How to use fontoxpath - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fontoxpath examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / specs / parsing / usesHints.tests.ts View on Github external
it('skips the subtree for outermost() with tail', () => {
		jsonMlMapper.parse(['root', ['foo', ['foo']]], documentNode);
		const descendant = documentNode.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild;
		// It is successful when the dom facade does not throw
		const nodes = evaluateXPathToNodes(
			{ language: evaluateXPath.XQUERY_3_1_LANGUAGE }

		chai.assert.deepEqual(nodes, [documentNode.documentElement.firstChild]);
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / specs / parsing / usesHints.tests.ts View on Github external
it('skips the subtree for outermost() in debug mode', () => {
		jsonMlMapper.parse(['root', ['foo', ['foo']]], documentNode);
		const descendant = documentNode.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild;
		// It is successful when the dom facade does not throw
		const nodes = evaluateXPathToNodes(
				debug: true

		chai.assert.deepEqual(nodes, [documentNode.documentElement.firstChild]);
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / qt3tests.ts View on Github external
function createEnvironment(cwd, environmentNode) {
	const fileName = evaluateXPathToString('source[@role="."]/@file', environmentNode);
	const variables = evaluateXPathToNodes('source[@role!="."]', environmentNode).reduce(
		(varsByName, variable) =>
			Object.assign(varsByName, {
				[evaluateXPathToString('@role', variable).substr(1)]: getFile(
					(cwd ? cwd + '/' : '') + evaluateXPathToString('@file', variable)

	// Params area also variables. But different
	evaluateXPathToNodes('param', environmentNode).forEach(paramNode => {
		variables[evaluateXPathToString('@name', paramNode)] = evaluateXPath(
			evaluateXPathToString('@select', paramNode)

	const namespaces = evaluateXPathToMap(
		'(namespace!map:entry(@prefix/string(), @uri/string())) => map:merge()',

	return {
		contextNode: fileName ? getFile((cwd ? cwd + '/' : '') + fileName) : null,
		namespaceResolver: Object.keys(namespaces).length ? prefix => namespaces[prefix] : null
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / qt3tests.ts View on Github external
[evaluateXPathToString('@role', variable).substr(1)]: getFile(
					(cwd ? cwd + '/' : '') + evaluateXPathToString('@file', variable)

	// Params area also variables. But different
	evaluateXPathToNodes('param', environmentNode).forEach(paramNode => {
		variables[evaluateXPathToString('@name', paramNode)] = evaluateXPath(
			evaluateXPathToString('@select', paramNode)

	const namespaces = evaluateXPathToMap(
		'(namespace!map:entry(@prefix/string(), @uri/string())) => map:merge()',

	return {
		contextNode: fileName ? getFile((cwd ? cwd + '/' : '') + fileName) : null,
		namespaceResolver: Object.keys(namespaces).length ? prefix => namespaces[prefix] : null
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / specs / parsing / xquery-updating / ReplaceExpression.tests.ts View on Github external
it('allows replacing something with something asynchronous', async () => {
		const element = documentNode.appendChild(documentNode.createElement('element'));

		// Duplicate all list items and set the @count attribute to the new count of items, in a very roundabout way
		const result = await evaluateUpdatingExpression(
declare namespace fontoxpath="";

replace node fontoxpath:sleep(/element, 100) with fontoxpath:sleep(, 1)

		chai.assert.deepEqual(result.xdmValue, []);
		assertUpdateList(result.pendingUpdateList, [
				replacementXML: [''],
				target: element,
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / xqutsTests.ts View on Github external
const actualOuterHTML =
		actual.nodeType === actual.DOCUMENT_NODE
			? actual.documentElement.outerHTML
			: actual.outerHTML;
	const expectedOuterHTML =
		expected.nodeType === expected.DOCUMENT_NODE
			? expected.documentElement.outerHTML
			: expected.outerHTML;

	// Try fast string compare
	if (actualOuterHTML === expectedOuterHTML) {

	if (
		evaluateXPathToBoolean('deep-equal($a, $b)', null, null, {
			a: actual,
			b: expected
	) {

	// Do comparison on on outer HTML for clear fail message
	chai.assert.equal(actualOuterHTML, expectedOuterHTML);
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / xqutsTests.js View on Github external
function assertXml (actual, expected) {
	// actual.normalize();

	const actualOuterHTML = actual.nodeType === actual.DOCUMENT_NODE ? actual.documentElement.outerHTML : actual.outerHTML;
	const expectedOuterHTML = expected.nodeType === expected.DOCUMENT_NODE ? expected.documentElement.outerHTML : expected.outerHTML;

	// Try fast string compare
	if (actualOuterHTML === expectedOuterHTML) {

	if (evaluateXPathToBoolean('deep-equal($a, $b)', null, null, {
		a: actual,
		b: expected
	})) {

	// Do comparison on on outer HTML for clear fail message
	chai.assert.equal(actualOuterHTML, expectedOuterHTML);
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / qt3tests.ts View on Github external
createProcessingInstruction: assertNode.ownerDocument.createProcessingInstruction.bind(
		createTextNode: assertNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode.bind(assertNode.ownerDocument)

	switch (assertNode.localName) {
		case 'all-of': {
			const asserts = evaluateXPathToNodes('*', assertNode).map(innerAssertNode =>
				createAsserter(baseUrl, innerAssertNode, language)
			return (xpath, contextNode, variablesInScope, namespaceResolver) =>
				asserts.forEach(a => a(xpath, contextNode, variablesInScope, namespaceResolver));
		case 'any-of': {
			const asserts = evaluateXPathToNodes('*', assertNode).map(innerAssertNode =>
				createAsserter(baseUrl, innerAssertNode, language)
			return (xpath, contextNode, variablesInScope, namespaceResolver) => {
				const errors = [];
					asserts.some(a => {
						try {
							a(xpath, contextNode, variablesInScope, namespaceResolver);
						} catch (error) {
							if (error instanceof TypeError) {
								// TypeErrors are always errors
								throw error;
							return false;
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / specs / parsing / operators / compares / Compare.tests.ts View on Github external
it('returns false if the first operand is equal to the second', () => {
			chai.assert.isFalse(evaluateXPathToBoolean('1 lt 1'));
github FontoXML / fontoxpath / test / specs / parsing / operators / numeric / Unary.tests.ts View on Github external
it('returns a float when given a float', () =>
			evaluateXPathToBoolean('-(xs:float("1.5")) instance of xs:float', documentNode)