How to use the bitcoinjs-lib.payments function in bitcoinjs-lib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bitcoinjs-lib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitcoin-studio / Bitcoin-Programming-with-BitcoinJS / code / csv_p2wsh.js View on Github external


// Signers
const keyPairAlice1 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(alice[1].wif, network)
const keyPairBob1 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(bob[1].wif, network)

// Recipient
const p2wpkhAlice1 = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({pubkey: keyPairAlice1.publicKey, network})

// Timelock
const timelock = bip68.encode({blocks: 5})
console.log('Timelock in blocks:')

// Generate witness script
const witnessScript = csvCheckSigOutput(keyPairAlice1, keyPairBob1, timelock)
console.log('Witness script:')

// Generate P2WSH address
// Send 1 bitcoin
const p2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({redeem: {output: witnessScript, network}, network})
console.log('P2WSH address:')
github swaponline / swap.react / shared / redux / actions / btc.js View on Github external
if (privateKey) {
    const hash  = bitcoin.crypto.sha256(privateKey)
    const d     = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)

    keyPair     = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(privateKey,
  else {'Created account Bitcoin ...')
    keyPair     = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: })
    privateKey  = keyPair.toWIF()

  localStorage.setItem(constants.privateKeyNames.btc, privateKey)

  const account         = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(privateKey, // eslint-disable-line
  const { address }     = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: account.publicKey, network: })
  const { publicKey }   = account

  const data = {

  window.getBtcAddress = () => data.address
  window.getBtcData = () => data'Logged in with Bitcoin', data)
  reducers.user.setAuthData({ name: 'btcData', data })
  return privateKey
github bitcoin-studio / Bitcoin-Programming-with-BitcoinJS / code / csv_p2wsh.js View on Github external
const signatureHash = tx.hashForWitnessV0(0, witnessScript, 1e8, hashType)

const witnessStackFirstBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairAlice1.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
    output: witnessScript

console.log('First branch witness stack:')
console.log( => x.toString('hex')))

const witnessStackSecondBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairAlice1.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairBob1.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
    output: witnessScript

console.log('Second branch witness stack:')
console.log( => x.toString('hex')))

// Choose a branch
tx.setWitness(0, witnessStackFirstBranch)
//tx.setWitness(0, witnessStackSecondBranch)
github bitcoin-studio / Bitcoin-Programming-with-BitcoinJS / code / data_anchoring_op_return.js View on Github external
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
const { alice } = require('./wallets.json')
const network = bitcoin.networks.regtest

// Signer
const keyPairAlice1 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(alice[1].wif, network)
const p2wpkhAlice1 = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({pubkey: keyPairAlice1.publicKey, network})

// Build
const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network)

// txb.addInput(prevTx, vout, sequence, prevTxScript)
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT, null, p2wpkhAlice1.output)

const data = Buffer.from('Programmable money FTW!', 'utf8')
const embed = bitcoin.payments.embed({data: [data]})
txb.addOutput(embed.output, 0)
txb.addOutput(p2wpkhAlice1.address, 99900000)

// txb.sign(index, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType, value, witnessScript)
txb.sign(0, keyPairAlice1, null, null, 1e8, null)

const tx =
console.log('Transaction hexadecimal:')
github bitcoin-studio / Bitcoin-Programming-with-BitcoinJS / code / swap_on2off_p2wsh_redeem.js View on Github external
// Happy case: swap provider redeems the funds to his address.
  txb.addOutput(p2wpkhSwapProvider.address, 1e3)

// Prepare transaction
const tx = txb.buildIncomplete()

// Prepare signature hash
const sigHash = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL
signatureHash = tx.hashForWitnessV0(0, Buffer.from(WITNESS_SCRIPT, 'hex'), 12e2, sigHash)
console.log('Signature hash:')

// Happy case: Swap Provider is able to spend the P2WSH
const witnessStackClaimBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairSwapProvider.sign(signatureHash), sigHash),
      Buffer.from(PREIMAGE, 'hex')
    output: Buffer.from(WITNESS_SCRIPT, 'hex')
console.log('Happy case witness stack:')
console.log( => x.toString('hex')))

