How to use ejson - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ejson examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DistributedObjectProtocol / dop / test / .djson_date.js View on Github external
function testEJSON(t, patch, expected, recursive = true) {
    const string_djson = DJSON.stringify(patch)
    const string_ejson = EJSON.stringify(patch)
    const parsed_json_djson = JSON.parse(string_djson)
    const parsed_json_ejson = JSON.parse(string_ejson)
    t.deepEqual(parsed_json_djson, expected)
    t.deepEqual(parsed_json_djson, parsed_json_ejson)
    if (recursive) {
        testEJSON(t, DJSON.parse(string_djson), expected, false)
        // testEJSON(t, EJSON.parse(string_ejson), expected, false)
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.ReactNative / app / lib / ddp.js View on Github external
this.connection.onmessage = (e) => {
				try {
					// console.log('received',,;
					const data = EJSON.parse(;
					this.emit(data.msg, data);
					return data.collection && this.emit(data.collection, data);
				} catch (err) {
					log('EJSON parse', err);
github nrkno / tv-automation-server-core / meteor / __mocks__ / check / match.js View on Github external
var stringForErrorMessage = function (value, options) {
  options = options || {};

  if ( value === null ) return "null";

  if ( options.onlyShowType ) {
    return typeof value;

  // Your average non-object things.  Saves from doing the try/catch below for.
  if ( typeof value !== "object" ) {
    return EJSON.stringify(value)

  try {
    // Find objects with circular references since EJSON doesn't support them yet (Issue #4778 + Unaccepted PR)
    // If the native stringify is going to choke, EJSON.stringify is going to choke too.
  } catch (stringifyError) {
    if ( === "TypeError" ) {
      return typeof value;

  return EJSON.stringify(value);
github Losant / losant-mqtt-js / lib / device.js View on Github external
Device.prototype.parseMessage = function(message) {

  // Attempt to parse the message.
  try { message = EJSON.parse(message.toString()); }
  catch(e) { return null; }

  // The message has to be something.
  if(!message) {
    return null;

  return message;
github inProgress-team / react-native-meteor / src / Meteor.js View on Github external
if (!existing.ready) existing.readyCallback = callbacks.onReady;
      if (callbacks.onStop) {
        existing.stopCallback = callbacks.onStop;
    } else {
      // New sub! Generate an id, save it locally, and send message.

      id =;
      const subIdRemember = Data.ddp.sub(name, params);

      Data.subscriptions[id] = {
        id: id,
        subIdRemember: subIdRemember,
        name: name,
        params: EJSON.clone(params),
        inactive: false,
        ready: false,
        readyDeps: new Trackr.Dependency(),
        readyCallback: callbacks.onReady,
        stopCallback: callbacks.onStop,
        stop: function() {
          delete Data.subscriptions[];
          this.ready && this.readyDeps.changed();

          if (callbacks.onStop) {
github inProgress-team / react-native-meteor / src / Collection.js View on Github external
// collection has no _id.
      throw new Error('can only transform documents with _id');

    var id = doc._id;
    // XXX consider making tracker a weak dependency and checking Package.tracker here
    var transformed = Tracker.nonreactive(function() {
      return transform(doc);

    if (!isPlainObject(transformed)) {
      throw new Error('transform must return object');

    if (_.has(transformed, '_id')) {
      if (!EJSON.equals(transformed._id, id)) {
        throw new Error("transformed document can't have different _id");
    } else {
      transformed._id = id;
    return transformed;
  wrapped.__wrappedTransform__ = true;
github inProgress-team / react-native-meteor / src / Meteor.js View on Github external
//       Meteor.subscribe("foo", Session.get("foo"));
    //       Meteor.subscribe("bar", Session.get("bar"));
    //     });
    // If "foo" has changed but "bar" has not, we will match the "bar"
    // subcribe to an existing inactive subscription in order to not
    // unsub and resub the subscription unnecessarily.
    // We only look for one such sub; if there are N apparently-identical subs
    // being invalidated, we will require N matching subscribe calls to keep
    // them all active.

    let existing = false;
    for (var i in Data.subscriptions) {
      const sub = Data.subscriptions[i];
      if (sub.inactive && === name && EJSON.equals(sub.params, params))
        existing = sub;

    let id;
    if (existing) {
      id =;
      existing.inactive = false;

      if (callbacks.onReady) {
        // If the sub is not already ready, replace any ready callback with the
        // one provided now. (It's not really clear what users would expect for
        // an onReady callback inside an autorun; the semantics we provide is
        // that at the time the sub first becomes ready, we call the last
        // onReady callback provided, if any.)
        if (!existing.ready) existing.readyCallback = callbacks.onReady;
github RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.ReactNative / app / lib / methods / subscriptions / room.js View on Github external
const handleMessageReceived = protectedFunction((ddpMessage) => {
		const message = buildMessage(EJSON.fromJSONValue(ddpMessage.fields.args[0]));
		if (rid !== message.rid) {
		requestAnimationFrame(() => {
			try {
				database.write(() => {
					database.create('messages', message, true);
					// if it's a thread "header"
					if (message.tlm) {
						database.create('threads', message, true);
					} else if (message.tmid) {
						message.rid = message.tmid;
						database.create('threadMessages', message, true);
github ZevenFang / react-meteor / lib / mongo-id.js View on Github external
MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.typeName = function() {
  return "oid";

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.getTimestamp = function() {
  var self = this;
  return parseInt(self._str.substr(0, 8), 16);

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.valueOf =
  MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toJSONValue =
    MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toHexString =
      function () { return this._str; };

EJSON.addType("oid",  function (str) {
  return new MongoID.ObjectID(str);

MongoID.idStringify = function (id) {
  if (id instanceof MongoID.ObjectID) {
    return id.valueOf();
  } else if (typeof id === 'string') {
    if (id === "") {
      return id;
    } else if (id.substr(0, 1) === "-" || // escape previously dashed strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === "~" || // escape escaped numbers, true, false
      MongoID._looksLikeObjectID(id) || // escape object-id-form strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '{') { // escape object-form strings, for maybe implementing later
      return "-" + id;
    } else {
      return id; // other strings go through unchanged.
github inProgress-team / react-native-meteor / lib / mongo-id.js View on Github external

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.typeName = function() {
  return 'oid';

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.getTimestamp = function() {
  var self = this;
  return parseInt(self._str.substr(0, 8), 16);

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.valueOf = MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toJSONValue = MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toHexString = function() {
  return this._str;

EJSON.addType('oid', function(str) {
  return new MongoID.ObjectID(str);

MongoID.idStringify = function(id) {
  if (id instanceof MongoID.ObjectID) {
    return id.valueOf();
  } else if (typeof id === 'string') {
    if (id === '') {
      return id;
    } else if (
      id.substr(0, 1) === '-' || // escape previously dashed strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '~' || // escape escaped numbers, true, false
      MongoID._looksLikeObjectID(id) || // escape object-id-form strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '{'
    ) {
      // escape object-form strings, for maybe implementing later


EJSON - Extended and Extensible JSON library from Meteor made compatible for Nodejs and Browserify

Latest version published 2 years ago

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