How to use danger - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few danger examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github danger / peril / api / source / danger / _tests / fixtures / dangerfile_import_complex_module.ts View on Github external
// @ts-ignore

import { schedule } from "danger"
import spellcheck from "danger-plugin-spellcheck"

github Nozbe / WatermelonDB / scripts / wmelon-peril-pr.js View on Github external
// Warn if there are library changes, but not tests
const modifiedAppFiles = modified.filter(p => p.includes('src/'))
const hasAppChanges = modifiedAppFiles.length > 0

const testChanges = modifiedAppFiles.filter(filepath => /test/i.test(filepath))
const hasTestChanges = testChanges.length > 0

if (hasAppChanges && !hasTestChanges) {
    'There are library changes, but not tests. That\'s OK as long as you\'re refactoring existing code',

// Warn if someone wants to change peril settings
if (modified.filter(p => p.includes('peril')).length) {
  fail('Peril settings are being changed')

// TODO: fs won't work in peril

// // Be careful of leaving testing shortcuts in the codebase
// const onlyTestFiles = testChanges.filter(x => {
//   const content = fs.readFileSync(x).toString();
//   return (
//     content.includes('it.only') ||
//     content.includes('describe.only') ||
//     content.includes('fdescribe') ||
//     content.includes('fit(')
//   );
// });
// raiseIssueAboutPaths(fail, onlyTestFiles, 'an `only` was left in the test');
github cerner / terra-dev-site / dangerfile.js View on Github external
return configFilePattern.test(filePath);

const modifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles = danger.git.modified_files.filter((filePath) => {
  const srcFilePattern = /\/scripts\/generate-app-config/i;
  return srcFilePattern.test(filePath);

const hasCHANGELOGChanges = modifiedChangelog.length > 0 || newChangelog.length > 0;
const hasModifiedSrcFiles = modifiedSrcFiles.length > 0;
const hasModifiedConfigFiles = modifiedConfigFiles.length > 0;
const hasModifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles = modifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles.length > 0;

// Fail if there are src code changes without a CHANGELOG update
if ((hasModifiedSrcFiles || hasModifiedConfigFiles || hasModifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles) && !hasCHANGELOGChanges) {
  fail('Please include a CHANGELOG entry with this PR.');
github badges / shields / dangerfile.js View on Github external

if (logos.created) {
      ':art: Thanks for submitting a logo. <br>',
      'Please ensure your contribution follows our ',
      '[guidance]( ',
      'for logo submissions.',

if (capitals.created || underscores.created) {
      'JavaScript source files should be named with `kebab-case` ',
      '(dash-separated lowercase).',

const allFiles = danger.git.created_files.concat(danger.git.modified_files)

if (allFiles.length &gt; 100) {
  warn("Lots 'o changes. Skipping diff-based checks.")
} else {
  allFiles.forEach(file =&gt; {
    // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then
    danger.git.diffForFile(file).then(({ diff }) =&gt; {
      if (/serverSecrets/.test(diff) &amp;&amp; !secretsDocs.modified) {
github mui-org / material-ui / dangerfile.js View on Github external
async function run() {
  // Use git locally to grab the commit which represents the place
  // where the branches differ
  const upstreamRepo =;
  const upstreamRef =;
  try {
    await git(`remote add ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}${upstreamRepo}.git`);
  } catch (err) {
    // ignore if it already exist for local testing
  await git(`fetch ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}`);
  const mergeBaseCommit = await git(`merge-base HEAD ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}/${upstreamRef}`);

  const commitRange = `${mergeBaseCommit}...${}`;

  const comparison = await loadComparison(mergeBaseCommit, upstreamRef);
  const results = Object.entries(comparison.bundles);
  const anyResultsChanges = results.filter(createComparisonFilter(1, 1));

  if (anyResultsChanges.length > 0) {
github cerner / terra-clinical / dangerfile.js View on Github external
const modifiedSrcFiles = danger.git.modified_files.filter((filePath) => {
  const srcFilePattern = /^packages\/([a-z-])*\/src/i;
  return srcFilePattern.test(filePath);

const hasCHANGELOGChanges = modifiedChangelog.length > 0 || newChangelog.length > 0;
const hasModifiedSrcFiles = modifiedSrcFiles.length > 0;

