How to use the ember-data-model-fragments/attributes.fragment function in ember-data-model-fragments

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ember-data-model-fragments examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / data / models / twitch / ticket / model.js View on Github external
import { alias } from "@ember/object/computed";
import { get, computed } from "@ember/object";
import attr from "ember-data/attr";
import Model from "ember-data/model";
import { belongsTo } from "ember-data/relationships";
import { fragment } from "ember-data-model-fragments/attributes";
import Moment from "moment";

export default Model.extend({
	/** type {TwitchTicketProduct} */
	product: fragment( "twitch-ticket-product", { defaultValue: {} } ),
	/** type {TwitchTicketPurchaseProfile} */
	purchase_profile: fragment( "twitch-ticket-purchase-profile", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	/** @type ComputedProperty> */
	partner_login: belongsTo( "twitch-user", { async: true } ),

	access_end: attr( "date" ),
	access_start: attr( "date" ),
	expired: attr( "boolean" ),
	is_gift: attr( "boolean" ),

	/** @type ComputedProperty> */
	channel: alias( "" ),

	// load the chained PromiseProxy
	async loadChannel() {
		const user = this.partner_login;
github hashicorp / levant / vendor / / hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / node.js View on Github external
nodeClass: attr('string'),
  isDraining: attr('boolean'),
  schedulingEligibility: attr('string'),
  status: attr('string'),
  statusDescription: attr('string'),
  shortId: shortUUIDProperty('id'),
  modifyIndex: attr('number'),

  // Available from single response
  httpAddr: attr('string'),
  tlsEnabled: attr('boolean'),
  attributes: fragment('node-attributes'),
  meta: fragment('node-attributes'),
  resources: fragment('resources'),
  reserved: fragment('resources'),
  drainStrategy: fragment('drain-strategy'),

  isEligible: equal('schedulingEligibility', 'eligible'),

  address: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return ipParts(this.httpAddr).address;

  port: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return ipParts(this.httpAddr).port;

  isPartial: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return this.httpAddr == null;

  allocations: hasMany('allocations', { inverse: 'node' }),
github hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / node.js View on Github external
name: attr('string'),
  datacenter: attr('string'),
  nodeClass: attr('string'),
  isDraining: attr('boolean'),
  schedulingEligibility: attr('string'),
  status: attr('string'),
  statusDescription: attr('string'),
  shortId: shortUUIDProperty('id'),
  modifyIndex: attr('number'),

  // Available from single response
  httpAddr: attr('string'),
  tlsEnabled: attr('boolean'),
  attributes: fragment('node-attributes'),
  meta: fragment('node-attributes'),
  resources: fragment('resources'),
  reserved: fragment('resources'),
  drainStrategy: fragment('drain-strategy'),

  isEligible: equal('schedulingEligibility', 'eligible'),

  address: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return ipParts(this.httpAddr).address;

  port: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return ipParts(this.httpAddr).port;

  isPartial: computed('httpAddr', function() {
    return this.httpAddr == null;
github offirgolan / ember-data-copyable / tests / helpers / define-models.js View on Github external
      fooCycles: hasMany('foo-cycle', assign({ inverse: null }, options))

    'foo-transform': CopyableModel.extend({
      property: attr('string'),
      object: attr('object')

    'foo-fragment': Fragment.extend({
      name: attr('string')

    'foo-fragment-holder': CopyableModel.extend({
      foos: fragmentArray('fooFragment'),
      bar: fragment('fooFragment')

  Object.keys(Models).forEach(name => {
    let moduleName = `${config.modulePrefix}/models/${name}`;

    if (requirejs.entries[moduleName]) {

    define(moduleName, [], () => ({ default: Models[name] }));

  return Models;
github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / data / models / settings / model.js View on Github external
import { get, set } from "@ember/object";
import { on } from "@ember/object/evented";
import attr from "ember-data/attr";
import Model from "ember-data/model";
import { fragment } from "ember-data-model-fragments/attributes";

 * @class Settings
export default Model.extend({
	advanced: attr( "boolean", { defaultValue: false } ),
	gui: fragment( "settingsGui", { defaultValue: {} } ),
	streaming: fragment( "settingsStreaming", { defaultValue: {} } ),
	streams: fragment( "settingsStreams", { defaultValue: {} } ),
	chat: fragment( "settingsChat", { defaultValue: {} } ),
	notification: fragment( "settingsNotification", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	init() {
		this._super( ...arguments );

