How to use the devtools/server/protocol.ActorClass function in devtools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few devtools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / memory.js View on Github external
// allocation event is lost. This number must fit in a 32 bit signed integer.
  maxLogLength: "number"

 * An actor that returns memory usage data for its parent actor's window.
 * A tab-scoped instance of this actor will measure the memory footprint of its
 * parent tab. A global-scoped instance however, will measure the memory
 * footprint of the chrome window referenced by the root actor.
 * This actor wraps the Memory module at devtools/server/performance/memory.js
 * and provides RDP definitions.
 * @see devtools/server/performance/memory.js for documentation.
var MemoryActor = exports.MemoryActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "memory",

   * The set of unsolicited events the MemoryActor emits that will be sent over
   * the RDP (by protocol.js).

  events: {
    // Same format as the data passed to the
    // `Debugger.Memory.prototype.onGarbageCollection` hook. See
    // `js/src/doc/Debugger/` for documentation.
    "garbage-collection": {
      type: "garbage-collection",
      data: Arg(0, "json"),
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / highlighters.js View on Github external

var HighlighterFront = protocol.FrontClass(HighlighterActor, {
  // Update the object given a form representation off the wire.
  form: function(json) {
    this.actorID =;
    // FF42+ HighlighterActors starts exposing custom form, with traits object
    this.traits = json.traits || {};

 * A generic highlighter actor class that instantiate a highlighter given its
 * type name and allows to show/hide it.
var CustomHighlighterActor = exports.CustomHighlighterActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "customhighlighter",

   * Create a highlighter instance given its typename
   * The typename must be one of HIGHLIGHTER_CLASSES and the class must
   * implement constructor(tabActor), show(node), hide(), destroy()
  initialize: function(inspector, typeName) {, null);

    this._inspector = inspector;

    let constructor = highlighterTypes.get(typeName);
    if (!constructor) {
      let list = [...highlighterTypes.keys()];
github joewalker / devtools.html / valence / lib / chromium / webconsole.js View on Github external
const values = require("./value");
const preview = require("./preview");

const {JSTermHelpers, JSPropertyProvider} = require("./console-utils");

types.addDictType("chromium_consolemsg", {
  "arguments": "array:chromium_grip",
  "stacktrace": "array:json",
  "styles": "array:chromium_grip"
types.addDictType("chromium_pageerror", {
  // XXX: should be longstring, but it doesn't get properly marshalled on reload
  "errorMessage": "string",

var ChromiumConsoleActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "chromium_console",

  toString: function() { return "[ConsoleActor:" + this.actorID + "]" },

  events: {
    "ConsoleAPI": {
      type: "consoleAPICall",
      message: Arg(0, "chromium_consolemsg")
    "PageError": {
      type: "pageError",
      pageError: Arg(0, "chromium_pageerror")

  initialize: function(tab) {
github joewalker / devtools.html / valence / lib / chromium / styles.js View on Github external
if (!foundProp || !foundProp.range) {
      yield this.pageStyle.setPropertyText(this, foundProp);

  modifySelector: todoMethod({
    request: { selector: Arg(0, "string") },
    response: { isModified: RetVal("boolean") },
  }, "modifySelector"),

// XXX: Don't do the media change actor yet.

var ChromiumStyleSheetsActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "chromium_stylesheets",

  initialize: function(tab) {; = tab;
    this.refMap = new Map();

  get conn() { return },
  get rpc() { return },
  get sheets() { return },

  sheetRef: function(header) {
    if (this.refMap.has(header.styleSheetId)) {
      return this.refMap.get(header.styleSheetId);
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / styles.js View on Github external
name: "string",
  CSSFamilyName: "string",
  rule: "nullable:domstylerule",
  srcIndex: "number",
  URI: "string",
  format: "string",
  preview: "nullable:fontpreview",
  localName: "string",
  metadata: "string"

 * The PageStyle actor lets the client look at the styles on a page, as
 * they are applied to a given node.
var PageStyleActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "pagestyle",

  events: {
    "stylesheet-updated": {
      type: "styleSheetUpdated",
      styleSheet: Arg(0, "stylesheet")

