How to use the eslint.CLIEngine.getFormatter function in eslint

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few eslint examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github postmanlabs / postman-runtime / npm / test-lint.js View on Github external
function (report, next) {
            var errorReport = ESLintCLIEngine.getErrorResults(report.results);

            // log the result to CLI
            // log the success of the parser if it has no errors
            (errorReport && !errorReport.length) &&'eslint ok!'.green);
            // ensure that the exit code is non zero in case there was an error
            next(Number(errorReport && errorReport.length) || 0);
    ], exit);
github postmanlabs / newman / npm / test-lint.js View on Github external
function (report, next) {
            var errorReport = ESLintCLIEngine.getErrorResults(report.results);
            // log the result to CLI
            // log the success of the parser if it has no errors
            (errorReport && !errorReport.length) &&'eslint ok!'.green);
            // ensure that the exit code is non zero in case there was an error
            next(Number(errorReport && errorReport.length) || 0);
    ], exit);
github blogfoster / blogfoster-scripts / scripts / lint.js View on Github external
  useEslintrc: false,
  fix: !args.check,

const report = engine.executeOnFiles([target]);
let errorCount = report.errorCount;

if (!args.check) {
  // Write any fixes to disk
  errorCount -= report.fixableErrorCount;

// Print the linting results
const formatter = CLIEngine.getFormatter();
const output = formatter(report.results);

if (errorCount > 0) {
github adidas / htmplar / src / tasks / lint.js View on Github external

  const lintingOptions = {};

  if (cliOptions) {
    cliOptions.forEach((option, index) => {
      if (option.startsWith('--')) {
        lintingOptions[option.replace('--', '')] = cliOptions[index + 1];

  const cli = new CLIEngine(options);

  const report = cli.executeOnFiles([ source ]);
  const formatter = CLIEngine.getFormatter();


  // stop all remaining process when error occurred
  if (report.errorCount > 0 && lintingOptions.exitOnError === 'true') {
    warn('Further commands stopped due to errors in linting. Please fix them in order to continue!');
    info('If you do not want to stop process due to the errors, you can set "exitOnError: false" in linting options.');
github adametry / gulp-eslint / util.js View on Github external
exports.resolveFormatter = (formatter) => {
	// use ESLint to look up formatter references
	if (typeof formatter !== 'function') {
		// load formatter (module, relative to cwd, ESLint formatter)
		formatter =	CLIEngine.getFormatter(formatter) || formatter;

	return formatter;
github goto-bus-stop / standard-action / index.js View on Github external
function printResults (results, formatStyle) {
  const formatter = CLIEngine.getFormatter(formatStyle)
  console.log(formatter(results.results, {}))
github b-mueller / sabre / lib / report.js View on Github external
const getFormatter = (name) => {
    const custom = ['text'];

    if (custom.includes(name)) {
        name = path.join(__dirname, 'formatters/', name + '.js');

    return eslintCliEngine.getFormatter(name);
github x-orpheus / elint / src / workers / eslint / formatter.js View on Github external
'use strict'

const CLIEngine = require('eslint').CLIEngine
const stylish = CLIEngine.getFormatter('stylish')

 * @typedef {Object} ESLintResultMessage
 * @property {string} ruleId rules名
 * @property {number} severity 错误级别
 * @property {string} message 提示
 * @property {number} line 开始行号
 * @property {number} column 开始列号
 * @property {string} nodeType nodeType
 * @property {number} endLine 结束行号
 * @property {number} endColumn 结束列号

 * @typedef {Object} ESLintResult