How to use the bluebird.fromCallback function in bluebird

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bluebird examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gemini-testing / gemini / lib / state-processor / state-processor.js View on Github external
const jobArgs = {
            captureProcessorType: this._captureProcessorType,
            browserSession: browserSession.serialize(),
            page: _.omit(page, 'coverage'),
            execOpts: {
                refImg: {path: browserConfig.getScreenshotPath(state.suite,, size: null},
                pixelRatio: page.pixelRatio,
                antialiasingTolerance: browserConfig.antialiasingTolerance,
                compareOpts: browserConfig.compareOpts
            temp: temp.serialize()

        return Promise.fromCallback((cb) => this._workers(jobArgs, cb))
            .catch(err => Promise.reject(errorUtils.fromPlainObject(err)))
            .then(result => _.extend(result, {coverage, tolerance}));
github FirstLegoLeague / launcher / src / renderer / components / about.vue View on Github external
openSite (event, site) {

        Promise.fromCallback(cb => this.adapter.openSite(site, cb))
          .catch(err => {
      saveDebugData () {
github FirstLegoLeague / launcher / src / renderer / components / home.vue View on Github external
mounted () {
      this.clipboard = this.$electron.remote.clipboard
      this.adapter = this.$electron.remote.require('./main').homeAdapter

        Promise.fromCallback(cb => this.adapter.getPortsAllocation(cb)),
        Promise.fromCallback(cb => this.adapter.getIp(cb)),
        Promise.fromCallback(cb => this.adapter.getModulesDisplayNames(cb))
        .then(([portsAllocation, ip, dispalyNames]) => {
          this.modules = Object.entries(portsAllocation)
            .map(([module, port]) => ({
              name: dispalyNames[module],
              site: `http://${ip}:${port}/`
        .catch(err => {
github codefresh-io / venona / agent / index.js View on Github external
async _loadJobs() {
		const ignorePaths = [(file, stats) => {

			return !(new RegExp(/.*job.js/g).test(file)) && !stats.isDirectory();
		return Promise
			.fromCallback(cb => recursive(path.join(__dirname, './../jobs'), ignorePaths, cb))
			.map(Job => this._startJob(Job));
github forabi / WebCeph / src / utils / importers / image / import.ts View on Github external
const importFile: Importer = async (fileToImport, options) => {
  const {
    ids = [uniqueId('imported_image_')],
  } = options;
  const [imageId] = ids;
  const actions: GenericAction[] = [
    loadImageStarted({ imageId, workspaceId }),
  const dataURL = await readFileAsDataURL(fileToImport);
  const img = new Image();
  img.src = dataURL;
  const { height, width } = await bluebird.fromCallback(cb => {
    img.onload = () => cb(null, img);
    img.onerror = ({ error }) => cb(error, null);
    id: imageId,
    data: dataURL,
  actions.push(setActiveImageId({ imageId, workspaceId }));
  return actions;
github untu / comedy / lib / inter-host-reference-source.js View on Github external
destroy() {
    return P.fromCallback(cb => this.client.close(cb));
github gristlabs / aws-lambda-upload / lib / main.js View on Github external
if (options.tsconfig) {
    b.plugin(tsify, { project: options.tsconfig });


  let srcPaths = [], paths = [];
  b.pipeline.get('deps').push(through.obj((row, enc, next) => {
    let p = path.relative('', row.file ||;
    saveTranslatedOutput(p, stageDir, row.source)
    .then(n => { paths.push(n); next(); });

  return bluebird.fromCallback(cb => b.bundle(cb))
  .then(() => getPackageFiles(srcPaths))
  .then(pkgPaths => paths.concat(pkgPaths).sort());
exports.collectDependencies = collectDependencies;
github shmoop207 / appolo-express / lib / routes / router.js View on Github external
return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            let data = _.extend({}, req.params, req.query, req.body);
            let options = {
                abortEarly: false,
                allowUnknown: true,
                stripUnknown: true
            try {
                let params = yield Q.fromCallback((callback) => joi.validate(data, route.validations, options, callback));
                let output = {};
                if (route.convertToCamelCase !== false) {
                    for (let key in params) {
                        output[util_1.Util.convertSnakeCaseToCamelCase(key)] = params[key];
                else {
                    output = params;
                req.model = output;
            catch (e) {
                    status: 400,
                    statusText: "Bad Request",
github jysperm / elecpass / src / common / pass-store.js View on Github external
].map( ([from, to]) => {
      return Promise.fromCallback( callback => {
        fs.rename(from, to, callback)
      }).catch( err => {
        if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
          throw err;
    })).then( () => {
      if (!this.options.disableAutoCommit) {
github broidHQ / integrations / broid-slack / src / core / Adapter.ts View on Github external
const group = this.session.dataStore.getGroupById(key);
    const dm = this.session.dataStore.getDMById(key);

    if (channel) {
      this.storeChannels.set(key, R.assoc('_is_channel', true, channel.toJSON()));
    } else if (group) {
      this.storeChannels.set(key, R.assoc('_is_group', true, group.toJSON()));
    } else if (dm) {
      this.storeChannels.set(key, R.assoc('_is_dm', true, dm.toJSON()));

    if (this.storeChannels.get(key)) {
      return Promise.resolve(this.storeChannels.get(key));

    const pchannel = Promise.fromCallback((done) =>, done))
      .catch((error) => error === 'channel_not_found' ? null : { error });

    const pgroup = Promise.fromCallback((done) =>, done))
      .catch((error) => error === 'channel_not_found' ? null : { error });

    return Promise.join(pchannel, pgroup, (chan, grp) => {
      if (!chan.error) {
        return R.assoc('_is_channel', true,;
      } else if (!grp.error) {
        return R.assoc('_is_group', true,;
      } else if (!chan.error && !grp.error) {
        return {
          _is_dm: true,
          id: key,