   * Create a PageStyleActor.
   * @param inspector
   *    The InspectorActor that owns this PageStyleActor.
   * @constructor
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / webgl.js View on Github external
 * The corresponding Front object for the ProgramActor.
var ProgramFront = protocol.FrontClass(ProgramActor, {
  initialize: function(client, form) {, client, form);

 * The WebGL Actor handles simple interaction with a WebGL context via a few
 * high-level methods. After instantiating this actor, you'll need to set it
 * up by calling setup().
var WebGLActor = exports.WebGLActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "webgl",
  initialize: function(conn, tabActor) {, conn);
    this.tabActor = tabActor;
    this._onGlobalCreated = this._onGlobalCreated.bind(this);
    this._onGlobalDestroyed = this._onGlobalDestroyed.bind(this);
    this._onProgramLinked = this._onProgramLinked.bind(this);
  destroy: function(conn) {, conn);

   * Starts waiting for the current tab actor's document global to be
   * created, in order to instrument the Canvas context and become
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / layout.js View on Github external
*   These dedicated classes are used by the LayoutChangesObserver.

const {Ci, Cu} = require("devtools/sham/chrome");
const { XPCOMUtils } = require("devtools/sham/xpcomutils");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {method, Arg, RetVal, types} = protocol;
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const Heritage = require("sdk/core/heritage");
/*const {setTimeout, clearTimeout} = require("sdk/timers");*/
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");

 * The reflow actor tracks reflows and emits events about them.
var ReflowActor = exports.ReflowActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "reflow",

  events: {
     * The reflows event is emitted when reflows have been detected. The event
     * is sent with an array of reflows that occured. Each item has the
     * following properties:
     * - start {Number}
     * - end {Number}
     * - isInterruptible {Boolean}
    "reflows" : {
      type: "reflows",
      reflows: Arg(0, "array:json")
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / call-watcher.js View on Github external
form: function(form) {
    this.actorID =;
    this.type = form.type; =;
    this.file = form.file;
    this.line = form.line;
    this.timestamp = form.timestamp;
    this.callerPreview = form.callerPreview;
    this.argsPreview = form.argsPreview;

 * This actor observes function calls on certain objects or globals.
var CallWatcherActor = exports.CallWatcherActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "call-watcher",
  initialize: function(conn, tabActor) {, conn);
    this.tabActor = tabActor;
    this._onGlobalCreated = this._onGlobalCreated.bind(this);
    this._onGlobalDestroyed = this._onGlobalDestroyed.bind(this);
    this._onContentFunctionCall = this._onContentFunctionCall.bind(this);
  destroy: function(conn) {, conn);

   * Starts waiting for the current tab actor's document global to be
   * created, in order to instrument the specified objects and become
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / styles.js View on Github external
return ret.entries[0];
  }, {
    impl: "_addNewRule"

 * An actor that represents a CSS style object on the protocol.
 * We slightly flatten the CSSOM for this actor, it represents
 * both the CSSRule and CSSStyle objects in one actor.  For nodes
 * (which have a CSSStyle but no CSSRule) we create a StyleRuleActor
 * with a special rule type (100).
var StyleRuleActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "domstylerule",

  events: {
    "location-changed": {
      type: "locationChanged",
      line: Arg(0, "number"),
      column: Arg(1, "number")

  initialize: function(pageStyle, item) {, null);
    this.pageStyle = pageStyle;
    this.rawStyle =;
    this._parentSheet = null;
    this._onStyleApplied = this._onStyleApplied.bind(this);
github joewalker / devtools.html / server / actors / call-watcher.js View on Github external

 * Type describing an overview of a function call.
protocol.types.addDictType("call-details", {
  type: "number",
  name: "string",
  stack: "array:call-stack-item"

 * This actor contains information about a function call, like the function
 * type, name, stack, arguments, returned value etc.
var FunctionCallActor = protocol.ActorClass({
  typeName: "function-call",

   * Creates the function call actor.
   * @param DebuggerServerConnection conn
   *        The server connection.
   * @param DOMWindow window
   *        The content window.
   * @param string global
   *        The name of the global object owning this function, like
   *        "CanvasRenderingContext2D" or "WebGLRenderingContext".
   * @param object caller
   *        The object owning the function when it was called.
   *        For example, in ``, the caller is `foo`.
   * @param number type