How to use event-emitter-grouped - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few event-emitter-grouped examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bevry / kava / source / index.js View on Github external
		} else if (report) {

		if (error || report) {'finishTest', test, error)

// =================================
// Event Emitter Grouped

// Add event emitter grouped to our classes
) {
	Test.prototype[key] = Suite.prototype[key] =

// =================================
// Private Interface

 * Kava's Private Interface.
 * The reason we have a public and private interface is that we do not want tests being able to modify the test results.
 * As such, the private interface contains properties that must be mutable by the public interface, but not mutable by the bad tests.
 * @private
 * @namespace
github nfriedly / / node_modules / docpad / out / lib / docpad.js View on Github external
ambi = require('ambi');

TaskGroup = require('taskgroup').TaskGroup;

safefs = require('safefs');

safeps = require('safeps');

util = require('util');

superAgent = require('superagent');

extractOptsAndCallback = require('extract-opts').extractOptsAndCallback;

EventEmitterGrouped = require('event-emitter-grouped').EventEmitterGrouped;

_ref = require('./base'), queryEngine = _ref.queryEngine, Backbone = _ref.Backbone, Events = _ref.Events, Model = _ref.Model, Collection = _ref.Collection, View = _ref.View, QueryCollection = _ref.QueryCollection;

FileModel = require('./models/file');

DocumentModel = require('./models/document');

FilesCollection = require('./collections/files');

ElementsCollection = require('./collections/elements');

MetaCollection = require('./collections/meta');

ScriptsCollection = require('./collections/scripts');

StylesCollection = require('./collections/styles');
github lorenwest / node-monitor / node_modules / docpad / out / lib / docpad.js View on Github external
ambi = require('ambi');

TaskGroup = require('taskgroup').TaskGroup;

safefs = require('safefs');

safeps = require('safeps');

util = require('util');

superAgent = require('superagent');

extractOptsAndCallback = require('extract-opts').extractOptsAndCallback;

EventEmitterGrouped = require('event-emitter-grouped').EventEmitterGrouped;

_ref = require('./base'), queryEngine = _ref.queryEngine, Backbone = _ref.Backbone, Events = _ref.Events, Model = _ref.Model, Collection = _ref.Collection, View = _ref.View, QueryCollection = _ref.QueryCollection;

FileModel = require('./models/file');

DocumentModel = require('./models/document');

FilesCollection = require('./collections/files');

ElementsCollection = require('./collections/elements');

MetaCollection = require('./collections/meta');

ScriptsCollection = require('./collections/scripts');

StylesCollection = require('./collections/styles');
github bevry / kava / source / index.js View on Github external
) {
	Test.prototype[key] = Suite.prototype[key] =


Emit events in serial or parallel with support for synchronous and asynchronous listeners

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