How to use the buffer/.Buffer.concat function in buffer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few buffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws-amplify / amplify-js / packages / amazon-cognito-identity-js / es / CognitoUser.js View on Github external
authenticationHelper.getPasswordAuthenticationKey(_this6.deviceKey, _this6.randomPassword, serverBValue, salt, function (errHkdf, hkdf) {
          // getPasswordAuthenticationKey callback start
          if (errHkdf) {
            return callback.onFailure(errHkdf);

          var dateNow = dateHelper.getNowString();

          var signatureString = createHmac('sha256', hkdf).update(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(_this6.deviceGroupKey, 'utf8'), Buffer.from(_this6.deviceKey, 'utf8'), Buffer.from(challengeParameters.SECRET_BLOCK, 'base64'), Buffer.from(dateNow, 'utf8')])).digest('base64');

          var challengeResponses = {};

          challengeResponses.USERNAME = _this6.username;
          challengeResponses.PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK = challengeParameters.SECRET_BLOCK;
          challengeResponses.TIMESTAMP = dateNow;
          challengeResponses.PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE = signatureString;
          challengeResponses.DEVICE_KEY = _this6.deviceKey;

          var jsonReqResp = {
            ChallengeName: 'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER',
            ClientId: _this6.pool.getClientId(),
            ChallengeResponses: challengeResponses,
            Session: data.Session
          if (_this6.getUserContextData()) {
github GridPlus / gridplus-sdk / src / client.js View on Github external
_buildEncRequest(enc_request_code, payload) {
    // Get the ephemeral id - all encrypted requests require there to be an
    // epehemeral public key in order to send
    const ephemId = parseInt(this._getEphemId().toString('hex'), 16)
    let i = 0;
    // Build the payload and checksum
    const payloadPreCs = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([enc_request_code]), payload]);
    const cs = checksum(payloadPreCs);
    const payloadBuf = Buffer.alloc(payloadPreCs.length + 4);

    // Lattice validates checksums in little endian
    payloadPreCs.copy(payloadBuf, 0);
    payloadBuf.writeUInt32LE(cs, payloadPreCs.length);

    // Encrypt this payload
    const secret = this._getSharedSecret();
    const newEncPayload = aes256_encrypt(payloadBuf, secret);

    // Write to the overall payload. We must use the same length
    // for every encrypted request and must include a 32-bit ephemId
    // along with the encrypted data
    const newPayload = Buffer.alloc(ENC_MSG_LEN + 4);
    // First 4 bytes are the ephemeral id (in little endian)
github node-a-team / ts-amino / src / binary-encode.ts View on Github external
buf = Buffer.concat([
            encodeFieldNumberAndTyp3(fopts.binFieldNum, Typ3.ByteLength)

        // TODO: handling default

        const efopts = {
            binFieldNum: 1
        buf = Buffer.concat([
          Buffer.from(encodeReflectBinary(codec, einfo, v, efopts, false))

  if (bare) {
    return buf;
  return Encoder.encodeByteSlice(buf);
github node-a-team / ts-amino / src / binary-encode.ts View on Github external
// TODO: handling default

        // TODO: handling unpacked list

        buf = Buffer.concat([
              typeToTyp3(finfo!.type, field.fieldOptions)

        buf = Buffer.concat([
            encodeReflectBinary(codec, finfo, frv, field.fieldOptions, false)

        // TODO: ???

  if (bare) {
    return buf;
  return Encoder.encodeByteSlice(buf);
github node-a-team / ts-amino / src / binary-encode.ts View on Github external
throw new Error("Cannot encode unregistered concrete type");

  let buf: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);

  let needDisamb = false;
  if (
    iinfo.interfaceInfo &&
  ) {
    needDisamb = true;
  // TODO: judge whether disamb is necessary

  if (needDisamb) {
    buf = Buffer.concat([

  buf = Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.from(cinfo.concreteInfo.prefix)]);

  buf = Buffer.concat([
    Buffer.from(encodeReflectBinary(codec, cinfo, value, fopts, true))

  if (bare) {
    return buf;
  return Encoder.encodeByteSlice(buf);
github node-a-team / ts-amino / src / binary-encode.ts View on Github external
if (value.length > 0) {
    const [deferedInfo] = deferTypeInfo(codec, einfo, value[0], "");
    einfo = deferedInfo;

    const typ3 = typeToTyp3(deferedInfo.type, fopts);
    if (typ3 !== Typ3.ByteLength) {
      for (const v of value) {
        buf = Buffer.concat([
          Buffer.from(encodeReflectBinary(codec, einfo, v, fopts, false))
    } else {
      for (const v of value) {
        buf = Buffer.concat([
            encodeFieldNumberAndTyp3(fopts.binFieldNum, Typ3.ByteLength)

        // TODO: handling default

        const efopts = {
            binFieldNum: 1
        buf = Buffer.concat([
github node-a-team / ts-amino / src / encoder.ts View on Github external
export function encodeInt64(i: number | bigInteger.BigInteger): Uint8Array {
  let int = constants.numberToInt(i);
  if (int.isNegative()) {
    int = int.negate();
    int = int.minus(bigInteger(1));
    int = constants.MAX_UINT64.minus(int);
  let buf = Buffer.from(int.toArray(256).value.reverse());
  if (buf.length > 8) {
    throw new Error("buffer overflowed");
  buf = Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.alloc(8 - buf.length)], 8);
  return buf;
github GridPlus / gridplus-sdk / src / bitcoin.js View on Github external
function buildSig(sig, pubkey) {
  sig = Buffer.concat([sig, DEFAULT_SIGHASH_BUFFER])
  const sigLen = getVarInt(sig.length);
  const pubkeyLen = getVarInt(pubkey.length);
  const slice = Buffer.concat([sigLen, sig, pubkeyLen, pubkey]);
  const len = getVarInt(slice.length);
  return Buffer.concat([len, slice]);
github GridPlus / gridplus-sdk / src / bitcoin.js View on Github external
function buildSig(sig, pubkey) {
  sig = Buffer.concat([sig, DEFAULT_SIGHASH_BUFFER])
  const sigLen = getVarInt(sig.length);
  const pubkeyLen = getVarInt(pubkey.length);
  const slice = Buffer.concat([sigLen, sig, pubkeyLen, pubkey]);
  const len = getVarInt(slice.length);
  return Buffer.concat([len, slice]);