How to use the event-target-shim function in event-target-shim

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few event-target-shim examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc / MediaDevices.js View on Github external
'use strict';

import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';
import EventTarget from 'event-target-shim';

import getUserMedia from './getUserMedia';

const {WebRTCModule} = NativeModules;


class MediaDevices extends EventTarget(MEDIA_DEVICES_EVENTS) {
    // TODO: implement.
    ondevicechange: ?Function;

     * W3C "Media Capture and Streams" compatible {@code enumerateDevices}
     * implementation.
    enumerateDevices() {
        return new Promise(resolve => WebRTCModule.enumerateDevices(resolve));

     * W3C "Media Capture and Streams" compatible {@code getUserMedia}
     * implementation.
     * See:
github react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc / RTCDataChannel.js View on Github external
'connecting' |
  'open' |
  'closing' |


class ResourceInUse extends Error {}

export default class RTCDataChannel extends EventTarget(DATA_CHANNEL_EVENTS) {

  _peerConnectionId: number;

  binaryType: 'arraybuffer' = 'arraybuffer'; // we only support 'arraybuffer'
  bufferedAmount: number = 0;
  bufferedAmountLowThreshold: number = 0;
  id: number;
  label: string;
  maxPacketLifeTime: ?number = null;
  maxRetransmits: ?number = null;
  negotiated: boolean = false;
  ordered: boolean = true;
  protocol: string = '';
  readyState: RTCDataChannelState = 'connecting';

  onopen: ?Function;
github react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc / MediaStreamTrack.js View on Github external
  // see:

type MediaStreamTrackState = "live" | "ended";

type SourceInfo = {
  id: string;
  label: string;
  facing: string;
  kind: string;

class MediaStreamTrack extends EventTarget(MEDIA_STREAM_TRACK_EVENTS) {
  _enabled: boolean;
  id: string;
  kind: string;
  label: string;
  muted: boolean;
  readonly: boolean; // how to decide?
  // readyState in java: INITIALIZING, LIVE, ENDED, FAILED
  readyState: MediaStreamTrackState;
  remote: boolean;

  onended: ?Function;
  onmute: ?Function;
  onunmute: ?Function;
  overconstrained: ?Function;

  constructor(info) {
github react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc / RTCPeerConnection.js View on Github external
  // Peer-to-peer Data API:
  // old:

let nextPeerConnectionId = 0;

export default class RTCPeerConnection extends EventTarget(PEER_CONNECTION_EVENTS) {
  localDescription: RTCSessionDescription;
  remoteDescription: RTCSessionDescription;

  signalingState: RTCSignalingState = 'stable';
  iceGatheringState: RTCIceGatheringState = 'new';
  iceConnectionState: RTCIceConnectionState = 'new';

  onconnectionstatechange: ?Function;
  onicecandidate: ?Function;
  onicecandidateerror: ?Function;
  oniceconnectionstatechange: ?Function;
  onicegatheringstatechange: ?Function;
  onnegotiationneeded: ?Function;
  onsignalingstatechange: ?Function;

  onaddstream: ?Function;
github react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc / MediaStream.js View on Github external
import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';
import EventTarget from 'event-target-shim';
import uuid from 'uuid';

import MediaStreamTrack from './MediaStreamTrack';

const {WebRTCModule} = NativeModules;


export default class MediaStream extends EventTarget(MEDIA_STREAM_EVENTS) {
  id: string;
  active: boolean = true;

  onactive: ?Function;
  oninactive: ?Function;
  onaddtrack: ?Function;
  onremovetrack: ?Function;

  _tracks: Array = [];

   * The identifier of this MediaStream unique within the associated
   * WebRTCModule instance. As the id of a remote MediaStream instance is unique
   * only within the associated RTCPeerConnection, it is not sufficiently unique
   * to identify this MediaStream across multiple RTCPeerConnections and to
   * unambiguously differentiate it from a local MediaStream instance not added
github shiguredo / react-native-webrtc-kit / src / PeerConnection / RTCPeerConnectionEventTarget.js View on Github external

 * @package
export default class RTCPeerConnectionEventTarget extends EventTarget(PEER_CONNECTION_EVENTS) { }


An implementation of WHATWG EventTarget interface.

Latest version published 4 years ago

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