How to use the bcrypto/lib/random.randomBytes function in bcrypto

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bcrypto examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github handshake-org / hsd / lib / mining / template.js View on Github external
input.witness.pushData(Buffer.alloc(8, 0x00));
    input.witness.pushData(Buffer.alloc(8, 0x00));


    // Reward output.
    const output = new Output();
    output.address.fromPubkeyhash(Buffer.alloc(20, 0x00));
    output.value = this.getReward();


    // Setup coinbase flags (variable size).
    input.witness.setData(0, this.coinbaseFlags);
    input.witness.setData(1, random.randomBytes(8));

    // Setup output address (variable size).
    output.address = this.address;

    // Add any claims.
    for (const claim of {
      const input = new Input();



      let flags = 0;

      if (claim.weak)
github handshake-org / goosig / etc / genvectors.js View on Github external
[2, 3],
    [5, 7]

  for (const [name, modulus] of moduli) {
    for (const [g, h] of gh) {
      const ver = new Goo(modulus, g, h, null);

      for (const bits of sizes) {
        const goo = new Goo(modulus, g, h, bits);

        console.log('Generating 5 vectors for %s.', name);
        console.log('  g=%d, h=%d, bits=%d', g, h, bits);

        for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          const msg = SHA256.digest(random.randomBytes(32));
          const key = rsa.privateKeyGenerate(bits);
          const s_prime = goo.generate();
          const C1 = goo.challenge(s_prime, key);
          const ct = goo.encrypt(s_prime, key);
          const sig = goo.sign(msg, s_prime, key);
          const result = ver.verify(msg, sig, C1);

          assert.strictEqual(result, true);

            group: name,
            groupBits: goo.bits,
            g: g,
            h: h,
            bits: bits,
            key: rsa.privateKeyExportJWK(key),
github handshake-org / goosig / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
[x, y] = [y, x];

  return Buffer.concat([x, y]);

console.log('Fuzzing with random bytes.');

for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  let msg, sig, C1;

  if (i % 100000 === 0)
    console.log('  Iterations: %d', i);

  switch (rand(4)) {
    case 0:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size);
    case 1:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH + 1);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size + 1);
    case 2:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH - 1);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size - 1);
    case 3:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH);
github handshake-org / goosig / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size);
    case 1:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH + 1);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size + 1);
    case 2:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH - 1);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size - 1);
    case 3:
      msg = rng.randomBytes(32);
      sig = rng.randomBytes(SIG_LENGTH);
      C1 = rng.randomBytes(goo.size);
      switch (rand(4)) {
        case 0:
          msg = Buffer.alloc(0);
        case 1:
          sig = Buffer.alloc(0);
        case 2:
          C1 = Buffer.alloc(0);
        case 3:
          msg = Buffer.alloc(0);
          sig = Buffer.alloc(0);
          C1 = Buffer.alloc(0);
github handshake-org / hsd / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
function randomWitness(redeem) {
  const size = rand(1, 100);
  const witness = new Witness();

  for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    const len = rand(0, 100);

  if (redeem)


  return witness;
github handshake-org / hsd / lib / wallet / masterkey.js View on Github external
async _encrypt(passphrase, clean) {
    if (this.encrypted)
      throw new Error('Master key is already encrypted.');

    if (!passphrase)
      throw new Error('No passphrase provided.');

    const raw = this.writeKey();
    const iv = random.randomBytes(16);


    const key = await this.derive(passphrase);
    const data = aes.encipher(raw, key, iv);

    this.key = null;
    this.mnemonic = null;
    this.encrypted = true;
    this.iv = iv;
    this.ciphertext = data;

    if (!clean) {
      return null;
github handshake-org / hsd / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
function randomMultisig() {
  const n = rand(1, 16);
  const m = rand(1, n);
  const keys = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    const len = rand(0, 2) === 0 ? 33 : 65;

  return Script.fromMultisig(m, n, keys);
github handshake-org / hsd / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
function randomWitnessPubkeyhash() {
  return Script.fromProgram(0, random.randomBytes(20));
github handshake-org / hsd / scripts / fuzz.js View on Github external
function randomOutputScript() {
  const size = rand(1, 10000);
  return Script.fromRaw(random.randomBytes(size));
github handshake-org / hsd / lib / hd / mnemonic.js View on Github external
getEntropy() {
    if (!this.entropy)
      this.entropy = random.randomBytes(this.bits / 8);

    assert(this.bits / 8 === this.entropy.length);

    return this.entropy;