How to use the chai.assert.instanceOf function in chai

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few chai examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github behavior3 / behavior3js / test / core / BehaviorTree-Serialization.js View on Github external
'title'       : 'Root Node',
                    'description' : 'Root Description',
                    'children'    : ['2'],
                '2': {
                    'name'        : 'CustomNode',
                    'title'       : 'Node 2',
                    'description' : 'Node 2 Description'

        tree.load(data, {'CustomNode': CustomNode});

        // Root
        assert.instanceOf(tree.root, Priority);
        assert.equal(tree.root.title, 'Root Node');
        assert.equal(tree.root.description, 'Root Description');
        assert.equal(tree.root.children.length, 1);

        // Node 2
        var node = tree.root.children[0];
        assert.instanceOf(node, CustomNode);
        assert.equal(node.title, 'Node 2');
        assert.equal(node.description, 'Node 2 Description');
github twosigma / git-meta / node / lib / util / commit.js View on Github external
const commitRepo = co.wrap(function *(repo,
                                      signature) {
    assert.instanceOf(repo, NodeGit.Repository);
    assert.instanceOf(signature, NodeGit.Signature);

    const doCommit = 0 !== Object.keys(changes).length || force;

    // If we're auto-staging files, loop through workdir and stage them.

    if (doAll) {
        const index = yield repo.index();
        for (let path in changes) {
            yield exports.stageChange(index, path, changes[path]);
        yield index.write();
    if (doCommit) {
        return yield repo.createCommitOnHead(
github thetutlage / japa / test / group.spec.ts View on Github external
it('should register the tests to be invoked later', async () => {
    const group = new Group('sample', getFn([]), getFn([]), { bail: false, timeout: 2000 })
    group.test('sample test', function cb () {})

    assert.lengthOf(group['_tests'], 1)
    assert.instanceOf(group['_tests'][0], Test)
github thetutlage / japa / test / group.spec.ts View on Github external
it('define timeout for the test via group', async () => {
    const group = new Group('sample', getFn([]), getFn([]), { bail: false, timeout: 2000 })

    const test = group.test('sample test', async function cb () {
      await sleep(500)

    assert.equal(test.toJSON().status, 'failed')
    assert.instanceOf(test.toJSON().error, TimeoutException)
github marcog83 / RoboJS / test / dom-watcher.spec.js View on Github external
it('L\'oggetto ritornato ha 3 proprietà, 2 Signal e dispose', function () {
        var {onAdded,onRemoved,dispose} = DomWatcher({},()=>{});

        assert.instanceOf(onAdded, Signal, "onAdded non è un Signal");
        assert.instanceOf(onRemoved, Signal, "onRemoved non è un Signal");
        assert.isFunction(dispose, "dispose non è una funzione");
github LCMApps / dns-lookup-cache / tests / Unit / Lookup / _makeNotFoundError.js View on Github external
it('must correct create error object with syscall', () => {
        const expectedSysCall = 'queryA';

        const error = lookup._makeNotFoundError(addresses.INET_HOST1, expectedSysCall);

        assert.instanceOf(error, Error);
        assert.strictEqual(error.message, `${expectedSysCall} ${dns.NOTFOUND} ${addresses.INET_HOST1}`);
        assert.strictEqual(error.hostname, addresses.INET_HOST1);
        assert.strictEqual(error.code, dns.NOTFOUND);
        assert.strictEqual(error.errno, dns.NOTFOUND);
        assert.strictEqual(error.syscall, expectedSysCall);
github dsfields / couchbase-promises / tests / unit / bucket.js View on Github external
it('should return Promise', (done) => {
          const result = bucket.touchAsync(numKey, 1000);
          assert.instanceOf(result, couchbase.Promise);
github LCMApps / dns-lookup-cache / tests / Functional / lookup.js View on Github external
checkResult(done, err, address, family) {
                const expectedSysCall = 'queryAaaa';
                const expectedCode = 'ENOTFOUND';
                const expectedErrNo = 'ENOTFOUND';
                const expectedHostName =;

                const expectedMessage = `${expectedSysCall} ${expectedErrNo} ${expectedHostName}`;

                assert.instanceOf(err, Error);

                assert.strictEqual(err.message, expectedMessage);
                assert.strictEqual(err.syscall, expectedSysCall);
                assert.strictEqual(err.code, expectedCode);
                assert.strictEqual(err.errno, expectedErrNo);
                assert.strictEqual(err.hostname, expectedHostName);


github jsdom / jsdom / test / api / options.js View on Github external
beforeParse(window) {
          assert.instanceOf(window, window.Window);
          assert.instanceOf(window.document, window.Document);

          assert.strictEqual(window.document.doctype, null);
          assert.strictEqual(window.document.documentElement, null);
          assert.strictEqual(window.document.childNodes.length, 0);

          windowPassed = window;