How to use the builder-util.isEmptyOrSpaces function in builder-util

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few builder-util examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / targets / LinuxTargetHelper.ts View on Github external
Exec: exec,
      Terminal: "false",
      Type: "Application",
      Icon: packager.executableName,
      // must be set to package.json name (because it is Electron set WM_CLASS)
      // to get WM_CLASS of running window: xprop WM_CLASS
      // StartupWMClass doesn't work for unicode
      StartupWMClass: appInfo.productName,

    const description = this.getDescription(targetSpecificOptions)
    if (!isEmptyOrSpaces(description)) {
      desktopMeta.Comment = description

    const mimeTypes: Array = asArray(targetSpecificOptions.mimeTypes)
    for (const fileAssociation of packager.fileAssociations) {
      if (fileAssociation.mimeType != null) {

    for (const protocol of asArray(packager.config.protocols).concat(asArray(packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.protocols))) {
      for (const scheme of asArray(protocol.schemes)) {
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / electron-builder-squirrel-windows / src / SquirrelWindowsTarget.ts View on Github external
name: appName,
      productName: || appInfo.productName,
      appId: this.options.useAppIdAsId ? : appName,
      version: appInfo.version,
      description: appInfo.description,
      // better to explicitly set to empty string, to avoid any nugget errors
      authors: appInfo.companyName || "",
      extraMetadataSpecs: projectUrl == null ? null : `\n    ${projectUrl}`,
      copyright: appInfo.copyright,
      packageCompressionLevel: parseInt((process.env.ELECTRON_BUILDER_COMPRESSION_LEVEL || packager.compression === "store" ? 0 : 9) as any, 10),
      vendorPath: await getBinFromUrl("Squirrel.Windows", "1.9.0", "zJHk4CMATM7jHJ2ojRH1n3LkOnaIezDk5FAzJmlSEQSiEdRuB4GGLCegLDtsRCakfHIVfKh3ysJHLjynPkXwhQ=="),
      ...this.options as any,

    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(options.description)) {
      options.description = options.productName

    if (options.remoteToken == null) {
      options.remoteToken = process.env.GH_TOKEN || process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN

    if (!("loadingGif" in options)) {
      const resourceList = await packager.resourceList
      if (resourceList.includes("install-spinner.gif")) {
        options.loadingGif = path.join(packager.buildResourcesDir, "install-spinner.gif")

    if (this.options.remoteReleases === true) {
      const info = await
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / BintrayPublisher.ts View on Github external
constructor(context: PublishContext, info: BintrayOptions, private readonly version: string, private readonly options: PublishOptions = {}) {

    let token = info.token
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(token)) {
      token = process.env.BT_TOKEN
      if (isEmptyOrSpaces(token)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationError(`Bintray token is not set, neither programmatically, nor using env "BT_TOKEN" (see`)

      token = token.trim()

      if (!isTokenCharValid(token)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationError(`Bintray token (${JSON.stringify(token)}) contains invalid characters, please check env "BT_TOKEN"`)

    this.client = new BintrayClient(info, httpExecutor, this.context.cancellationToken, token)
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / PublishManager.ts View on Github external
async function resolvePublishConfigurations(publishers: any, platformPackager: PlatformPackager | null, packager: Packager, arch: Arch | null, errorIfCannot: boolean): Promise | null> {
  if (publishers == null) {
    let serviceName: PublishProvider | null = null
    if (!isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.GH_TOKEN) || !isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN)) {
      serviceName = "github"
    else if (!isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.BT_TOKEN)) {
      serviceName = "bintray"

    if (serviceName != null) {
      log.debug(null, `detect ${serviceName} as publish provider`)
      return [(await getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, {provider: serviceName}, arch, errorIfCannot))!]

  if (publishers == null) {
    return []
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / BintrayPublisher.ts View on Github external
constructor(context: PublishContext, info: BintrayOptions, private readonly version: string, private readonly options: PublishOptions = {}) {

    let token = info.token
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(token)) {
      token = process.env.BT_TOKEN
      if (isEmptyOrSpaces(token)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationError(`Bintray token is not set, neither programmatically, nor using env "BT_TOKEN" (see`)

      token = token.trim()

      if (!isTokenCharValid(token)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationError(`Bintray token (${JSON.stringify(token)}) contains invalid characters, please check env "BT_TOKEN"`)

    this.client = new BintrayClient(info, httpExecutor, this.context.cancellationToken, token)
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / PublishManager.ts View on Github external
async function resolvePublishConfigurations(publishers: any, platformPackager: PlatformPackager | null, packager: Packager, arch: Arch | null, errorIfCannot: boolean): Promise | null> {
  if (publishers == null) {
    let serviceName: PublishProvider | null = null
    if (!isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.GH_TOKEN) || !isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN)) {
      serviceName = "github"
    else if (!isEmptyOrSpaces(process.env.BT_TOKEN)) {
      serviceName = "bintray"

    if (serviceName != null) {
      log.debug(null, `detect ${serviceName} as publish provider`)
      return [(await getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, {provider: serviceName}, arch, errorIfCannot))!]

  if (publishers == null) {
    return []

  debug(`Explicit publish provider: ${safeStringifyJson(publishers)}`)
  return await (, it => getResolvedPublishConfig(platformPackager, packager, typeof it === "string" ? {provider: it} : it, arch, errorIfCannot)) as Promise>)
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / s3 / spacesPublisher.ts View on Github external
protected configureS3Options(args: Array): void {

    args.push("--endpoint", `${}`)

    const accessKey = process.env.DO_KEY_ID
    const secretKey = process.env.DO_SECRET_KEY
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(accessKey)) {
      throw new InvalidConfigurationError("Please set env DO_KEY_ID (see")
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(secretKey)) {
      throw new InvalidConfigurationError("Please set env DO_SECRET_KEY (see")
    args.push("--accessKey", accessKey)
    args.push("--secretKey", secretKey)
github electron-userland / electron-builder / packages / app-builder-lib / src / publish / s3 / spacesPublisher.ts View on Github external
protected configureS3Options(args: Array): void {

    args.push("--endpoint", `${}`)

    const accessKey = process.env.DO_KEY_ID
    const secretKey = process.env.DO_SECRET_KEY
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(accessKey)) {
      throw new InvalidConfigurationError("Please set env DO_KEY_ID (see")
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(secretKey)) {
      throw new InvalidConfigurationError("Please set env DO_SECRET_KEY (see")
    args.push("--accessKey", accessKey)
    args.push("--secretKey", secretKey)