// Fail if there are src code changes without a CHANGELOG update
if (hasModifiedSrcFiles && !hasCHANGELOGChanges) {
  fail('Please include a CHANGELOG entry with this PR.');

// Warn when there is a big PR
const bigPRThreshold = 1000;
if ( + > bigPRThreshold) {
  warn(':exclamation: Big PR. Consider breaking this into smaller PRs if applicaple');
github artsy / metaphysics / peril / upstreamSchemaValidator.ts View on Github external

    // Create a new copy of the service, with the breaking changes added
    if (breakingChanges.length) {
      servicesWithBreakingChanges[serviceName] = {

  // Reporting back to the PR - offer a single message for all of the potentially
  // failed services,
  const failedServiceNames = Object.keys(servicesWithBreakingChanges)
  const failedServicesSentence = danger.utils.sentence(failedServiceNames)

  if (failedServiceNames.length === 0) {
    console.log(`No breaking changes for ${failedServicesSentence}`)

  const version = isProductionDeployPR ? "staging" : "production"
  const message = isProductionDeployPR ? fail : warn
  const s = failedServiceNames.length === 1 ? "" : "s"
  const are = failedServiceNames.length === 1 ? "is" : "are"

    There ${are} a breaking difference${s} between the **${version}** deployed 
    schema${s} for **${failedServiceNames}**. 
    The changes you have made  to the local schema${s} in metaphysics are 
github danger / peril / api / source / danger / append_peril.ts View on Github external
const [owner, repo] = repoSlug.split("/")
    try {
      const response = await api.repos.getContents({ repo, owner, path, ref })
      if (response && && === "file") {
        const buffer = Buffer.from(,
        return buffer.toString()
      } else {
        return ""
    } catch {
      return ""

  createUpdatedIssueWithID: createUpdatedIssueWithIDGenerator(api),
  // TODO: Is this right?
  //       Do I need to move the PR object into here if needed?
  createOrAddLabel: createOrAddLabel(undefined as any, api),
  createOrUpdatePR: createOrUpdatePR(undefined as any, api),
github artsy / detect-responsive-traits / dangerfile.ts View on Github external
import { danger, fail, warn } from "danger"
import * as fs from "fs"

// Setup
const pr =
const modified = danger.git.modified_files
const bodyAndTitle = (pr.body + pr.title).toLowerCase()

// Custom modifiers for people submitting PRs to be able to say "skip this"
const trivialPR = bodyAndTitle.includes("trivial")

const filesOnly = (file: string) => fs.existsSync(file) && fs.lstatSync(file).isFile()

// Custom subsets of known files
const modifiedAppFiles = modified.filter(p => p.includes("src/")).filter(p => filesOnly(p))

// When there are app-changes and it's not a PR marked as trivial, expect
// there to be CHANGELOG changes.
const changelogChanges = modified.includes("")
if (modifiedAppFiles.length > 0 && !trivialPR && !changelogChanges) {
  fail("No CHANGELOG added.")
github Marwan01 / food-converter / node_modules / react-native / bots / dangerfile.js View on Github external
const includesSummary = &amp;&amp;'## summary');
if (! || &lt; 50) {
  fail(':grey_question: This pull request needs a description.');
} else if (!includesSummary) {
  const title = ':clipboard: Missing Summary';
  const idea =
    'Can you add a Summary? ' +
    'To do so, add a "## Summary" section to your PR description. ' +
    'This is a good place to explain the motivation for making this change.';
  message(`${title} - <i>${idea}</i>`);

// Warns if there are changes to package.json, and tags the team.
const packageChanged = includes(danger.git.modified_files, 'package.json');
if (packageChanged) {
  const title = ':lock: package.json';
  const idea =
    'Changes were made to package.json. ' +
    'This will require a manual import by a Facebook employee.';
  warn(`${title} - <i>${idea}</i>`);

// Provides advice if a test plan is missing.
const includesTestPlan = &amp;&amp;'## test plan');
if (!includesTestPlan) {
  const title = ':clipboard: Missing Test Plan';
  const idea =
    'Can you add a Test Plan? ' +