How to use draft-js-counter-plugin - 6 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few draft-js-counter-plugin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mozilla / hubs / src / react-components / tweet-dialog.js View on Github external
import createEmojiPlugin from "draft-js-emoji-plugin";
import createHashtagPlugin from "draft-js-hashtag-plugin";
import createLinkifyPlugin from "draft-js-linkify-plugin";
import createCounterPlugin from "draft-js-counter-plugin";
import classNames from "classnames";
import { scaledThumbnailUrlFor } from "../utils/media-url-utils";
import { Modifier, EditorState } from "draft-js";
import "draft-js-emoji-plugin/lib/plugin.css";
import "draft-js-hashtag-plugin/lib/plugin.css";
import "draft-js-linkify-plugin/lib/plugin.css";
import "draft-js-counter-plugin/lib/plugin.css";

const emojiPlugin = createEmojiPlugin();
const hashtagPlugin = createHashtagPlugin();
const linkifyPlugin = createLinkifyPlugin();
const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin();

// Taken from draft-js-emoji
const addEmoji = (emoji, editorState) => {
  const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
  const contentStateWithEntity = contentState.createEntity("emoji", "IMMUTABLE", { emojiUnicode: emoji });
  const entityKey = contentStateWithEntity.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
  const currentSelectionState = editorState.getSelection();

  let emojiAddedContent;
  let emojiEndPos = 0;
  let blockSize = 0;

  // in case text is selected it is removed and then the emoji is added
  const afterRemovalContentState = Modifier.removeRange(contentState, currentSelectionState, "backward");

  // deciding on the position to insert emoji
github draft-js-plugins / draft-js-plugins / docs / client / components / pages / Counter / gettingStarted.js View on Github external
// It is important to import the Editor which accepts plugins.
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
import createCounterPlugin from 'draft-js-counter-plugin'; // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
import React from 'react';

// Creates an Instance. At this step, a configuration object can be passed in
// as an argument.
const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin();

// Extract a counter from the plugin.
const { CharCounter } = counterPlugin;

// The Editor accepts an array of plugins. In this case, only the counterPlugin is
// passed in, although it is possible to pass in multiple plugins.
// The Counter is placed after the Editor.
const MyEditor = ({ editorState, onChange }) => (
github draft-js-plugins / draft-js-plugins / docs / client / components / pages / Counter / SimpleCounterEditor / index.js View on Github external
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Editor, { createEditorStateWithText } from 'draft-js-plugins-editor';
import createCounterPlugin from 'draft-js-counter-plugin';
import editorStyles from './editorStyles.css';

const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin();
const { CharCounter, WordCounter, LineCounter, CustomCounter } = counterPlugin;
const plugins = [counterPlugin];
const text = `This editor has counters below!
Try typing here and watch the numbers go up. 🙌

Note that the color changes when you pass one of the following limits:
- 200 characters
- 30 words
- 10 lines

export default class SimpleCounterEditor extends Component {

  state = {
    editorState: createEditorStateWithText(text),
github ld-x / last-draft / src / components / Counter / Counter.js View on Github external
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Editor, { createEditorStateWithText } from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'
import createCounterPlugin from 'draft-js-counter-plugin'

import 'draft-js-counter-plugin/lib/plugin.css'
const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin()

import styles from './Counter.css'
const theme = {
  counter: styles.counter,
  counterOverLimit: styles.counterOverLimit
const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin({ theme })

const { CharCounter, WordCounter, LineCounter, CustomCounter } = counterPlugin
const plugins = [counterPlugin]
const text = `This editor has counters below!
Try typing here and watch the numbers go up. 🙌

Note that the color changes when you pass one of the following limits:
github draft-js-plugins / draft-js-plugins / docs / client / components / pages / Counter / CustomCounterEditor / index.js View on Github external
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Editor, { createEditorStateWithText } from 'draft-js-plugins-editor';
import createCounterPlugin from 'draft-js-counter-plugin';
import editorStyles from './editorStyles.css';
import counterStyles from './counterStyles.css';

const theme = {
  counter: counterStyles.counter,
  counterOverLimit: counterStyles.counterOverLimit,
const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin({ theme });
const { CharCounter, WordCounter, LineCounter, CustomCounter } = counterPlugin;
const plugins = [counterPlugin];
const text = `This editor has counters below!
Try typing here and watch the numbers go up. 🙌

Note that the color changes when you pass one of the following limits:
- 200 characters
- 30 words
- 10 lines

export default class CustomCounterEditor extends Component {

  state = {
    editorState: createEditorStateWithText(text),
github assembl / assembl / assembl / static2 / js / app / components / common / richTextEditor / new.jsx View on Github external
constructor(props: Props): void {
    const modalPlugin = createModalPlugin();
    const { closeModal, setModalContent, Modal } = modalPlugin;
    const counterPlugin = createCounterPlugin();
    const modalConfig = {
      closeModal: closeModal,
      setModalContent: setModalContent
    const linkPlugin = createLinkPlugin({
    const { LinkButton } = linkPlugin;

    const components = {};
    const toolbarStructure = [BoldButton, ItalicButton, UnorderedListButton, ToolbarSeparator, LinkButton, ToolbarSeparator];
    const plugins = [counterPlugin, linkPlugin];
    if (props.withAttachmentButton) {
      const attachmentPlugin = createAttachmentPlugin({


Counter Plugin for DraftJS

Latest version published 6 years ago

Package Health Score

56 / 100
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Popular draft-js-counter-plugin functions