How to use the esprima-fb.Syntax.Literal function in esprima-fb

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few esprima-fb examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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var prototypeOrStatic = methodNode.static ? '' : '.prototype';
    var objectAccessor = state.className + prototypeOrStatic;

    if (methodNode.key.type === Syntax.Identifier) {
      // foo() {}
      methodAccessor =;
      if (_shouldMungeIdentifier(methodNode.key, state)) {
        methodAccessor = _getMungedName(methodAccessor, state);
      if (isGetter || isSetter) {
        methodAccessor = JSON.stringify(methodAccessor);
      } else if (reservedWordsHelper.isReservedWord(methodAccessor)) {
        methodAccessorComputed = true;
        methodAccessor = JSON.stringify(methodAccessor);
    } else if (methodNode.key.type === Syntax.Literal) {
      // 'foo bar'() {}  | get 'foo bar'() {} | set 'foo bar'() {}
      methodAccessor = JSON.stringify(methodNode.key.value);
      methodAccessorComputed = true;

    if (isSetter || isGetter) {
        'Object.defineProperty(' +
          objectAccessor + ',' +
          methodAccessor + ',' +
          '{configurable:true,' +
          methodNode.kind + ':function',
    } else {
      if (state.g.opts.es3) {
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    utils.append(quoteAttrName(name), state);
    utils.append(': ', state);

    if (!attr.value) {
      state.g.buffer += 'true';
      state.g.position =[1];
      if (!isLast) {
        utils.append(', ', state);
    } else {
      utils.move([1], state);
      // Use catchupNewlines to skip over the '=' in the attribute
      utils.catchupNewlines(attr.value.range[0], state);
      if (attr.value.type === Syntax.Literal) {
        renderJSXLiteral(attr.value, isLast, state);
      } else {
        renderJSXExpressionContainer(traverse, attr.value, isLast, path, state);

    utils.catchup(attr.range[1], state, trimLeft);

    previousWasSpread = false;
github facebookarchive / jstransform / visitors / es6-template-visitors.js View on Github external
// appear before the first and after the last element - nothing to add in
      // those cases.
      if (ii === 0) {
        utils.append('"" + ', state);
      if (ii > 0 && !templateElement.tail) {
        // + between substitution and substitution
        utils.append(' + ', state);

    utils.move(templateElement.range[1], state);
    if (!templateElement.tail) {
      var substitution = node.expressions[ii];
      if (substitution.type === Syntax.Identifier ||
          substitution.type === Syntax.Literal ||
          substitution.type === Syntax.MemberExpression ||
          substitution.type === Syntax.CallExpression) {
        utils.catchup(substitution.range[1], state);
      } else {
        utils.append('(', state);
        traverse(substitution, path, state);
        utils.catchup(substitution.range[1], state);
        utils.append(')', state);
      // if next templateElement isn't empty...
      if (templateElements[ii + 1].value.cooked !== '') {
        utils.append(' + ', state);
  utils.move(node.range[1], state);
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var objectAccessor = state.className + prototypeOrStatic;

    if (methodNode.key.type === Syntax.Identifier) {
      // foo() {}
      methodAccessor =;
      if (_shouldMungeIdentifier(methodNode.key, state)) {
        methodAccessor = _getMungedName(methodAccessor, state);
      if (isGetter || isSetter) {
        methodAccessor = JSON.stringify(methodAccessor);
      } else if (reservedWordsHelper.isReservedWord(methodAccessor)) {
        methodAccessor = '[' + JSON.stringify(methodAccessor) + ']';
      } else {
        methodAccessor = '.' + methodAccessor;
    } else if (methodNode.key.type === Syntax.Literal) {
      // 'foo bar'() {}  | get 'foo bar'() {} | set 'foo bar'() {}
      methodAccessor = JSON.stringify(methodNode.key.value);
      if (!(isGetter || isSetter)) {
        methodAccessor = '[' + methodAccessor + ']';

    if (isSetter || isGetter) {
        'Object.defineProperty(' +
          objectAccessor + ',' +
          methodAccessor + ',' +
          '{enumerable:true,configurable:true,' +
          methodNode.kind + ':function',
github facebook / react / vendor / fbtransform / transforms / react.js View on Github external
cxName: function(attr) {
    if (attr.value.type !== Syntax.Literal) {
      throw new Error("cx only accepts a string literal");
    } else {
      var classNames = attr.value.value.split(/\s+/g);
      return 'cx(' +',') + ')';
github facebook / emitter / vendor / fbtransform / transforms / react.js View on Github external
cxName: function(attr) {
    if (attr.value.type !== Syntax.Literal) {
      throw new Error("cx only accepts a string literal");
    } else {
      var classNames = attr.value.value.split(/\s+/g);
      return 'cx(' +',') + ')';
github facebook / react / npm-jsx_whitespace_transformer / transforms / react.js View on Github external
object.children.forEach(function(child, index) {
    if (child.type === Syntax.Literal) {
      codemodXJSLiteral(child, state);
    } else if (child.type === Syntax.XJSExpressionContainer) {
      var isNotAfterLiteral =
        index == 0 ||
        object.children[index - 1].type !== Syntax.Literal;

      var isNotBeforeLiteral =
        index == object.children.length - 1 ||
        object.children[index + 1].type !== Syntax.Literal;

    } else {
      traverse(child, path, state);
github bosonic / bosonic / tools / transpiler / templates.js View on Github external
children.forEach(function(child) {
            if (child.type === Syntax.Literal) {
                utils.append(state.currentParent + '.appendChild(document.createTextNode("' + child.raw + '"));\n', state);
            } else {
                traverse(child, path, state);

            utils.move(child.range[1], state);
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childrenToRender.forEach(function(child, index) {
      utils.catchup(child.range[0], state, trimLeft);

      var isLast = index >= lastRenderableIndex;

      if (child.type === Syntax.Literal) {
        renderJSXLiteral(child, isLast, state);
      } else if (child.type === Syntax.JSXExpressionContainer) {
        renderJSXExpressionContainer(traverse, child, isLast, path, state);
      } else {
        traverse(child, path, state);
        if (!isLast) {
          utils.append(', ', state);

      utils.catchup(child.range[1], state, trimLeft);
github facebook / react / vendor / fbtransform / transforms / react.js View on Github external
object.children.forEach(function(child) {
      if (child.type === Syntax.Literal && !child.value.match(/\S/)) {
      utils.catchup(child.range[0], state);

      var isLast = child === childrenToRender[childrenToRender.length - 1];

      if (child.type === Syntax.Literal) {
        renderXJSLiteral(child, isLast, state);
      } else if (child.type === Syntax.XJSExpressionContainer) {
        renderXJSExpressionContainer(traverse, child, isLast, path, state);
      } else {
        utils.traverse(child, path, state);
        if (!isLast) {
          utils.append(',', state);
          state.g.buffer = state.g.buffer.replace(/(\s*),$/, ',$1');

      utils.catchup(child.range[1], state);