How to use the entities.encodeXML function in entities

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few entities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cheeriojs / dom-serializer / index.js View on Github external
function renderText(elem, opts) {
  var data = || '';

  // if entities weren't decoded, no need to encode them back
  if (
    opts.decodeEntities &&
    !(elem.parent && in unencodedElements)
  ) {
    data = entities.encodeXML(data);

  return data;
github cheeriojs / dom-serializer / index.js View on Github external
for (var key in attributes) {
    value = attributes[key];
    if (output) {
      output += ' ';

    if (opts.xmlMode === 'foreign') {
      /* fix up mixed-case attribute names */
      key = foreignNames.attributeNames[key] || key;
    output += key;
    if ((value !== null && value !== '') || opts.xmlMode) {
      output +=
        '="' +
          ? entities.encodeXML(value)
          : value.replace(/\"/g, '"')) +

  return output;
github arangodb / arangodb / js / node / node_modules / jshint / node_modules / htmlparser2 / node_modules / domutils / node_modules / dom-serializer / index.js View on Github external
function renderText(elem, opts) {
  var data = || '';

  // if entities weren't decoded, no need to encode them back
  if (opts.decodeEntities && !(elem.parent && in unencodedElements)) {
    data = entities.encodeXML(data);

  return data;
github Evinyatar / pith / plugins / upnp-mediaserver / plugin.js View on Github external
mapObject(channel, item, parentId, channelId) {
        return ({
            id: `channel:${}:${}`,
            parentId: item.parentId ? `channel:${}:${item.parentId}` : parentId,
            updateId: 0,
            type: item.type === 'container' ? 'container' : 'item',
            properties: this.toDidl(item),
            resources: [
                item.playable && {
                    uri: `${Global.rootUrl}/rest/channel/${channelId}/redirect/${encodeURIComponent(}`,
                    protocolInfo: `http-get:*:${item.mimetype}:DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0`
                item.poster ? {
                    uri: entities.encodeXML(cache(item.poster)),
                    protocolInfo: "*:poster:*"
                } : undefined,
                item.backdrop ? {
                    uri: entities.encodeXML(cache(item.backdrop)),
                    protocolInfo: "*:fanart:*"
                } : undefined
github Evinyatar / pith / plugins / upnp-mediarenderer / plugin.js View on Github external
await wrap(cb => {
                InstanceID: 0,
                CurrentURI: mediaUrl,
            }, cb)
github Evinyatar / pith / plugins / upnp-mediaserver / services / ContentDirectory.js View on Github external
function buildItem(object) {
            return `<${object.type} id="${entities.encodeXML(}" parentID="${entities.encodeXML(object.parentId.toString())}" restricted="1" searchable="0">${toXml(}${buildResources(object.resources)}`;
github cheeriojs / cheerio / lib / render.js View on Github external
var renderText = function(elem) {
  return entities.encodeXML( || '');
github ecomfe / okam / packages / okam-build / lib / processor / template / serializer / index.js View on Github external
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(key => {
        value = attributes[key];
        if (output) {
            output += ' ';

        let isBoolAttr = value && typeof value === 'boolean';
        if (isBoolAttr) {
            output += key;
        else {
            output += key + '="' + (opts.decodeEntities ? entities.encodeXML(value) : value) + '"';