How to use the cloudinary-core.Util.camelCase function in cloudinary-core

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github cloudinary / cloudinary-react / src / Util / extractCloudinaryProps.js View on Github external
Object.keys(props).forEach(key => {
    const camelKey = Util.camelCase(key);
    const value = props[key];

    //if valid and defined add to cloudinaryProps
    if (CLOUDINARY_PROPS[camelKey]) {
      if (isDefined(props, key)) {
        result.cloudinaryProps[camelKey] = value;
    } else if (CLOUDINARY_REACT_PROPS[camelKey]) { //cloudinary-react spesific prop
      result.cloudinaryReactProps[camelKey] = value;
    } else { //not valid so add to nonCloudinaryProps
      result.nonCloudinaryProps[key] = value;