How to use the execa.execa function in execa

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few execa examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tunnckoCore / opensource / @tunnckocore / execa / src / index.js View on Github external
* main();
 * @name  execa
 * @param {string} file executable to run
 * @param {Array} args arguments / flags to be passed to `file`
 * @param {object} options optional options, passed to `child_process`'s methods
 * @public

function execa(file, args, options) {
  // ! this is just a tweak because the docs generation (parse-comments bugs)...
  return execaOrig(file, args, options);

// ! this is just a tweak because the docs generation (parse-comments bugs)...
execaOrig.execa = execa;

// ! this is just a tweak because the docs generation (parse-comments bugs)...
export default execaOrig;