How to use the baconjs.update function in baconjs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few baconjs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / interactor.js View on Github external
        [viewCtrl.rowHeightS], R.nthArg(-1),
        ['.rowHeight')], R.nthArg(-1))

    const itemsP ='.items')
    const lastSelectionChangeTimeP = Bacon

    this.selectedFilenameS = Bacon
        [viewCtrl.activePathS, this.notesPathP, this.notesP, lastSelectionChangeTimeP], (old, path, notesPath, notes, lastSelectionChangeTime) => {
          if ( - lastSelectionChangeTime < 100) return old // make sure selection by user (e.g. keyup) has precedence over path change, since the delay of the trigger otherwise cause jumpy behavior
          if (!path) return
          const filename = notesPath.filename(path)
          if (notes[filename]) return filename
        [viewCtrl.keyUpS, itemsP], (oldFilename, _, items) => {
          // stop at beginning of list; start from end of list if there was no old selected index
          const oldIndex = oldFilename && items.findIndex(item => === oldFilename)
          let newIndex = isNaN(oldIndex) ? items.length : oldIndex
          newIndex = Math.max(newIndex - 1, 0)
          return items[newIndex].id
        [viewCtrl.keyDownS, itemsP], (oldFilename, _, items) => {
          // stop at end of list; start from the beginning of list if there was no old selected index
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / new-selected-props.js View on Github external
export default function ({filesProp, resultsProp, keyDownBus, selectIndexBus, activePathStream, deselectStream}) {
  const escKeyStream = keyDownBus.filter(R.propEq('keyCode', 27))
  const downKeyStream = keyDownBus.filter(R.propEq('keyCode', 40)).doAction('.preventDefault')
  const upKeyStream = keyDownBus.filter(R.propEq('keyCode', 38)).doAction('.preventDefault')

  // Selection is a semi-complicated piece; Keep an internal datastucture that keep tabs on path/item/index,
  // to be able to re-calculate them on state changes
  const selectedProp = Bacon
      [deselectStream], R.always({}),
      [escKeyStream], R.always({}),

      // ; Select next item
      [downKeyStream, filesProp, resultsProp], (current, _, files, {items}) => {
        const i = R.defaultTo(-1, current.index) + 1 // start on first item
        const nextItem = items[i]
        if (nextItem) {
          return {
            item: nextItem,
            path: files[].path,
            index: i
        } else {
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / query-task.js View on Github external
export default function () {
  const terminate = this.async()
  const msgStream = Bacon.fromEvent(process, 'message')
  const disposeStream = msgStream.filter(R.propEq('type', 'dispose'))
  const queryStream = msgStream.filter(R.propEq('type', 'query')).map(R.prop('query'))
  const newItemsStream = msgStream.filter(R.propEq('type', 'add')).map(R.prop('item'))
  const removedItemsStream = msgStream.filter(R.propEq('type', 'rm')).map(R.prop('path'))

  const itemsProp = Bacon.update(
    [newItemsStream], (items, item) => items.concat({
      title: Path.basename(item.path),
      content: fs.readFileSync(item.path, 'utf8')
    [removedItemsStream], (items, path) => items.filter(item => item.path !== path)
  const sifterProp = itemsProp
    .debounce(50) // avoid creating a new sifter too often
    .map(items => new Sifter(items))

  Bacon.combineWith(sifterProp, queryStream, (sifter, q) =>, {
        fields: ['title', 'content'],
        sort: [{field: 'title', direction: 'asc'}]
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / src / notational / panel.js View on Github external
newIndex = newIndex < items.length
            ? newIndex
            : newIndex - 1;
        } else {
          // Get prev until reaching first item, or cycle to last item if there is no selection
          newIndex = currentSelectedItem === null
            ? items.length - 1
            : 0;

        return items[newIndex];

    let scrollTopBus = new Bacon.Bus();
    let scrollTopProp = Bacon.update(0,
      [scrollTopBus], R.nthArg(-1),
      [searchStream], R.always(0),
      [selectedItemProp.changes(), this.props.matchedItemsProp], (currentScrollTop, selectedItem, items) => {
        // Adjust scrollTop for selected item
        if (!selectedItem) return currentScrollTop;
        let selectedScrollTop = items.indexOf(selectedItem) * this.state.rowHeight;
        if (currentScrollTop > selectedScrollTop) {
          // selected item is located before the visible bounds
          // from: ..X..[...]..
          // to:   .[X..]......
          return selectedScrollTop;
        } else if (currentScrollTop + this.state.bodyHeight <= selectedScrollTop) {
          // selected item is located after the visible bounds
          // from: ..[...]..X..
          // to:   ......[..X].
          return selectedScrollTop - this.state.bodyHeight + this.state.rowHeight;
github milankinen / ffux / test / bacon-actions-spec.js View on Github external
state: (counter, {increment, reset}) => {
      const resetAsync = reset.flatMap(([timeout, value]) => Bacon.later(timeout, value))

