How to use the benchmark.formatNumber function in benchmark

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few benchmark examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sailshq / waterline-sql-builder / test / support / benchmark-runner.js View on Github external
.on('complete', function() {
    // Time is measured in microseconds so 1000 = 1ms
    var fastestMean = _.first(this.filter('fastest')).stats.mean * 1000;
    var slowestMean = _.first(this.filter('slowest')).stats.mean * 1000;

    var mean = {
      fastest: Benchmark.formatNumber(fastestMean < 1 ? fastestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(fastestMean)),
      slowest: Benchmark.formatNumber(slowestMean < 1 ? slowestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(slowestMean))

    console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.fastest + 'ms');
    console.log('Slowest is ' + this.filter('slowest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.slowest + 'ms');
github balderdashy / sails-postgresql / test / support / benchmark-runner.js View on Github external
.on('complete', function() {
    // Time is measured in microseconds so 1000 = 1ms
    var fastestMean = _.first(this.filter('fastest')).stats.mean * 1000;
    var slowestMean = _.first(this.filter('slowest')).stats.mean * 1000;

    var mean = {
      fastest: Benchmark.formatNumber(fastestMean < 1 ? fastestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(fastestMean)),
      slowest: Benchmark.formatNumber(slowestMean < 1 ? slowestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(slowestMean))

    console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.fastest + 'ms');
    console.log('Slowest is ' + this.filter('slowest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.slowest + 'ms');

    return done(undefined, this);
github sailshq / waterline-sql-builder / test / support / benchmark-runner.js View on Github external
.on('complete', function() {
    // Time is measured in microseconds so 1000 = 1ms
    var fastestMean = _.first(this.filter('fastest')).stats.mean * 1000;
    var slowestMean = _.first(this.filter('slowest')).stats.mean * 1000;

    var mean = {
      fastest: Benchmark.formatNumber(fastestMean < 1 ? fastestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(fastestMean)),
      slowest: Benchmark.formatNumber(slowestMean < 1 ? slowestMean.toFixed(2) : Math.round(slowestMean))

    console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.fastest + 'ms');
    console.log('Slowest is ' + this.filter('slowest').map('name') + ' with an average of: ' + mean.slowest + 'ms');
github waylonflinn / weblas / benchmark / sgemm.js View on Github external
var pm = '\xb1',
			mu = '\xb5'
			size = this.stats.sample.length;

        	console.log("not ok " + + " " +;
        	// show error
        	console.log("  ---");
        	console.log("  error: " + this.error);
        	console.log("  ...");

        } else {
			var gflops = this.hz * 2 * M * N * K / 1e9;

			var info = Benchmark.formatNumber(gflops.toFixed(3)) + ' GFlops/sec ' +
				' ' + pm + this.stats.rme.toFixed(2) + '% ' +
	         	' n = ' + size +
	        	' ' + mu + " = " + (this.stats.mean * 1000).toFixed(0) + 'ms';

			console.log("ok " + + " " +;
			console.log("# " + info);


github hiddentao / gulp-bench / lib / benchmark.js View on Github external
// Calculate how much faster the fastest functions were than the second fastest
          var timesFaster = (fastest.hz/secondFastest.hz);

          var isAre = 'test is';
          if (fastestTests.length > 1) {
            isAre = 'tests are';

          var message = "Fastest " + isAre + ' ' + [fastestNames].join(' and ' );

          var decimalPlaces = timesFaster < 2 ? 2 : 1;

          // Only bother if there wasn't a tie
          if (fastestTests.length !== tests.length) {
            message += ' at ' + Benchmark.formatNumber(timesFaster.toFixed(decimalPlaces))+'x faster than ' + secondFastestNames.join(' and ');

github tylingsoft / graphlibrary / src / bench.js View on Github external
options.onComplete = function (bench) {
    const target =
    const hz = target.hz
    const stats = target.stats
    const rme = stats.rme
    const samples = stats.sample.length
    const msg = sprintf('    %25s: %13s ops/sec \xb1 %s%% (%3d run(s) sampled)',,
  options.onError = function (bench) {
github tylingsoft / dagre-layout / src / bench.js View on Github external
options.onComplete = function (bench) {
    const target =
    const hz = target.hz
    const stats = target.stats
    const rme = stats.rme
    const samples = stats.sample.length
    const msg = sprintf('    %25s: %13s ops/sec \xb1 %s%% (%3d run(s) sampled)',,
  options.onError = function (bench) {
github cheddar-lang / Cheddar / benchmark / index.js View on Github external
function prettyNum(val, pad) {
    var fast = 4500;
    var slow = 900;
    var color = 'yellow';

    if (val >= fast) color = 'green';
    if (val <= slow) color = 'red';

    return rightPad(benchmark.formatNumber(val)[color], pad);
github izuzak / benchtable / benchtable.js View on Github external
function toTableStr(par) {
      if (par.error) {
        return 'ERROR';
      } else {
        return Benchmark.formatNumber(par.hz.toFixed(par.hz < 100 ? 2 : 0)) + ' ops/sec';
github fhinkel / six-speed / lib / runner.js View on Github external
stats.errors[testName] = 'baseline failed: ' + baseline;
            } else if (typeof frequency === 'number') {
              hz[testName] = ((frequency / baseline) * 100).toFixed(5) + '%  (' + Benchmark.formatNumber(frequency.toFixed(0)) + ' ops/sec)';

              stats.relative[testName] = frequency / baseline;
              stats.raw[testName] = frequency;
            } else {
              stats.errors[testName] = frequency;

          if (!supportsES6) {
            hz.es6 = 'unsupported';

          log(testName + ' - Baseline ' + (typeof baseline === 'number' ? 'is ' + Benchmark.formatNumber(baseline.toFixed(0)) + ' ops/sec' : 'errored ' + baseline));
          log('Percentage of baseline: ' + JSON.stringify(hz, undefined, 2));
          log('Duration: ' + JSON.stringify(elapsed, undefined, 2));
          log('Count: ' + JSON.stringify(count, undefined, 2));

          if (options.testDone) {