How to use the fabric.fabric.Path function in fabric

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fabric examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FelixHenninger / lab.js / packages / builder / src / components / ComponentOptions / components / Content / Canvas / components / fabric / overlay.js View on Github external
export default (width, height, viewPort) => {
  const overlay = new fabric.StaticCanvas()
    width: width + 20, height: height + 20,

  // Transform coordinate system
    1, 0, 0, 1,
    width/2 + 10, height/2 + 10

  // Draw viewport margin ------------------------------------------------------
  const vp = new fabric.Path(
    `M ${ -width/2 - 10 } ${ -height/2 - 10 } ` +
    `L ${ -width/2 - 10 } ${ +height/2 + 10 } ` +
    `L ${ +width/2 + 10 } ${ +height/2 + 10 } ` +
    `L ${ +width/2 + 10 } ${ -height/2 - 10 } ` +
    `L ${ -width/2 - 10 } ${ -height/2 - 10 } z ` +
    // Lines are offset here to make them sharp
    `M ${ -viewPort[0]/2 - 0.5 } ${ -viewPort[1]/2 - 0.5 } ` +
    `L ${ +viewPort[0]/2 - 0.5 } ${ -viewPort[1]/2 - 0.5 } ` +
    `L ${ +viewPort[0]/2 - 0.5 } ${ +viewPort[1]/2 - 0.5 } ` +
    `L ${ -viewPort[0]/2 - 0.5 } ${ +viewPort[1]/2 - 0.5 } ` +
    `L ${ -viewPort[0]/2 - 0.5 } ${ -viewPort[1]/2 - 0.5 } z`
  console.log('width/height', width, height)

  vp.setOptions({ fill: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)' })
github Objelisks / lsystembot / lsystem.js View on Github external
'F': () => { point.x += Math.cos(a)*dist; point.y += Math.sin(a)*dist; pathStr += ` L ${point.x} ${point.y}`; },
    '+': () => { a -= angle; },
    '-': () => { a += angle; },
    '[': () => { stack.push({point: {x: point.x, y: point.y}, a: a}); },
    ']': () => { ({point: point, a: a} = stack.pop()); pathStr += ` M ${point.x} ${point.y}`; }
  var commands = string.replace(/[^F+-\[\]]/g, '').split('');
  commands.forEach((cmd) => {
    var move = translations[cmd];
    if(move) {
  let path = new fabric.Path(pathStr);
  path.stroke = fgColor;
  path.strokeLineCap = 'round';
  path.strokeLineJoin = 'round';
  path.fill = 'none';
  canvas.backgroundColor = bgColor;
  let bounds = path.getBoundingRect();
  if(bounds.width === 1 || bounds.height === 1) return null;
  bounds = path.getBoundingRect();
  if(isNaN(bounds.width) || isNaN(bounds.height)) return null;

  return canvas.nodeCanvas.toBuffer();
github nhn / tui.image-editor / src / js / component / icon.js View on Github external
_createIcon(path) {
        return new fabric.Path(path);
github apache / incubator-nemo / webui / components / jobs / detail / DAG.vue View on Github external
g.edges().map(e => g.edge(e)).forEach(edge => {
          let path = this.drawSVGEdgeWithArrow(edge);

          let pathObj = new fabric.Path(path);
            metricId: edge.label,
            fill: 'transparent',
            stroke: 'black',
            strokeWidth: INTRA_STAGE_EDGE_STROKE_WIDTH,
            perPixelTargetFind: true,
            hasControls: false,
            hasRotatingPoint: false,
            lockMovementX: true,
            lockMovementY: true,
