How to use the basis.ui.Node.subclass function in basis

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few basis examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github basisjs / basisjs / src / basis / ui / slider.js View on Github external
wheelStep: function(event){
        if (event.wheelDelta < 0)

        // prevent page scrolling

    * @inheritDoc
    satellite: {
      marks: Node.subclass({
        className: namespace + '.MarkLayers',
        template: templates.MarkLayers,
        childClass: MarkLayer

    * @inheritDoc
    init: function(){
      // save init values
      var step = this.step;
      var value = this.value;

      // make new values possible
      this.step = NaN;
github basisjs / basisjs / src / devpanel / view / template-info / view / dom.js View on Github external
template: resource('./dom/element.tmpl'),
  binding: {
    name: 'name',
    binding: 'bindingName',
    nestedView: 'nestedView',
    childrenHidden: 'childrenHidden',
    inline: 'inlineChildren',
    attributes: 'satellite:',
    singleton: function(node){
      return SINGLETON.indexOf( != -1;
  childFactory: childFactory,
  satellite: {
    attributes: {
      instance: Node.subclass({
        template: resource('./dom/attritubes.tmpl'),
        childClass: Attribute
      config: function(owner){
        return {
          childNodes: owner.attributes

NodeClassByType.text = DOMNode.subclass({
  template: resource('./dom/text.tmpl'),
  binding: {
    value: 'value',
github lahmatiy / component-inspector / src / inspector-rempl / subscriber / sidebar / section / class-view.js View on Github external
var Node = require('basis.ui').Node;
var Value = require('').Value;

module.exports = Node.subclass({
  autoDelegate: true,
  template: resource('./class-view.tmpl'),
  binding: {
    isClass: 'data:',
    className: 'data:',
    classLoc: 'data:',
    renderLoc: 'data:',
    extendsClassName: 'data:',
    extendsLoc: 'data:'
  childClass: {
    template: resource('./class-decorator.tmpl'),
    binding: {
      name: 'name',
      loc: 'loc',
      fnLoc: 'fnLoc',
github lahmatiy / component-inspector / src / inspector-rempl / subscriber / dom-tree / index.js View on Github external
hovered: 'hovered',
    componentName: 'data:',
    name: 'data:',
    nestedView: 'data:',
    foreign: 'data:',
    childrenHidden: 'data:',
    inline: 'data:inlineChildren',
    attributes: 'satellite:',
    singleton: function(node) {
      return SINGLETON.indexOf( != -1;
  childFactory: childFactory,
  satellite: {
    attributes: {
      instance: Node.subclass({
        template: resource('./template/attritubes.tmpl'),
        childClass: Attribute
      config: function(owner) {
        return {
          childNodes: {
            return {
              data: attr,
              childNodes: wrapData(attr.childNodes)
github basisjs / basisjs / src / basis / ui / scroller.js View on Github external

    emit_childNodesModified: function(delta){, delta);

      if (this.scroller && delta.inserted && this.childNodes.length == delta.inserted.length)
        this.scrollToChild(this.firstChild, true);;

    childClass: Node.subclass({
      className: namespace + '.ScrollGalleryItem',

      template: templates.ScrollGalleryItem,

      action: {
        select: function(){
          if (!this.parentNode.scroller.isMoved)

      emit_select: function(){;
github smelukov / webpack-runtime-analyzer / src / ui / src / pages / details / index.js View on Github external

module.exports = new Page({
    className: 'Page.Env',
    handler: {
        open: function() {
            domEvent.addGlobalHandler('keydown', handleKeyEvent);
        close: function() {
            domEvent.removeGlobalHandler('keydown', handleKeyEvent);
    satellite: {
        content: {
            instance: Node.subclass({
                template: resource('./template/template.tmpl'),
                binding: {
                    filterInput: 'satellite:',
                    modules: 'satellite:',
                    modeSwitcher: 'satellite:',
                    suggestionChoice: Value.query(suggestionChoice, 'target'),
                    modulesCount: Value.query(tableSourceWrapper, 'itemCount'),
                    modulesSize: sum(tableSourceWrapper, 'update', 'data.size').as(utils.formatSize),
                satellite: {
                    filterInput: TextInput.subclass({
                        template: resource('./template/textInput.tmpl'),
                        binding: {
                            type: Value.query(suggestionChoice, 'target').as(function(target) {
                                if (target) {
                                    return typeMap[target.typeName];
github lahmatiy / component-inspector / src / inspector / dom-viewer / sections.js View on Github external;
function leaveRefLocation() {
  hideTimer = setTimeout(function() {
  }, 100);

var templates = require('basis.template').define('', {
  section: resource('./template/info-section.tmpl'),
  location: resource('./template/info-location.tmpl')

var Location = Node.subclass({
  template: templates.location,
  binding: {
    type: 'type',
    loc: 'loc'

var Section = Node.subclass({
  template: templates.section,
  binding: {
    name: 'name'
  action: {
    openRefLocation: openRefLocation,
    enterRefLocation: enterRefLocation,
    leaveRefLocation: leaveRefLocation
github basisjs / basisjs / src / devpanel / view / template-info / view / dom.js View on Github external
var Node = require('basis.ui').Node;
var templateSwitcher = require('basis.template').switcher;
var hoveredBinding = require('./bindings.js').hover;
var jsSourcePopup = resource('./js-source-popup.js');
var templateApi = require('../api.js');
var fileApi = require('api').ns('file');
var SINGLETON = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source'];
var NodeClassByType = {};

function childFactory(config){
  var ChildClass = NodeClassByType[config.type] || this.childClass;

  return new ChildClass(config);

var DOMNode = Node.subclass({
  binding: {
    matchBinding: hoveredBinding.compute(function(node, hover){
      return node.bindingName && (!hover || hover === node.bindingName);
  action: {
    enter: function(){
      if (this.bindingName)

      if (this.loc)
github smelukov / webpack-runtime-analyzer / src / ui / src / ui / table / modules / row / index.js View on Github external
var Node = require('basis.ui').Node;
var template = require('basis.template');
var Cell = require('../cell/index');

var templates = template.define('app.ui.table', {
    row: resource('./template/row.tmpl')

module.exports = Node.subclass({
    template: templates.row,
    childClass: Cell
github smelukov / webpack-runtime-analyzer / src / ui / src / pages / resolving / index.js View on Github external
                mouseOut: function() {

module.exports = new Page({
    delegate: Value.query('owner').as(function(owner) {
        return owner ? type.Source : null;
    satellite: {
        content: {
            instance: Node.subclass({
                autoDelegate: true,
                template: resource('./template/list.tmpl'),
                dataSource: Value.query(''),
                childClass: {
                    template: resource('./template/require/list.tmpl'),
                    binding: {
                        rawRequest: 'data:'
                    action: {
                        click: function() {