How to use the core-js/library/fn/set function in core-js

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few core-js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Nebo15 / annon.web / app / server / page.js View on Github external
.then(() => {
        const reduxState = escape(JSON.stringify(getState()));
        const css = new Set();
        /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
        const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
           { css.add(styles._getCss()); }}>
              { }
        const head = Helmet.rewind();
        res.render('index', {
          inlineCss: arrayFrom(css).join(''),
github FrontBand / react-boilerplate / app / server / page.js View on Github external
}).then(({ redialMap, redialProps }) => {
      const reduxState = escape(JSON.stringify(getState()));
      const css = new Set();
      /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
      let html;
      const component = applyRouterMiddleware(useRedial({ redialMap }))(renderProps);

      try {
        html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
             styles._getCss && css.add(styles._getCss())}
                { component }
github taofed / react-web / Libraries / Animated / AnimatedImplementation.js View on Github external
function _flush(rootNode: AnimatedValue): void {
  var animatedStyles = new Set();
  function findAnimatedStyles(node) {
    if (typeof node.update === 'function') {
    } else {
  animatedStyles.forEach(animatedStyle => animatedStyle.update());
github prebid / Prebid.js / modules / adpod.js View on Github external
function setupRegistrySlot(auctionId) {
    registry[auctionId] = {};
    registry[auctionId].bidStorage = new Set();
    registry[auctionId].queueDispatcher = createDispatcher(queueTimeDelay);
    registry[auctionId].initialCacheKey = utils.generateUUID();