      return Bacon.update(counter,
        [increment],  (state, delta) => state + delta,
        [resetAsync], (_, value) => value
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / project.js View on Github external
tagsStream = Bacon.mergeAll(
        .flatMap(({path}) => {
          return Bacon
            .fromNodeCallback(this.darwin.getTags, path)
            .map(([tags]) => ({
              path: path,
              tags: tags.join(' ')

    const filesProp = this.filesProp = Bacon
        [addFilesStream], (files, d) => {
          return files
        [changedFileStream], (files, d) => {
          const file = this._newFile(d)
          return => {
            return prev.path === file.path
              ? file
              : prev
        [removedFilesStream], (files, relPath) => {
          const path = Path.join(rootPath, relPath)
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / projects.js View on Github external

    this._queryTask = new Task(require.resolve('./query-task.js'))
    this._unsubscribes.push(newItemsStream.onValue(item => this._queryTask.send({type: 'add', item: item})))
    this._unsubscribes.push(removedItemsStream.onValue(path => this._queryTask.send({tyquerpe: 'rm', path: path})))

    const queryStream =
    const emptyQueryStream = queryStream.filter(R.isEmpty)
    const queryProp = queryStream.toProperty('')
      .filter(q => q !== '')
      .onValue(q => this._queryTask.send({type: 'query', query: q})))
    const queryResultsStream = Bacon.fromEvent(this._queryTask, 'results')

    this.itemsProp = Bacon.update(
      [queryResultsStream, allItemsProp], (_, results, allItems) =>{id}) => allItems[id]),
      [emptyQueryStream, allItemsProp], R.nthArg(-1),
      [allItemsProp.changes(), queryProp], (items, allItems, q) => R.isEmpty(q) ? allItems : items
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / paths-watcher.js View on Github external
    const readyStream = newWatchStream.flatMap(w => {
      return Bacon.fromEvent(w, 'ready', () => w.options.cwd)
    const removedItemsStream = newWatchStream.flatMap(w => {
      return Bacon.fromEvent(w, 'unlink', relPath => {
        return {
          projectPath: w.options.cwd,
          relPath: relPath

    const itemsProp = Bacon.update(
        [addItemsStream], (items, item) => {
          const fullPath = Path.join(item.projectPath, item.relPath)
          const parsedPath = Path.parse(item.relPath)
          const stat = item.stat || fs.statSync(fullPath)
            projectPath: item.projectPath,
            relPath: item.relPath,
            dirPath: parsedPath.dir,
            basename: parsedPath.base,
            ext: parsedPath.ext,
            stat: stat,
            mtimestamp: stat.mtime.getTime(),
            content: fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8')
          return items
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / path-watcher-factory.js View on Github external
const fileReaderResultS = Bacon
        createFileReaderResultsStream(newFileS, notesCache),

    const updateNoteProps = (note: Object, fields: Array, filename: string) => { = process.hrtime().toString()
      fields.forEach(field => {
        if (field.value) {
          note[field.notePropName] = field.value(note, filename)

    const sifterP = Bacon
        new Sifter(notesCache),
        [newFileS, this._fieldsP, this._fileReadersP], (sifter: Sifter, file: FileType, fields: Array, fileReaders: Array) => {
          let note = sifter.items[file.filename]
          if (note) {
            note.ready = fileReaders.every(fileReader => note[fileReader.notePropName] !== undefined)
          } else {
            note = sifter.items[file.filename] = {
              stats: file.stats,
              ready: false
          updateNoteProps(note, fields, file.filename)
          return sifter
        [fileReaderResultS, this._fieldsP, this._fileReadersP], (sifter: Sifter, readResult: FileReaderResultType, fields: Array, fileReaders: Array) => {
github viddo / atom-textual-velocity / lib / projects.js View on Github external
constructor () {
    this.queryBus = new Bacon.Bus()
    this._unsubscribes = []

    const {openStream, closeStream} = atoms.createProjectsPathsStreams()
    const watchedPathTaskStream =
    const newItemsStream = watchedPathTaskStream.flatMap(task => Bacon.fromEvent(task, 'add'))
    const removedItemsStream = watchedPathTaskStream.flatMap(task => Bacon.fromEvent(task, 'unlink'))

    const tasksProp = Bacon.update(
      [watchedPathTaskStream], (tasks, task) => tasks.concat(task),
      [closeStream], this._removetask

    const allItemsProp = Bacon.update(
      [newItemsStream], (items, newItem) => items.concat(newItem),
      [removedItemsStream], (items, path) => items.filter(item => item.path !== path),
      [closeStream], (items, path) => items.filter(item => !item.path.startsWith(path))

    this._queryTask = new Task(require.resolve('./query-task.js'))
    this._unsubscribes.push(newItemsStream.onValue(item => this._queryTask.send({type: 'add', item: item})))