		 * Define hasStreamsLanguagesSelection on the Settings model instead of the
		 * SettingsStreamsLanguages fragment, because we need to listen to the ready and didUpdate
		 * events of the Settings model.
		 * Use an object property descriptor to set enumerable to false, so that it is not included
		 * in the SettingsController's model object buffer.
		Object.defineProperty( this, "hasStreamsLanguagesSelection", {
			enumerable: false,
			writable: true,
github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / data / models / settings / streaming / players / fragment.js View on Github external
import Fragment from "ember-data-model-fragments/fragment";
import { fragment } from "ember-data-model-fragments/attributes";
import { players as playersConfig } from "config";
import { typeKey } from "../player/fragment";

const attributes = {
	"default": fragment( "settings-streaming-player", { defaultValue: {} } )
for ( const [ type ] of Object.entries( playersConfig ) ) {
	attributes[ type ] = fragment( "settings-streaming-player", {
		defaultValue: {
			[ typeKey ]: `settings-streaming-player-${type}`
		polymorphic: true,

export default Fragment.extend( attributes );
github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / data / models / settings / streaming / fragment.js View on Github external

export default Fragment.extend({
	provider: attr( "string", { defaultValue: defaultProvider } ),
	providers: fragment( "settingsStreamingProviders", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	quality: attr( "string", { defaultValue: "source" } ),
	qualities: fragment( "settingsStreamingQualities", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	player: attr( "string", { defaultValue: "default" } ),
	players: fragment( "settingsStreamingPlayers", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	disable_ads: attr( "boolean", { defaultValue: false } ),
	player_input: attr( "string", { defaultValue: ATTR_STREAMING_PLAYER_INPUT_STDIN } ),
	player_no_close: attr( "boolean", { defaultValue: false } ),
	hls_live_edge: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 3, min: 1, max: 10 } ),
	hls_segment_threads: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 1, max: 10 } ),
	retry_open: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 1, max: MAX } ),
	retry_streams: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 0, max: MAX } ),

	providerName: computed( "provider", function() {
		const provider = get( this, "provider" );
		return providers[ provider ][ "name" ];

	providerType: computed( "provider", function() {
		const provider = get( this, "provider" );
github hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / sidecar-service.js View on Github external
import Fragment from 'ember-data-model-fragments/fragment';
import { fragment } from 'ember-data-model-fragments/attributes';

export default class SidecarService extends Fragment {
  @fragment('sidecar-proxy') proxy;
github hashicorp / levant / vendor / / hashicorp / nomad / ui / app / models / allocation.js View on Github external
pending: 1,
  running: 2,
  complete: 3,
  failed: 4,
  lost: 5,

export default Model.extend({
  token: service(),

  shortId: shortUUIDProperty('id'),
  job: belongsTo('job'),
  node: belongsTo('node'),
  name: attr('string'),
  taskGroupName: attr('string'),
  resources: fragment('resources'),
  jobVersion: attr('number'),

  modifyIndex: attr('number'),
  modifyTime: attr('date'),

  createIndex: attr('number'),
  createTime: attr('date'),

  clientStatus: attr('string'),
  desiredStatus: attr('string'),
  statusIndex: computed('clientStatus', function() {
    return STATUS_ORDER[this.clientStatus] || 100;

  isRunning: equal('clientStatus', 'running'),
github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / data / models / settings / streaming / fragment.js View on Github external
export const defaultProvider = isWin ? "streamlinkw" : "streamlink";


export default Fragment.extend({
	provider: attr( "string", { defaultValue: defaultProvider } ),
	providers: fragment( "settingsStreamingProviders", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	quality: attr( "string", { defaultValue: "source" } ),
	qualities: fragment( "settingsStreamingQualities", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	player: attr( "string", { defaultValue: "default" } ),
	players: fragment( "settingsStreamingPlayers", { defaultValue: {} } ),

	disable_ads: attr( "boolean", { defaultValue: false } ),
	player_input: attr( "string", { defaultValue: ATTR_STREAMING_PLAYER_INPUT_STDIN } ),
	player_no_close: attr( "boolean", { defaultValue: false } ),
	hls_live_edge: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 3, min: 1, max: 10 } ),
	hls_segment_threads: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 1, max: 10 } ),
	retry_open: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 1, max: MAX } ),
	retry_streams: attr( "number", { defaultValue: 1, min: 0, max: MAX } ),

	providerName: computed( "provider", function() {
		const provider = get( this, "provider" );
		return providers[ provider ][ "name" ];