How to use the ember-data-storefront/-private/utils/get-key.shoeboxize function in ember-data-storefront

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_getStorefrontBoxedQuery(type, url, params) {
    let payload;
    let fastboot = this.get('fastboot');
    let isFastboot = fastboot && fastboot.get('isFastBoot');
    let shoebox = fastboot && fastboot.get('shoebox');
    let box = shoebox && shoebox.retrieve('ember-data-storefront');

    if (!isFastboot && box && box.queries && Object.keys(box.queries).length > 0) {
      let key = shoeboxize(cacheKey([type, url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+/, ''), params]));
      payload = box.queries[key];
      delete box.queries[key];

    return payload;