How to use the fibers.fibersCreated function in fibers

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fibers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github meteor / promise / test / tests.js View on Github external
it("should not double-wrap callbacks", Promise.async(function () {
    // Consume all fibers currently in the pool, so that we can detect how many
    // new fibers are created after that point.
    var done = new Future();
    var origCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    while (Fiber.fibersCreated == origCount) {
      // Force creation of a new fiber that blocks until we're done.
      var ready = new Future();
      Promise.asyncApply(function () {
      ready.wait();  // Make sure fiber is running before we continue.

    // OK, we're now in a situation where a Promise.then() should create
    // *one* new fiber.
    var baseCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    // Create some named no-op promises and callbacks. I'm assigning names
    // to these so that the comments below are easier to read.
    var promise1 = Promise.resolve();
github meteor / promise / test / tests.js View on Github external
it("should not double-wrap callbacks", Promise.async(function () {
    // Consume all fibers currently in the pool, so that we can detect how many
    // new fibers are created after that point.
    var done = new Future();
    var origCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    while (Fiber.fibersCreated == origCount) {
      // Force creation of a new fiber that blocks until we're done.
      var ready = new Future();
      Promise.asyncApply(function () {
      ready.wait();  // Make sure fiber is running before we continue.

    // OK, we're now in a situation where a Promise.then() should create
    // *one* new fiber.
    var baseCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    // Create some named no-op promises and callbacks. I'm assigning names
github meteor / promise / test / tests.js View on Github external
var done = new Future();
    var origCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    while (Fiber.fibersCreated == origCount) {
      // Force creation of a new fiber that blocks until we're done.
      var ready = new Future();
      Promise.asyncApply(function () {
      ready.wait();  // Make sure fiber is running before we continue.

    // OK, we're now in a situation where a Promise.then() should create
    // *one* new fiber.
    var baseCount = Fiber.fibersCreated;

    // Create some named no-op promises and callbacks. I'm assigning names
    // to these so that the comments below are easier to read.
    var promise1 = Promise.resolve();
    var promise2 = Promise.resolve();
    var returnPromise2 = function () { return promise2; };
    var cb = function () {};

    // Make sure this didn't create any fibers.
    assert.strictEqual(baseCount, Fiber.fibersCreated);

    // This should create one fiber, and return it to the pool.
    // Note that you can remove these two lines and the test still works and
    // tests the right thing. This is just checking my assumptions.
    assert.strictEqual(baseCount + 1, Fiber.fibersCreated);
github meteor / promise / test / tests.js View on Github external
// Create some named no-op promises and callbacks. I'm assigning names
    // to these so that the comments below are easier to read.
    var promise1 = Promise.resolve();
    var promise2 = Promise.resolve();
    var returnPromise2 = function () { return promise2; };
    var cb = function () {};

    // Make sure this didn't create any fibers.
    assert.strictEqual(baseCount, Fiber.fibersCreated);

    // This should create one fiber, and return it to the pool.
    // Note that you can remove these two lines and the test still works and
    // tests the right thing. This is just checking my assumptions.
    assert.strictEqual(baseCount + 1, Fiber.fibersCreated);

    // This should NOT create a another fiber. It should reuse the fiber
    // created by the above block. However, if callback double-wrapping
    // is not prevented, then cb will end up being wrapped *twice*, and
    // thus *two* fibers will be created at the same time.
    // What happens is:
    // * .then(cb) wraps cb (let's call the wrapped version wcb) and passes
    //   it on to the Promise implementation.
    // * On next tick, promise1 "completes", so returnPromise2() is called.
    // * Since it returns a promise (promise2), the Promise implementation
    //   calls promise2.then(wcb) -- forwarding the callback on to the next
    //   promise in the chain.
    // * Our monkey-patched .then() is used here. If we don't detect that
    //   the callback is already wrapped, we'll end up wrapping it again!
    var promise3 = promise1.then(returnPromise2);
github sandstorm-io / sandstorm / shell / server / 00-startup.js View on Github external
function sampleStackIfTooManyFibers() {
    if (Fiber.fibersCreated > TOO_MANY_FIBERS && sampleCounter++ % FIBER_SAMPLING_PERIOD == 0) {
      const stack = new Error().stack;
      console.warn("There are too many fibers!", stack);