mdFiles.length == 0) {
        fs.outputFile(`${vueCompDir}/${vueCompName}-${currentVer}.md`, mdTemplate)
        .then(() => console.log(`No existing markdown file for ${vueCompName}. Creating one at ${vueCompDir}/${vueCompName}-${currentVer}.md`))
        .catch((createErr) => {
          if (createErr)
            throw new Error(`Error while trying to create markdown documentation file ${vueCompDir}/${vueCompName}-${currentVer}.md:\n${createErr}`)
      else {
        // find the most recent markdown documentation file based on NPM version
        mdFiles.forEach((mdFile) => {
          const starMdVer = mdFile.lastIndexOf(`${vueCompName}-`) + vueCompName.length + 1, endMdVer = mdFile.lastIndexOf('.')
          const mdFileVer = mdFile.slice(starMdVer, endMdVer)

          if (semver.valid(mdFileVer) &&, mdFileVer)) {
            latestMdVer = mdFileVer
            latestMdDoc = mdFile
github mlaursen / react-md / packages / material-icons / scripts / create.ts View on Github external
iconName: string,
  svgIconFile: string,
  fontIconFile: string
): Promise {
  const svg = await fs.readFile(path.join(process.cwd(), svgFilePath), "utf8");
  const contents = svg
    .substring(SVG_ICON_PREFIX.length, svg.length - SVG_ICON_SUFFIX.length)
    .replace(/fill-opacity/g, "fillOpacity")
    // remove fill so the colors can be overridden in css
    .replace(/ ?fill="#[A-Fa-f0-9]{3,6}"/g, "");

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
  await Promise.all([
    fs.outputFile(svgIconFile, createIconFile(componentName, contents, "SVG")),
      createIconFile(componentName, iconName, "Font")
github pterodactyl / daemon / src / controllers / option.js View on Github external
write_file: ['details', (results, callback) => {
                if (_.isNil(_.get(results.details, 'scripts.install', null))) {
                    // No script defined, skip the rest.
                    const error = new Error('No installation script was defined for this egg, skipping rest of process.');
                    error.code = 'E_NOSCRIPT';
                    return callback(error);

                this.server.log.debug('Writing temporary file to be handed into the Docker container.');
                Fs.outputFile(Path.join('/tmp/pterodactyl/', this.server.json.uuid, '/'), results.details.scripts.install, {
                    mode: 0o644,
                    encoding: 'utf8',
                }, callback);
            image: ['write_file', (results, callback) => {
github ant-ife / apfe-cli / src / lib / git-diff.js View on Github external

    // merge dirs and files according the modules
    success('Apply install changes')
    await exec('git add .', false)

    success('Commit current project sources')
    await exec('git commit -m "Project snapshot"', false)

    success('Generate the patch between the 2 versions')
    const diffOutput = await exec(`git diff --binary --no-color ${originBranch} ${branch}`, verbose)

    success('Save the patch in tmp directory')
    patchPath =
      path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `upgrade_${originBranch}_${branch}.patch`)
    await fse.outputFile(patchPath, diffOutput)

    await exec(`git checkout ${originBranch}`)

    try {
      success('Apply the patch')
      await exec(`git apply --3way ${patchPath}`, verbose)
    } catch (err) {
        'The upgrade process succeeded but there might be conflicts to be resolved. ' +
        'See above for the list of files that have merge conflicts.')
    } finally {
      success('Upgrade done')
  } catch (err) {
    await exec(`git checkout ${originBranch}`)
    if (~err.message.indexOf('exited with')) {
github davidmerfield / Blot / app / dashboard / routes / importer / sources / postache-evernote / parse.js View on Github external
dateStamp: dateStamp,
          created: created,
          updated: updated,
          tags: tags,
          metadata: metadata,
          // Clean up the contents of the <content>
          // tag. Evernote has quite a lot of cruft.
          // Then convert into Markdown!
          content: to_markdown(html)

        post = insert_metadata(post);

        fs.outputFile(post.path, post.content, function(err){
          if (err) return callback(err);

    // When all the notes have been processed,</content>
github microsoft / botbuilder-tools / packages / DialogTracker / src / lgTracker.ts View on Github external
for (let key in this.index) {
            let filename = path.join(path.dirname(basePath), path.basename(basePath, ".lg") + (key ? `-${key}` : "") + ".lg");
            let fileFlat = flat;
            if (await fs.pathExists(filename)) {
                log(`Merging existing ${filename}`);
                let old = new LGTracker(this.schema);
                let oldFile = await old.addLGFile(filename);
                if (fileFlat === undefined) {
                    // Preserve old file format
                    fileFlat = oldFile.isFlat;
                this.union(old, true);
            log(`Writing ${filename}`);
            let [contents] = this.buildContents(this.index[key], 1, fileFlat);
            await fs.outputFile(filename, contents);
github JetBrains / svg-mixer / packages / postcss-svg-mixer / examples / build-example.js View on Github external
module.exports = async (name, plugins = []) => {
  const exampleDir = resolve(__dirname, name);
  const inputPath = resolve(exampleDir, 'input.css');
  const outputDir = resolve(exampleDir, 'output');

  const inputContent = await readFile(inputPath);
  const result = await postcss(Array.isArray(plugins) ? plugins : [plugins])
    .process(inputContent, { from: inputPath });

  const sprite = result.messages.find(m => m.kind === 'sprite');
  const readme = generateReadme(name, inputContent, result.css, sprite.content);

  await outputFile(resolve(outputDir, 'output.css'), result.css);
  await outputFile(resolve(outputDir, sprite.filename), sprite.content);
  await outputFile(resolve(exampleDir, ''), readme);
github react-bootstrap / react-bootstrap / tools / run-babel.js View on Github external
async function buildFile(filename, destination, babelOptions = {}) {
  if (!path.extname(filename) === '.js') return;

  const content = await fse.readFile(filename, { encoding: 'utf8' });

  const result = transform(content, { ...babelOptions, filename });
  const output = path.join(destination, path.basename(filename));

  await fse.outputFile(output, result.code);
github jdf2e / jdf / lib / VFS / VirtualFileSystem.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            fse.outputFile(targetPath, content, (err, data) => {
                if (err) {
                    logger.error(`error occured when output file`);

github algorithm-visualizer / algorithm-visualizer / src / backend / controllers / tracers.js View on Github external
const trace = lang => (req, res, next) => {
  const { code } = req.body;
  const tempPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'public', 'codes', uuid.v4());
  fs.outputFile(path.resolve(tempPath, `Main.${lang}`), code)
    .then(() => {
      const builder = builderMap[lang];
      const containerName = uuid.v4();
      let killed = false;
      const timer = setTimeout(() => {
        execute(`docker kill ${containerName}`).then(() => {
          killed = true;
      }, timeLimit);
      return execute([
        'docker run --rm',