How to use copy-webpack-plugin - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few copy-webpack-plugin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github umijs / umi / packages / af-webpack / src / getConfig.js View on Github external
// TODO: 根据 opts.hash 自动处理这里的 filename
  const commonsPlugins = (opts.commons || []).map(common => {
    return new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin(common);

  // Declare outputPath here for reuse
  const outputPath = opts.outputPath
    ? resolve(opts.cwd, opts.outputPath)
    : resolve(opts.cwd, 'dist');

  // Copy files in public to outputPath
  const copyPlugins = opts.copy ? [new CopyWebpackPlugin(opts.copy)] : [];
  if (existsSync(resolve(opts.cwd, 'public'))) {
      new CopyWebpackPlugin(
            from: resolve(opts.cwd, 'public'),
            to: outputPath,
            toType: 'dir',
        { ignore: ['**/.*'] },

  // js 和 css 采用不同的 hash 算法
  const jsHash = !isDev && opts.hash ? '.[chunkhash:8]' : '';
  const cssHash = !isDev && opts.hash ? '.[contenthash:8]' : '';
github tuateam / tua-mp / examples / webpack-simple / webpack.config.babel.js View on Github external
scripts: {
                    test: /[\\/]src[\\/]scripts[\\/]/,
                    name: 'chunks/scripts',
                    chunks: 'all',
                    // 强制提取
                    enforce: true,
    plugins: [
        new WebpackBar({
            profile: !isDev,
            compiledIn: false,
        new CopyWebpackPlugin(copyCfgArr, {
            context: resolve('src'),
        new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].wxss'),
        new FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin(),
        new BannerPlugin({
            raw: true,
            // 因为无法通过 html 的 script 标签插入
            // 所以只好在入口文件 app.js 前插入公共依赖
            banner: `require('./chunks/runtime');require('./chunks/vendors');require('./chunks/scripts');`,
            include: 'app.js',
github areslabs / alita / src / packByWebpack / index.ts View on Github external
if (cco.module) {
        module = {
            rules: [
                ...(cco.module.rules || [])
    } else {
        module = {
            rules: defaultRules

    const plugins = [
        new CopyPlugin([
                from: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", 'mptemp'),
                to: configure.outputFullpath
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
            'process.env.NODE_ENV': ? '"development"' : '"production"',

        // react-native 全局可以使用的变量
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            fetch: ['react-native', 'fetch'],
            alert: ['react-native', 'alert'],
            requestAnimationFrame: ['react-native', 'requestAnimationFrame'],
            cancelAnimationFrame: ['react-native', 'cancelAnimationFrame'],
            "_ARR": "@areslabs/regenerator-runtime"
github google / skia-buildbot / jsfiddle / webpack.config.ts View on Github external
const configFactory: webpack.ConfigurationFactory = (_, args) => {
  const config = commonBuilder(__dirname, args.mode);

  // Make all CSS/JS files appear at the /res location.
  config.output!.publicPath = '/res/';

    new CopyWebpackPlugin([
      { from: resolve(__dirname, 'build/canvaskit/canvaskit.wasm') },
      { from: resolve(__dirname, 'build/pathkit/pathkit.wasm') },
      { from: resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/custom-elements.min.js') },

  config.node = {
    fs: 'empty',

  return config;
github google / skia-buildbot / hashtag / webpack.config.ts View on Github external
const configFactory: webpack.ConfigurationFactory = (_, args) => {
  // Don't minify the HTML since it contains Go template tags.
  const config = commonBuilder(__dirname, args.mode, /* neverMinifyHtml= */ true);
  config.output!.publicPath = '/static/';

    new CopyWebpackPlugin([
        from: resolve(__dirname, 'config.json'),
        to: 'config.json',
    new HtmlWebpackInjectAttributesPlugin({
      nonce: '{% .Nonce %}',

  config.resolve = config.resolve || {};

  config.resolve.modules = [resolve(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules')];
github egoist / poi / packages / poi / lib / plugins / config-base.js View on Github external
POI_PUBLIC_PATH: JSON.stringify(api.config.publicPath),
          POI_COMMAND: JSON.stringify(api.command),
          __DEV__: JSON.stringify(api.command !== 'build')

    // Copy ./public/* to out dir
    // In non-dev commands since it uses devServerOptions.contentBase instead
    if (
      api.options.command !== 'dev' &&
    ) {
      const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')
      CopyPlugin.__expression = `require('copy-webpack-plugin')`

      api.chainWebpack(config => {
        config.plugin('copy-public').use(CopyPlugin, [
              from: api.resolveBaseDir('public'),
              to: '.',
              ignore: ['.DS_Store']

    // Resolve loaders and modules in poi's node_modules folder
    const inWorkspaces = __dirname.includes('/poi/packages/poi/')
github mmiller42 / html-webpack-externals-plugin / src / HtmlWebpackExternalsPlugin.js View on Github external

    const publicPath = (() => {
      if (this.publicPath != null) {
        return this.publicPath
      } else if (compiler.options.output.publicPath != null) {
        return compiler.options.output.publicPath
      } else {
        return ''

    const pluginsToApply = []

      new CopyWebpackPlugin({ path, cwpPatternConfig }) => ({
          from: path,
          to: `${this.outputPath}/${path}`,

    const createAssetsPlugin = (assets, append) => {
      if (assets.length) {
          new HtmlWebpackIncludeAssetsPlugin({
              asset =>
github eramdam / BetterTweetDeck / webpack.config.babel.js View on Github external
test: /\.css$/,
          include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/css/options'),
          use: extractOptions.extract(cssLoaders),
    resolve: {
      alias: {
        config: path.resolve(__dirname, 'config/config.json'),
    plugins: [
      new CleanWebpackPlugin([DIST_FOLDER]),
      new CopyWebpackPlugin(staticFilesPath),
      new GenerateJsonPlugin('manifest.json', getManifest(), null, 2),
        ? new ZipPlugin({
          path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'artifacts'),
          filename: `dist-${env.browser}`,
        : () => null,
github canisminor1990 / canisminor-wxapp / webpack.config.babel.js View on Github external
loader: 'wxml-loader',
            options: {
              root: resolve('src'),

  plugins: [
    new EnvironmentPlugin({ NODE_ENV: 'development' }),
    new DefinePlugin({ __DEV__: isDev }),
    new WXAppWebpackPlugin({ clear: !isDev }),
    new optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
    new CopyWebpackPlugin(copyConfig()),
    !isDev && new MinifyPlugin(),
  devtool: false,
  resolve: {
    modules: [resolve(__dirname, 'src'), 'node_modules'],
  watchOptions: {
    ignored: /build|manifest/,
    aggregateTimeout: 300,
github codejamninja / reactant / packages / web / src / webpack.js View on Github external
        ...(webpackConfig?.resolve?.extensions || [])
    target: 'web',
    plugins: [
      ...(webpackConfig.plugins || []),
      new AssetsWebpackPlugin({
        path: paths.dist,
        filename: 'assets.json'
      new CopyWebpackPlugin([
          from: path.resolve(paths.src, 'public'),
          to: path.resolve(paths.dist)
      new IgnorePlugin(/^child_process$/),
      new IgnorePlugin(/^deasync$/),
      new IgnorePlugin(/^fs$/),
      new IgnorePlugin(/^winston$/),
      new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        minify: true,
        template: path.resolve(paths.platform, 'index.html')
      ...(env !== 'production' ? [new NamedModulesPlugin()] : []),
      ...(action === 'start'


Copy files && directories with webpack

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Popular copy-webpack-plugin functions