How to use the broccoli-source.UnwatchedDir function in broccoli-source

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few broccoli-source examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ember-fastboot / simple-dom / lib / build.js View on Github external
const rollup = rollupPackage(compiled, workspace);

  const distPath = `${workspace}/dist`;

  const dist = new Funnel(rollup, {
    getDestinationPath(relativePath) {
      return relativePath.slice(distPath.length + 1);
    annotation: `mv ${distPath} to .`,

  if (isProduction() || addTestVendor !== true) {
    return debugTree(dist, `packageDist/${workspace}/output`);

  let vendor = new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(rootPath), {
    include: [`packages/@simple-dom/*/dist/amd/es5/index.*`],
    exclude: [`${workspace}/**`, `**/node_modules/**`, `**/tmp/**`]

  vendor = mergeTrees([vendor, rollup]);

  // place vendored package sources at root
  vendor = new FixupSources(vendor, '../..');

  vendor = debugTree(vendor, `packageDist/${workspace}/test-vendor-before-concat`);

  vendor = concat(vendor, {
    outputFile: '/test/amd/vendor.js',
    inputFiles: ['packages/**/dist/amd/es5/index.js'],
    sourceMapConfig: { enabled: true }
github adopted-ember-addons / ember-electron / lib / utils / assemble-tree.js View on Github external

    new Funnel('ember-electron', {
      srcDir: `resources-${platform}`,
      destDir: 'ember-electron/resources',
      allowEmpty: true,

    new Funnel(inputNode, {
      destDir: 'ember',

  if (process.env.EMBER_ENV === 'test') {
    // Overwrite main.js with test main.js
    trees.push(new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir('.'), {
      destDir: 'ember-electron',
      include: [
      getDestinationPath() {
        return 'main.js';

  return mergeTrees(trees, {
    overwrite: true,
github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / broccoli / ember-app.js View on Github external
let testsPath = typeof trees.tests === 'string' ? resolvePathFor('tests', trees.tests) : null;
    let testsTree = buildTreeFor('tests', trees.tests, options.tests);

    // these are contained within app/ no need to watch again
    // (we should probably have the builder or the watcher dedup though)

    if (isExperimentEnabled('MODULE_UNIFICATION')) {
      let srcStylesPath = `${resolvePathFor('src', trees.src)}/ui/styles`;
      this._stylesPath = fs.existsSync(srcStylesPath) ? srcStylesPath : resolvePathFor('app/styles', trees.styles);
    } else {
      this._stylesPath = resolvePathFor('app/styles', trees.styles);

    let stylesTree = null;
    if (fs.existsSync(this._stylesPath)) {
      stylesTree = new UnwatchedDir(this._stylesPath);

    let templatesTree = buildTreeFor('app/templates', trees.templates, false);

    // do not watch bower's default directory by default
    let bowerTree = buildTreeFor(this.bowerDirectory, null, !!this.project._watchmanInfo.enabled);

    // Set the flag to make sure:
    // - we do not blow up if there is no bower_components folder
    // - we do not attempt to merge bower and vendor together if they are the
    //   same tree
    this._bowerEnabled = this.bowerDirectory !== 'vendor' && fs.existsSync(this.bowerDirectory);

    let vendorTree = buildTreeFor('vendor', trees.vendor);
    let publicTree = buildTreeFor('public', trees.public);
github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / broccoli / default-packager.js View on Github external
packageTestApplicationConfig() {
    let files = ['app-config.js'];
    let patterns = configReplacePatterns({
      addons: this.project.addons,
      autoRun: this.autoRun,
      storeConfigInMeta: this.storeConfigInMeta,
      isModuleUnification: this.isModuleUnificationEnabled,

    let configPath = path.join(, 'config', 'environments', `test.json`);
    let emberCLITree = new ConfigReplace(new UnwatchedDir(__dirname), this.packageConfig(), {

    return new Funnel(emberCLITree, {
      srcDir: '/',
      destDir: '/vendor/ember-cli/',
      annotation: 'Funnel (test-app-config-tree)',
github glimmerjs / glimmer-vm / build / broccoli / merge-definition-files.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(jsTree) {
  let definitionsTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir('packages/@glimmer'), {
    include: ['**/*.d.ts'],
    destDir: '@glimmer',

  return merge([jsTree, definitionsTree]);
github embroider-build / embroider / packages / core / src / addon.ts View on Github external
get legacyAppTree(): Tree {
    if (this.isNativeV2) {
      let appDir = this.packageJSON['ember-addon']['app-js'];
      if (appDir) {
        return new UnwatchedDir(join(this.originalRoot, appDir));
    } else {
      return new ChooseTree(this.vanillaTree, {
        annotation: `vanilla-choose-app-tree.${}`,
        srcDir: (_: string) => {
          return this.packageJSON['ember-addon']['app-js'];
github ember-cli / ember-cli / lib / broccoli / default-packager.js View on Github external
overwrite: true,
    let testJs = concat(baseMergedTree, {
      outputFile: testSupportPath,
      annotation: 'Concat: Test Support JS',
      allowNone: true,
      sourceMapConfig: this.sourcemaps,

    let testemPath = path.join(__dirname, 'testem');
    testemPath = path.dirname(testemPath);

    let testemTree = new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(testemPath), {
      files: ['testem.js'],
      annotation: 'Funnel (testem)',

    let sourceTrees = [testemTree, testJs];

    if (this.vendorTestStaticStyles.length > 0) {
        concat(tree, {
          headerFiles: this.vendorTestStaticStyles,
          outputFile: this.distPaths.testSupportCssFile,
          annotation: 'Concat: Test Support CSS',
          sourceMapConfig: this.sourcemaps,
github dfreeman / ember-cli-node-assets / lib / tree-for.js View on Github external
function npmTree(parent, packageName, packageTreeOptions) {
  var packageRoot = path.dirname(resolve.sync(packageName + '/package.json', { basedir: parent.root }));
  var packageTree = new UnwatchedDir(packageRoot);

  debug('creating funnel for %s at %s %o', packageName, packageRoot, packageTreeOptions);

  return new Funnel(packageTree, packageTreeOptions);
github sir-dunxalot / ember-tooltips / index.js View on Github external
treeForVendor(tree) {
    let popperPath = this.findModulePath(this.project.root, 'popper.js');
    let popperTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir(popperPath), {
      include: ['popper.js']

    let tooltipPath = this.findModulePath(this.project.root, 'tooltip.js');
    let tooltipTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir(tooltipPath), {
      include: ['tooltip.js']

    const mergedTree = new MergedTrees([tree, popperTree, tooltipTree]);

    return funnel(this.removeSourcemapAnnotation(mergedTree), {
      getDestinationPath(relativePath) {
        if (relativePath === 'popper.js' || relativePath === 'tooltip.js') {
          return `ember-tooltips--${relativePath}`;
github embroider-build / embroider / packages / compat / src / build-compat-addon.ts View on Github external
function withoutNodeModules(root: string): Tree {
  return new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(root), {
    exclude: ['node_modules'],


Broccoli plugin for referring to source directories on the file system

Latest version published 4 years ago

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53 / 100
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