How to use the enhanced-resolve.CachedInputFileSystem function in enhanced-resolve

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few enhanced-resolve examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ef4 / ember-auto-import / packages / ember-auto-import / ts / splitter.ts View on Github external
import { shallowEqual } from './util';
import { flatten, partition, values } from 'lodash';
import {
} from 'enhanced-resolve';
import pkgUp from 'pkg-up';
import { dirname } from 'path';
import BundleConfig from './bundle-config';
import { AbstractInputFileSystem } from 'enhanced-resolve/lib/common-types';

const debug = makeDebug('ember-auto-import:splitter');
const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
  // upstream types seem to be broken here
  fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000) as unknown as AbstractInputFileSystem,
  extensions: ['.js', '.json'],
  mainFields: ['browser', 'module', 'main']

export interface ResolvedImport {
  specifier: string;
  entrypoint: string;
  importedBy: Import[];

export interface BundleDependencies {
  staticImports: ResolvedImport[];
  dynamicImports: ResolvedImport[];

export interface SplitterOptions {
github Himenon / code-dependency / packages / resolver / src / resolve / resolveOptions.ts View on Github external
// symlink === !preserveSynlinks - but using it that way
    // breaks backwards compatibility
    // Someday we'll rely on this and remove the code that manually
    // does this in extract/resolve/index.js
    symlinks: false,
    // if a webpack config overrides extensions, there's probably
    // good cause. The scannableExtensions are an educated guess
    // anyway, that works well in most circumstances.
    // Note that if extract/transpile/index gets an unknown extension
    // passed, it'll fall back to the javascript parser
    extensions: [".js"],

    fileSystem: new enhancedResolve.CachedInputFileSystem(new enhancedResolve.NodeJsInputFileSystem(), CACHE_DURATION) as any, // TODO
    useSyncFileSystemCalls: true,

  const plugins: ResolverOption["plugins"] = [];

  if (extraOption.tsConfig) {
    plugins.push(new TsConfigPathsPlugin({ configFile: extraOption.tsConfig }));

  if (extraOption.externalModuleResolutionStrategy === "yarn-pnp") {

  return { ...DEFAULT_RESOLVE_OPTIONS, ...{ plugins }, ...option, ...NON_OVERRIDABLE_RESOLVE_OPTIONS };
github sverweij / dependency-cruiser / src / main / resolveOptions / normalize.js View on Github external
// for typescript projects that import stuff that's only in
  // node_modules/@types we need:
  // - the inclusion of .d.ts to the extensions (see above)
  // - an explicit inclusion of node_modules/@types to the spots
  //   to look for modules (in addition to "node_modules" which
  //   is the default for enhanced-resolve)
  modules: ["node_modules", "node_modules/@types"]

  // This should cover most of the bases of dependency-cruiser's
  // uses. Not overridable for now because for other
  // file systems it's not sure we can use sync system calls
  // Also: passing a non-cached filesystem makes performance
  // worse.
  fileSystem: new enhancedResolve.CachedInputFileSystem(
    new enhancedResolve.NodeJsInputFileSystem(),
  // our code depends on sync behavior, so having this
  // overriden is not an option
  useSyncFileSystemCalls: true

function pushPlugin(pPlugins, pPluginToPush) {
  return (pPlugins || []).concat(pPluginToPush);

function compileResolveOptions(pResolveOptions, pTSConfig) {
  let lResolveOptions = {};

  // TsConfigPathsPlugin requires a baseUrl to be present in the
github ark120202 / babel-lua / packages / babel-lua-module-resolver / __tests__ / index.js View on Github external
describe('LuaModuleResolverPlugin', () => {
  const luaRoot = __dirname;
  const localRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
  const context = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures');
  const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
    extensions: ['.js', '.lua'],
    fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
    plugins: [new LuaModuleResolverPlugin(localRoot, luaRoot)],
    useSyncFileSystemCalls: true,
  const resolve = request => resolver.resolveSync({}, context, request);

  test('should resolve relative to luaRoot', () => {

  test('should resolve .lua and .js', () => {

  test('should resolve node modules', () => {
github realywithoutname / mini-program-webpack-loader / src / utils.js View on Github external
module.exports.createResolver = function (compiler) {
  const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver(
        fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
        extensions: ['.js', '.json']

  return (context, request) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      resolver.resolve({}, context, request, {}, (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res))
github realywithoutname / mini-program-webpack-loader / new / MiniProgram.js View on Github external
createResolver (compiler) {
    const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver(
          fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
          extensions: ['.js', '.json']

    this.resolver = (context, request) => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        resolver.resolve({}, context, request, {}, (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res))
github didi / chameleon / packages / old-mvvm-pack / lib / ResolveFactory.js View on Github external
modules: [
      path.join(options.cmlRoot, '/node_modules')
    "unsafeCache": true,
    "mainFiles": ["index"],
    "aliasFields": ["browser"],
    "mainFields": ["browser", "module", "main"],
    "cacheWithContext": false}
  options.config = options.config || {}
  options.config.resolve = options.config.resolve || {};

  return ResolverFactory.createResolver(Object.assign(
      useSyncFileSystemCalls: true,
      fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000)

github mkg0 / jest-webpack-resolver / index.js View on Github external
    return obj;
  if (typeof webpackConfig === "function") {
    const config = webpackConfig();
    return config ? getWebpackResolveRules(config) : {};
  } else {
    return webpackConfig.resolve || {};

const resolveRules = getWebpackResolveRules(webpackConfig);
const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver(
      fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
      useSyncFileSystemCalls: true

module.exports = function(value, options) {
  return resolver.resolveSync({}, options.basedir, value);
github ef4 / ember-auto-import / ts / dep-finder.ts View on Github external
import resolve from 'resolve';
import { get } from 'lodash';
import { join, dirname } from 'path';
import {
} from 'enhanced-resolve';

const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver({
  fileSystem: new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
  extensions: ['.js', '.json'],
  mainFields: ['browser', 'module', 'main']

export default class DepFinder {
  private deps;
  private nonDevDeps;
  private pkgs = new Map();
  private paths = new Map();

  constructor(private project, private insideAddon) {
    let pkg = project.pkg;
    this.deps = Object.assign({}, pkg.dependencies, pkg.devDependencies);
    this.nonDevDeps = pkg.dependencies;
github jsless / postcss-import-resolver / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = (config = {}) => {
  const defaultConfig = {
    extensions: ['.css'],
    mainFields: ['style', 'main'],
    modules: ['node_modules'],
    fileSystem: config.fileSystem
      ? null
      : new CachedInputFileSystem(new NodeJsInputFileSystem(), 4000),
    useSyncFileSystemCalls: true
  const resolver = ResolverFactory.createResolver(
    Object.assign(defaultConfig, config)

  return (id, basedir) => resolver.resolveSync({}, basedir, id)