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let user: { username: string, password: string } = { username: '', password: '' };
const question = {
name: 'way',
message: 'There are two ways you can login:',
type: 'list',
choices: [{ name: 'Login by Username & Password' }, { name: 'Login by Browser' }]
const maxRepeat: number = 30; // for login with browser
const waitTime: number = 5000; // for login with browser
const code = makeId(); // for login with browser
const answer: { way: string } = await inquirer.prompt([question]);
if (answer.way === question.choices[0].name) { // login with username & password
user.username = await cli.prompt(messages.username_req, { required: true });
user.password = await cli.prompt(messages.password_req, { required: true, type: 'hide' });
try {
let data = (await authService.login(user)).data; // sends user credentials to the server
await writeToken(this, { token: data.result }); // write the access token in the file
let value = await authService.overview(this); // sends request the get the user's config
let overview = JSON.stringify(;
await writeOverview(this, overview) // write the user's config to the file
catch (e) {
else { // login with browser
try {
await opn(`${auth_url}${code}`, { wait: false });
while (await cli.confirm(messages.labels)) {
let param: string = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_label_key_msg);
labels[param] = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_label_value_msg);
// while (await cli.confirm('Is there any/more links (y or n)')) {
// = await cli.prompt(enter_your_link_name_msg);
// = await cli.prompt(enter_your_link_alias_msg);
// links.push(;
// }
while (await cli.confirm(messages.health_check)) {
let tempObj: { endpoint: string, response: string, scheme: string } = { endpoint: '', response: '', scheme: '' };
tempObj.endpoint = (await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_check_point, { required: false })) || '/ping'
tempObj.response = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_response, { required: true });
tempObj.scheme = (await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_scheme, { required: false })) || 'http';
deployType = await inquirer.prompt<{ name: string }>({
name: 'name',
message: 'choose your deploy type:',
type: 'list',
choices: [
{ name: 'DOCKER_IMAGE' },
{ name: 'CODE' }
// {name: 'APP'},
// {name: 'DOCKER_FILE'}
.then(value =>;
let scalingMode = await inquirer.prompt<{ name: string }>({
name: 'name',
message: 'choose scaling mode :',
type: 'list',
choices: [
{ name: 'CPU' },
{ name: 'MEM' },
{ name: 'AND' },
{ name: 'OR' },
{ name: 'OFF' }]
.then(value =>;
while (await cli.confirm(messages.environment_vars)) {
let param: string = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_environment_key_msg);
environments[param] = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_environment_value_msg);
while (await cli.confirm(messages.labels)) {
let param: string = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_label_key_msg);
labels[param] = await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_label_value_msg);
// while (await cli.confirm('Is there any/more links (y or n)')) {
// = await cli.prompt(enter_your_link_name_msg);
// = await cli.prompt(enter_your_link_alias_msg);
// links.push(;
// }
while (await cli.confirm(messages.health_check)) {
let tempObj: { endpoint: string, response: string, scheme: string } = { endpoint: '', response: '', scheme: '' };
tempObj.endpoint = (await cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_check_point, { required: false })) || '/ping'
function getInstanceValue(message: string, minInstances: number, maxInstances: number) {
let newMessage = message + ' (min:' + minInstances + ' ,max: ' + maxInstances + ')';
return cli.prompt(newMessage, { required: true })
.then(function (answer) {
if (!(parseInt(answer) >= minInstances && parseInt(answer) <= maxInstances)) {
return getInstanceValue(message, minInstances, maxInstances);
else {
return answer;
const GetTokenFromInput = async (poolData: any): Promise => {
const username = await cli.prompt("Username");
const password = await cli.prompt("Password", { type: "hide" });
const authenticationData = {
Username: username,
Password: password
const authenticationDetails = new AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);
const userPool = new CognitoUserPool(poolData);
const userData = {
Username: username,
Pool: userPool
const cognitoUser = new CognitoUser(userData);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
onSuccess: function(result: any) {
const idToken: string = result.idToken.jwtToken;
.then(function (result) {
appDataObj.disk = parseFloat(result);
return cli.prompt(messages.enter_your_app_name_msg, { required: true });
.then(function (result) {
async handleMultipleEnvs () {
ux.warn(`There is multiple db env variables defined (${this.constructEnvList(this.db_envs)}), which one is it?`)
while(!this.db_env_name.length) {
const db_env_name = await ux.prompt(`The db env variable name`) as string
if(!this.hasAppEnv(db_env_name)) {
ux.warn(`That env variable name (${Colors.env(db_env_name)}) doesn't exist in app (${})`);
if(!(await ux.confirm("Want to to try again?"))) {
ux.error(`Ok, cannot resolve the db env variable name, so quitting.`)
} else {
this.db_env_name = db_env_name
return true
async run() {
const password = await ux.prompt('Password', {type: 'hide'})
const headers = {'Heroku-Password': password}
const {body: codes} = await'/account/recovery-codes', {headers})
for (let code of codes) {
username: () => cli.prompt('What is your github username?'),
password: () =>