How to use the blockly.BlockSvg function in blockly

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few blockly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github miguel76 / SparqlBlocks / src / shims / inlineStatements.js View on Github external
 * @fileoverview Shim on Blockly to permit statement connections on the same line with value connections
 * @author (Miguel Ceriani)
'use strict';

var Blockly = require('blockly');

 * Computes the height and widths for each row and field.
 * @param {number} iconWidth Offset of first row due to icons.
 * @return {!Array.>} 2D array of objects, each containing
 *     position information.
 * @private
Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.renderCompute_ = function(iconWidth) {
  var inputList = this.inputList;
  var inputRows = [];
  inputRows.rightEdge = iconWidth + Blockly.BlockSvg.SEP_SPACE_X * 2;
  if (this.previousConnection || this.nextConnection) {
    inputRows.rightEdge = Math.max(inputRows.rightEdge,
        Blockly.BlockSvg.NOTCH_WIDTH + Blockly.BlockSvg.SEP_SPACE_X);
  inputRows.statementEdge = 0;
  var fieldValueWidth = 0;  // Width of longest external value field.
  var fieldStatementWidth = 0;  // Width of longest statement field.
  var hasValue = false;
  var hasStatement = false;
  var hasDummy = false;
  var lastType = undefined;
  var isInline = this.getInputsInline() && !this.isCollapsed();
  for (var i = 0, input; input = inputList[i]; i++) {
github miguel76 / SparqlBlocks / src / core / field_table.js View on Github external
FieldTable.prototype.positionBlock_ = function(block, x, y) {
  if (block) {
    block.moveBy(Blockly.BlockSvg.TAB_HEIGHT + x, y);
github miguel76 / SparqlBlocks / src / shims / inlineStatements.js View on Github external
var fieldY = cursorY;
      if (input.align != Blockly.ALIGN_LEFT) {
        var fieldRightX = inputRows.statementEdge - input.fieldWidth -
            2 * Blockly.BlockSvg.SEP_SPACE_X;
        if (input.align == Blockly.ALIGN_RIGHT) {
          fieldX += fieldRightX;
        } else if (input.align == Blockly.ALIGN_CENTRE) {
          fieldX += fieldRightX / 2;
      this.renderFields_(input.fieldRow, fieldX, fieldY);
      cursorX = inputRows.statementEdge + Blockly.BlockSvg.NOTCH_WIDTH;
      steps.push('H', cursorX);
      steps.push('v', row.height - 2 * Blockly.BlockSvg.CORNER_RADIUS);
      steps.push('H', inputRows.rightEdge);
      if (this.RTL) {
            (cursorX - Blockly.BlockSvg.NOTCH_WIDTH +
             Blockly.BlockSvg.DISTANCE_45_OUTSIDE) +
            ',' + (cursorY + Blockly.BlockSvg.DISTANCE_45_OUTSIDE));
            row.height - 2 * Blockly.BlockSvg.CORNER_RADIUS);
        highlightSteps.push('H', inputRows.rightEdge - 0.5);
      } else {
            (cursorX - Blockly.BlockSvg.NOTCH_WIDTH +