How to use expo-constants - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few expo-constants examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github alan-ai / alan-sdk-reactnative / testtools / node_modules / expo-linking / src / Linking.ts View on Github external
// We don't have a manifest in bare workflow except after publishing, so warn people in development.
  if (!Constants.manifest) {
      'Linking.makeUrl is not supported in bare workflow. Switch to using your scheme string directly.'
    return '';

  let scheme = 'exp';
  const manifestScheme = manifest.scheme ?? manifest?.detach?.scheme;

  if (Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' && manifestScheme) {
    scheme = manifestScheme;
  } else if (Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' && !manifestScheme) {
    throw new Error('Cannot make a deep link into a standalone app with no custom scheme defined');
  } else if (Constants.appOwnership === 'expo' && !manifestScheme) {
      'Linking requires that you provide a `scheme` in app.json for standalone apps - if it is left blank, your app may crash. The scheme does not apply to development in the Expo client but you should add it as soon as you start working with Linking to avoid creating a broken build. Add a `scheme` to silence this warning. Learn more about Linking at'

  let hostUri = getHostUri() || '';
  if (usesCustomScheme() && isExpoHosted()) {
    hostUri = '';

  if (path) {
    if (isExpoHosted() && hostUri) {
      path = `/--/${removeLeadingSlash(path)}`;
    if (!path.startsWith('/')) {
      path = `/${path}`;
github alan-ai / alan-sdk-reactnative / testtools / node_modules / expo-linking / src / Linking.ts View on Github external
return encodeURI(`${origin}${outputPath}${queryString}`);

  // We don't have a manifest in bare workflow except after publishing, so warn people in development.
  if (!Constants.manifest) {
      'Linking.makeUrl is not supported in bare workflow. Switch to using your scheme string directly.'
    return '';

  let scheme = 'exp';
  const manifestScheme = manifest.scheme ?? manifest?.detach?.scheme;

  if (Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' && manifestScheme) {
    scheme = manifestScheme;
  } else if (Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' && !manifestScheme) {
    throw new Error('Cannot make a deep link into a standalone app with no custom scheme defined');
  } else if (Constants.appOwnership === 'expo' && !manifestScheme) {
      'Linking requires that you provide a `scheme` in app.json for standalone apps - if it is left blank, your app may crash. The scheme does not apply to development in the Expo client but you should add it as soon as you start working with Linking to avoid creating a broken build. Add a `scheme` to silence this warning. Learn more about Linking at'

  let hostUri = getHostUri() || '';
  if (usesCustomScheme() && isExpoHosted()) {
    hostUri = '';

  if (path) {
    if (isExpoHosted() && hostUri) {
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should raise an error when lead to an incompatible type', () => {
        if (Constants.platform && Constants.platform.ios) {
          // $ExpectError
          (Constants.platform.ios.buildNumber: number);
          // $ExpectError
          (Constants.platform.ios.platform: number);
          // $ExpectError
          (Constants.platform.ios.model: number);
          // $ExpectError
          (Constants.platform.ios.userInterfaceIdiom: number);
          // $ExpectError
          (Constants.platform.ios.systemVersion: number);
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should have versionCode prop', () => {
        if (Constants.platform && {
          ( number);

          // $ExpectError: check any
          ( boolean);
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should raise an error when lead to an incompatible type', () => {
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.debugMode: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.deviceName: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.deviceYearClass: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.experienceUrl: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.expoRuntimeVersion: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.expoVersion: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDetached: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.intentUri: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.installationId: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDevice: 'ups...');
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should raise an error when lead to an incompatible type', () => {
    // $ExpectError
    (Constants.deviceId: boolean);
    // $ExpectError
    (Constants.linkingUrl: boolean);
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should passes when used properly', () => {
      Constants.getWebViewUserAgentAsync().then(ua => {
        if (ua !== null) {
          (ua: string);

          // $ExpectError: check any
          (ua: number);
        } else {
          (ua: null);
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
it('should raise an error when lead to an incompatible type', () => {
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.debugMode: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.deviceName: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.deviceYearClass: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.experienceUrl: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.expoRuntimeVersion: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.expoVersion: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDetached: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.intentUri: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.installationId: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDevice: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isHeadless: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.linkingUri: 'ups...');
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / expo-constants_v4.x.x / flow_v0.69.0-v0.103.x / test_expo-constants.js View on Github external
// $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDetached: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.intentUri: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.installationId: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isDevice: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.isHeadless: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.linkingUri: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.sessionId: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.statusBarHeight: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.systemVersion: 'ups...');
      // $ExpectError
      (Constants.systemFonts: 'ups...');
github expo / expo / apps / test-suite / TestUtils.js View on Github external
// Requires interaction (sign in popup)
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/GoogleSignIn')));
    // Popup to request device's location which uses Google's location service
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Location')));
    // Fails to redirect because of malformed URL in published version with release channel parameter
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Linking')));
    // Has uncontrolled view controllers
    // Requires permission
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Calendar')));
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Permissions')));
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/MediaLibrary')));
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Notifications')));

    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Battery')));
    if (Constants.isDevice) {
      modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Brightness')));
    // Crashes app when mounting component
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Video')));
    // "sdkUnversionedTestSuite failed: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method
    // 'java.util.Map org.unimodules.interfaces.taskManager.TaskInterface.getOptions()' on a null object reference"
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/TaskManager')));
    // Audio tests are flaky in CI due to asynchronous fetching of resources
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Audio')));
    // The Camera tests are flaky on iOS, i.e. they fail randomly
    if (Constants.isDevice && Platform.OS === 'android')
      modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Camera')));
  if (Constants.isDevice) {
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/Cellular')));
    modules.push(optionalRequire(() => require('./tests/BarCodeScanner')));