How to use check-more-types - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few check-more-types examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bahmutov / start-server-and-test / src / utils.js View on Github external
const isUrlOrPort = input => {
  const str = is.string(input) ? input.split('|') : [input]

  return str.every(s => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s
    // wait-on allows specifying HTTP verb to use instead of default HEAD
    // and the format then is like "http-get://" to use GET
    if (isWaitOnUrl(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s)) {
      return is.port(s)
    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return false
github bahmutov / next-update / src / test-module-version.js View on Github external
var _ = require('lodash')
var semver = require('semver')
var quote = require('quote')
var installModule = require('./module-install')
var reportSuccess = require('./report').reportSuccess
var reportFailure = require('./report').reportFailure
const {getTestCommand} = require('./utils')
const path = require('path')
const debug = require('debug')('next-update')
var stats = require('./stats')

var cleanVersions = require('./registry').cleanVersions
check.verify.fn(cleanVersions, 'cleanVersions should be a function')

var revertModules = require('./revert')
check.verify.fn(revertModules, 'revert is not a function, but ' +

var npmTest = require('./npm-test').test
var execTest = require('./exec-test')
var report = require('./report-available')
var filterAllowed = require('./filter-allowed-updates')

// expect array of objects, each {name, versions (Array) }
// returns promise
function testModulesVersions (options, available) {
  verify.object(options, 'missing options')
  verify.array(available, 'expected array of available modules')

  var cleaned = cleanVersions(options.modules)
    // console.log('cleaned', cleaned);
    // var listed = _.zipObject(cleaned);
github bahmutov / start-server-and-test / src / utils.js View on Github external
return => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s) && is.port(s)) {
      return `http://localhost:${s}`

    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.port(parseInt(s))) {
      return `http://localhost:${s}`

    if (s[0] === ':') {
      return `http://localhost${s}`
    // for anything else, return original argument
    return s
github bahmutov / start-server-and-test / src / utils.js View on Github external
return str.every(s => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s
    // wait-on allows specifying HTTP verb to use instead of default HEAD
    // and the format then is like "http-get://" to use GET
    if (isWaitOnUrl(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s)) {
      return is.port(s)
    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return false
    if (s[0] === ':') {
      const withoutColon = s.substr(1)
github bahmutov / start-server-and-test / src / utils.js View on Github external
const getArguments = cliArgs => {
  la(is.strings(cliArgs), 'expected list of strings', cliArgs)

  let start = 'start'
  let test = 'test'
  let url

  if (cliArgs.length === 1 && isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) {
    // passed just single url or port number, for example
    // "start": "http://localhost:8080"
    url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0])
  } else if (cliArgs.length === 2) {
    if (isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) {
      // passed port and custom test command
      // like ":8080 test-ci"
      url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0])
      test = cliArgs[1]
github cypress-io / cypress / scripts / add-install-comment.js View on Github external
} = require('./utils')
const { addCommitComment } = require('@cypress/github-commit-status-check')
const { stripIndent } = require('common-tags')

/* eslint-disable no-console */

const { npm, binary } = getNameAndBinary(process.argv)

la(is.unemptyString(npm), 'missing npm url')
la(is.unemptyString(binary), 'missing binary url')

const commitInfo = getShortCommit()

la(is.object(commitInfo), 'could not determine current commit information')
const { sha } = commitInfo

la(is.commitId(sha), 'could not find commit SHA')

const platform = os.platform()
const arch = os.arch()

console.log('posting pre-release instructions')
console.log(' commit:', sha)
console.log(' npm:', npm)
console.log(' binary:', binary)
console.log(' platform:', platform)
console.log(' arch:', arch)

const ciName = getCIName() || 'Unknown CI'
const buildUrl = getCIBuildUrl()
github bahmutov / rambo / src / derive-functions.js View on Github external
if (f.f === R.append) {
    const allValues = grab.everything(examples)
    la(is.array(allValues), 'could not grab values from', examples)
    return => {
      const s = is.string(value) ? `'${value}'` : value
      return {
        f: f.f(value),
        name: `${}(${s})`

  if (f.f === R.split) {
    const strings = grab.strings(examples)

    la(is.array(strings), 'expected list of strings from', examples, strings)
    const characters = R.uniq(strings.join('').split(''))
    // console.log('characters', characters)
    return => {
      return {
        f: f.f(sep),
        name: `${}('${sep}')`

  return []
github bahmutov / liverage / src / index.js View on Github external
const statementCovered = (options) => {
  // console.log('%s s %s covered %d',, options.s, options.counter)
  if (server && cover) {
    la(is.unemptyString(options.s), 'no covered statement', options)
    la(is.unemptyString(options.filename), 'no filename', options)
    const fileCoverage = cover[options.filename]
    if (fileCoverage) {
      const statementInfo = fileCoverage.statementMap[options.s]
      la(statementInfo, 'missing start for statement', options.s)
      const firstLine = statementInfo.start.line
      la(is.number(firstLine), 'not a number of line', statementInfo)
      console.log('line', firstLine, 'counter', options.counter)
      server.statementCovered(options.filename, firstLine, options.counter)
github bahmutov / dont-break / src / dont-break.js View on Github external
var testWithPreviousVersion
  var currentModuleInstallMethod
  if (check.string(dependent)) {
    dependent = {name: dependent.trim()}

  dependent = Object.assign({pretest: true, currentModuleInstall: 'npm install $CURRENT_MODULE_DIR'}, config, dependent)
  moduleTestCommand = dependent.test
  modulePostinstallCommand = dependent.postinstall || 'npm install'
  testWithPreviousVersion = dependent.pretest
  currentModuleInstallMethod = dependent.currentModuleInstall
  var dependentInstall = dependent.install

  dependent =

  la(check.unemptyString(dependent), 'invalid dependent', dependent)
  banner('  testing', quote(dependent))

  const moduleName = getDependencyName(dependent)

  function formFullFolderName () {
    if (isRepoUrl(dependent)) {
      // simple repo installation
      return toFolder
    } else {
      let scoped = moduleName.startsWith('@')
      let idx = scoped ? 1 : 0
      let moduleDir = moduleName.split('@')[idx]
      moduleDir = scoped ? `@${moduleDir}` : moduleDir
      return join(toFolder, 'node_modules', moduleDir)
github cypress-io / cypress / scripts / link-packages.js View on Github external
debug(, 'bare name', bareName, 'main', json.main)
    const destinationFolder = path.join(pathToPackages, bareName)
    const destPackageFilename = path.join(destinationFolder, 'package.json')
    const registerPath = path.join(destinationFolder, 'register.js')
    const fullMain = path.resolve(dirname, json.main)

    debug('full name', fullMain)
    const relativePathToMain = path.relative(destinationFolder, fullMain)

    debug('relative path to main', relativePathToMain)

    // for browserify, some packages use "browser" field
    // need to pass it as well
    let relativePathToBrowser

    if (is.unemptyString(json.browser)) {
      debug('package has browser field %s', json.browser)
      relativePathToBrowser = path.relative(destinationFolder,
        path.resolve(dirname, json.browser)
      debug('relative path to browser', relativePathToBrowser)

    const proxy = proxyModule(, relativePathToMain, relativePathToBrowser)

    console.log(path.dirname(destPackageFilename), '->', relativePathToMain)

    return fs.outputJsonAsync(destPackageFilename, proxy)
    .then(() => {
      if (needsRegister( {
        console.log('adding register file', registerPath)