How to use the browserify-aes.createCipheriv function in browserify-aes

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few browserify-aes examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github vshymanskyy / miband-js / src / miband.js View on Github external
_handleNotify(event) {
    const value = Buffer.from(;

    if ( === this.char.auth.uuid) {
      const cmd = value.slice(0,3).toString('hex');
      if (cmd === '100101') {         // Set New Key OK
      } else if (cmd === '100201') {  // Req Random Number OK
        let rdn = value.slice(3)
        let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', this.key, '').setAutoPadding(false)
        let encrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(rdn),])
      } else if (cmd === '100301') {

      } else if (cmd === '100104') {  // Set New Key FAIL
        this.emit('error', 'Key Sending failed')
      } else if (cmd === '100204') {  // Req Random Number FAIL
        this.emit('error', 'Key Sending failed')
      } else if (cmd === '100304') {
        debug('Encryption Key Auth Fail, sending new key...')
      } else {
        debug('Unhandled auth rsp:', value);
github EOSIO / eosjs-ecc / src / aes.js View on Github external
function cryptoJsEncrypt(message, key, iv) {
    assert(message, "Missing plain text")
    message = toBinaryBuffer(message)
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv)
    // cipher.setAutoPadding(true)
    message = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(message),])
    return message
github steemit / steem-js / src / auth / ecc / src / aes.js View on Github external
function cryptoJsEncrypt(message, key, iv) {
    assert(message, "Missing plain text")
    message = toBinaryBuffer(message)
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', key, iv)
    // cipher.setAutoPadding(true)
    message = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(message),])
    return message
github bitcoinjs / bip38 / index.js View on Github external
var d = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer)
  var address = getAddress(d, compressed)
  var secret = Buffer.from(passphrase.normalize('NFC'), 'utf8')
  var salt = hash256(address).slice(0, 4)

  var N = scryptParams.N
  var r = scryptParams.r
  var p = scryptParams.p

  var scryptBuf = scrypt(secret, salt, N, r, p, 64, progressCallback)
  var derivedHalf1 = scryptBuf.slice(0, 32)
  var derivedHalf2 = scryptBuf.slice(32, 64)

  var xorBuf = xor(derivedHalf1, buffer)
  var cipher = aes.createCipheriv('aes-256-ecb', derivedHalf2, NULL)

  var cipherText =

  // 0x01 | 0x42 | flagByte | salt (4) | cipherText (32)
  var result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(7 + 32)
  result.writeUInt8(0x01, 0)
  result.writeUInt8(0x42, 1)
  result.writeUInt8(compressed ? 0xe0 : 0xc0, 2)
  salt.copy(result, 3)
  cipherText.copy(result, 7)

  return result
github ArkEcosystem / core / packages / crypto / src / crypto / bip38.ts View on Github external
const encryptRaw = (buffer: Buffer, compressed: boolean, passphrase: string): Buffer => {
    if (buffer.length !== 32) {
        throw new PrivateKeyLengthError(32, buffer.length);

    const address = getAddressPrivate(buffer, compressed);

    const secret = Buffer.from(passphrase, "utf8");
    const salt = HashAlgorithms.hash256(address).slice(0, 4);

    const scryptBuf = crypto.scryptSync(secret, salt, 64, SCRYPT_PARAMS);
    const derivedHalf1 = scryptBuf.slice(0, 32);
    const derivedHalf2 = scryptBuf.slice(32, 64);

    const xorBuf = xor(derivedHalf1, buffer);
    const cipher = aes.createCipheriv("aes-256-ecb", derivedHalf2, NULL);

    const cipherText =;

    // 0x01 | 0x42 | flagByte | salt (4) | cipherText (32)
    const result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(7 + 32);
    result.writeUInt8(0x01, 0);
    result.writeUInt8(0x42, 1);
    result.writeUInt8(compressed ? 0xe0 : 0xc0, 2);
    salt.copy(result, 3);
    cipherText.copy(result, 7);

    return result;