// Failure case: User ask a refund after the timelock has expired
const witnessStackRefundBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
github liquality / chainabstractionlayer / packages / bitcoin-swap-provider / lib / BitcoinSwapProvider.js View on Github external
const sig = await this.getMethod('signP2SHTransaction')(
      initiationTxRaw, // TODO: Why raw? can't it be a bitcoinjs-lib TX like the next one?
      isSegwit ? swapPaymentVariants.p2wsh.redeem.output : swapPaymentVariants.p2sh.redeem.output,
      isRedeem ? 0 : expiration,

    const walletAddress = await this.getMethod('getWalletAddress')(address)
    const swapInput = this.getSwapInput(sig, walletAddress.publicKey, isRedeem, secret)
    const paymentParams = { redeem: { output: swapOutput, input: swapInput, network }, network }
    const paymentWithInput = isSegwit
      ? bitcoin.payments.p2wsh(paymentParams)
      : bitcoin.payments.p2sh(paymentParams)

    if (isSegwit) {
      tx.setWitness(0, paymentWithInput.witness)

    if (paymentVariantName === 'p2shSegwit') {
      // Adds the necessary push OP (PUSH34 (00 + witness script hash))
      const inputScript = bitcoin.script.compile([swapPaymentVariants.p2shSegwit.redeem.output])
      tx.setInputScript(0, inputScript)
    } else if (paymentVariantName === 'p2sh') {
      tx.setInputScript(0, paymentWithInput.input)

    return this.getMethod('sendRawTransaction')(tx.toHex())
github bitcoin-studio / Bitcoin-Programming-with-BitcoinJS / code / p2pkh_coinjoin_4_4.js View on Github external
// Recipients
const keyPairBob1 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(bob[1].wif, network)
const p2pkhBob1 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairBob1.publicKey, network})

const keyPairDave1 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(dave[1].wif, network)
const p2pkhDave1 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairDave1.publicKey, network})

const keyPairMallory2 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(mallory[2].wif, network)
const p2pkhMallory2 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairMallory2.publicKey, network})

const keyPairAlice2 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(alice[2].wif, network)
const p2pkhAlice2 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairAlice2.publicKey, network})

// Signer's change
const p2pkhEve1 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairEve1.publicKey, network})
const p2pkhMallory1 = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({pubkey: keyPairMallory1.publicKey, network})

const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network)

// Add inputs
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT)
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT)
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT)
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT)

// Add outputs
txb.addOutput(p2pkhBob1.address, 2e7)
txb.addOutput(p2pkhDave1.address, 2e7)
txb.addOutput(p2pkhMallory2.address, 2e7)
txb.addOutput(p2pkhAlice2.address, 2e7)
txb.addOutput(p2pkhEve1.address, 5e6 - 5e4)
github liquality / chainabstractionlayer / packages / bitcoin-js-wallet-provider / lib / BitcoinJsWalletProvider.js View on Github external
getPaymentVariantFromPublicKey (publicKey) {
    if (this._addressType === 'legacy') {
      return bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: publicKey, network: this._network })
    } else if (this._addressType === 'p2sh') {
      return bitcoin.payments.p2sh({
        redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: publicKey, network: this._network }),
        network: this._network })
    } else if (this._addressType === 'bech32') {
      return bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: publicKey, network: this._network })
github ishristov / bitcoin-private-key-fixer / utils.js View on Github external
function isRealWIF (publicAddress, WIF) {
  try {
    const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(WIF)
    const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey })
    return address === publicAddress
  } catch (e) {
    return false
github BlueWallet / BlueWallet / class / legacy-wallet.js View on Github external
getAddress() {
    if (this._address) return this._address;
    let address;
    try {
      let keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(this.secret);
      address = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({
        pubkey: keyPair.publicKey,
    } catch (err) {
      return false;
    this._address = address;

    return this._address;