How to use the fabric-common.Client.newClient function in fabric-common

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github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / ts-scenario / steps / lib / utility / clientUtils.ts View on Github external
export async function createAdminClient(clientName: string, ccp: CommonConnectionProfileHelper, clientOrg: string): Promise {

	// check if the client already exists
	const clientMap: Map | undefined = stateStore.get(Constants.CLIENTS);

	if (clientMap && clientMap.has(clientName)) {
		BaseUtils.logMsg(`Client named ${clientName} already exists`);
	} else {
		BaseUtils.logMsg(`Creating client named ${clientName} for organization ${clientOrg}`);

		// Get a user
		const user: User = createAdminUserForOrg(ccp, clientOrg);

		// Form client with user
		const client: Client = Client.newClient(clientName);
		const enrollResponse: FabricCAServices.IEnrollResponse = await getTlsEnrollmentResponseForOrgUser(user, clientOrg, ccp);
		client.setTlsClientCertAndKey(enrollResponse.certificate, enrollResponse.key.toBytes());

		// persist client in state store for use later
		if (clientMap) {
			clientMap.set(clientName, { client, user, ccp, clientOrg });
		} else {
			const map: Map = new Map();
			map.set(clientName, { client, user, ccp, clientOrg });
			stateStore.set(Constants.CLIENTS, map);
		BaseUtils.logMsg(`Created client named ${clientName} and persisted in state store`);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / scenario / features / steps / base_steps.js View on Github external
async (chaincode_name, channel_name) => {
			const step = 'NodeSDK-Base Endorsement';

			testUtil.logMsg(format('\n\n%s - STARTING\n', step));
			// building a user object will be external to the new NodeSDK-Base
			const user = getUser();

			// This is like the old Client object in that it will be the starting point for
			// building the client objects needed by the application.  The result client
			// instance will be used to create channels and store the client side connection
			// information like the GRPC settings and the client side Mutual TLS cert and key.
			const client = Client.newClient('myclient');
			const tlsEnrollment = await getTLS_enrollment(user);
			client.setTlsClientCertAndKey(tlsEnrollment.cert, tlsEnrollment.key);
			// The channel object will be used to represent the peers and orderers
			// and channel event hubs, the fabric network of the channel. Will be used
			// to build any channel related protos (channel header). Will be the focal
			// point for endorsements and queries on the channel. The channel object
			// must be built by the client so that any peer or orderer object created
			// by the discovery action on the channel will be able to get the connection
			// information.
			const channel = client.newChannel(channel_name);

			// The peers and orderers will be built by the client so that common
			// connection information will come from the client object, like the mutual TLS cert/key
			const peer1 = client.newEndorser('peer1');
			const peer2 = client.newEndorser('peer2');
			const orderer = client.newCommitter('orderer');
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / scenario / features / steps / base_steps.js View on Github external
async (chaincode_name, channel_name) => {
			const step = 'NodeSDK-Base transient';

			testUtil.logMsg(format('\n\n%s - STARTING\n', step));
			const user = getUser();
			const client = Client.newClient('myclient');
			const tlsEnrollment = await getTLS_enrollment(user);
			client.setTlsClientCertAndKey(tlsEnrollment.cert, tlsEnrollment.key);
			const channel = client.newChannel(channel_name);
			const peer1 = client.newEndorser('peer1');
			const peer2 = client.newEndorser('peer2');

			try {
				const idx = client.newIdentityContext(user);
				const peer1_endpoint =  client.newEndpoint({
					url: 'grpcs://localhost:7051',
					pem: getPeer1_pem(),
					'ssl-target-name-override': ''

				await peer1.connect(peer1_endpoint);
				if (await peer1.checkConnection()) {
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / scenario / features / steps / base_steps.js View on Github external
async (channel_name) => {
			const step = 'NodeSDK-Base full block events with replay';
			testUtil.logMsg(format('\n\n%s - STARTING\n', step));
			const user = getUser();
			const client = Client.newClient('myclient');
			const tlsEnrollment = await getTLS_enrollment(user);
			client.setTlsClientCertAndKey(tlsEnrollment.cert, tlsEnrollment.key);
			const channel = client.newChannel(channel_name);
			const eventer = client.newEventer('peer1-events');

			try {
				const idx = client.newIdentityContext(user);
				const peer1_endpoint =  client.newEndpoint({
					url: 'grpcs://localhost:7051',
					pem: getPeer1_pem(),
					'ssl-target-name-override': ''
				try {
					await eventer.connect(peer1_endpoint);
				} catch (error) {
					testUtil.logError(`Failed to connect to channel event hub ${}`);