How to use the esp-js.EspDecoratorUtil.getAllEvents function in esp-js

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objectsToScanForHandlers.forEach(objectToScanForHandlers => {
                // create a new handler map which has the eventType as the key
                // we could just omit the decorator and just use function names, but there can be more than one decorators on a function
                let events: EventObservationMetadata[] = EspDecoratorUtil.getAllEvents(objectToScanForHandlers);
                events.forEach(metadata => {
                    // copy the decorated function to our new map
                    const handler = objectToScanForHandlers[metadata.functionName].bind(objectToScanForHandlers);
                    handlerMap[metadata.eventType] = (state: any, event: any, store: any) => {
                        if (!metadata.predicate || metadata.predicate(state, event, store)) {
                            return handler(state, event, store);
            this._stateHandlerMaps.set(stateName, handlerMap);
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this._eventStreamHandlerObjects.forEach(objectToScanForObservables => {
            const metadata: EventObservationMetadata[] = EspDecoratorUtil.getAllEvents(objectToScanForObservables);

            // group by the function name as there may be multiple events being observed by 1 function
            let metadataGroupedByFunction: { [functionName: string]: EventObservationMetadata[] } = metadata.reduce(
                (result, m) => {
                    (result[m.functionName] = result[m.functionName] || []).push(m);
                    return result;
            Object.keys(metadataGroupedByFunction).forEach(functionName => {
                const metadataForFunction: EventObservationMetadata[] = metadataGroupedByFunction[functionName];
                // When using decorators the function may declare multiple decorators,
                // they may use a different observation stage. Given that, we subscribe to the router separately
                // and pump the final observable into our handling function to subscribe to.
                const inputEventStream = Rx.Observable.merge( => this._observeEvent(m.eventType, m.observationStage)));
                const outputEventStream = objectToScanForObservables[functionName](inputEventStream);