How to use babel-messages - 8 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few babel-messages examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github haskellcamargo / js-to-advpl / src / generator.js View on Github external

    if (format.minified) {
        format.compact = true;

        format.shouldPrintComment = format.shouldPrintComment || (() => format.comments);
    } else {
        format.shouldPrintComment = format.shouldPrintComment || ((value) => format.comments ||
            (value.indexOf("@license") >= 0 || value.indexOf("@preserve") >= 0));

    if (format.compact === "auto") {
        format.compact = code.length > 500000; // 500KB

        if (format.compact) {
            console.error("[BABEL] " + messages.get("codeGeneratorDeopt", opts.filename, "500KB"));

    if (format.compact) {
        format.indent.adjustMultilineComment = false;

    return format;
github babel / babel / packages / babel-traverse / src / visitors.js View on Github external

    if (shouldIgnoreKey(nodeType)) continue;

    if (t.TYPES.indexOf(nodeType) < 0) {
      throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyNodeType", nodeType));

    let visitors = visitor[nodeType];
    if (typeof visitors === "object") {
      for (let visitorKey in visitors) {
        if (visitorKey === "enter" || visitorKey === "exit") {
          // verify that it just contains functions
          validateVisitorMethods(`${nodeType}.${visitorKey}`, visitors[visitorKey]);
        } else {
          throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyVisitorProperty", nodeType, visitorKey));

  visitor._verified = true;
github forivall / tacoscript / src / visitors.js View on Github external
export function verify(visitor) {
  if (visitor._verified) return;

  if (typeof visitor === "function") {
    throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyRootFunction"));

  for (let nodeType in visitor) {
    if (nodeType === "enter" || nodeType === "exit") {
      validateVisitorMethods(nodeType, visitor[nodeType]);

    if (shouldIgnoreKey(nodeType)) continue;

    if (t.TYPES.indexOf(nodeType) < 0) {
      throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyNodeType", nodeType));

    let visitors = visitor[nodeType];
    if (typeof visitors === "object") {
      for (let visitorKey in visitors) {
        if (visitorKey === "enter" || visitorKey === "exit") {
          // verify that it just contains functions
          validateVisitorMethods(`${nodeType}.${visitorKey}`, visitors[visitorKey]);
        } else {
          throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyVisitorProperty", nodeType, visitorKey));

  visitor._verified = true;
github babel / babel / packages / babel-core / src / transformation / file / plugin-manager.js View on Github external
validate(name, plugin) {
    // validate transformer key
    var key = plugin.key;
    if (this.transformers[key]) {
      throw new ReferenceError(messages.get("pluginKeyCollision", key));

    // validate Transformer instance
    if (!plugin.buildPass || !== "Plugin") {
      throw new TypeError(messages.get("pluginNotTransformer", name));

    // register as a plugin
    plugin.metadata.plugin = true;
github babel / babel / packages / babel-core / src / transformation / transformers / es6 / constants.js View on Github external
Scope(node, parent, scope) {
    for (var name in scope.bindings) {
      var binding = scope.bindings[name];

      // not a constant
      if (binding.kind !== "const" && binding.kind !== "module") continue;

      for (var violation of (binding.constantViolations: Array)) {
        throw violation.errorWithNode(messages.get("readOnly", name));
github forivall / tacoscript / src / visitors.js View on Github external

    if (shouldIgnoreKey(nodeType)) continue;

    if (t.TYPES.indexOf(nodeType) < 0) {
      throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyNodeType", nodeType));

    let visitors = visitor[nodeType];
    if (typeof visitors === "object") {
      for (let visitorKey in visitors) {
        if (visitorKey === "enter" || visitorKey === "exit") {
          // verify that it just contains functions
          validateVisitorMethods(`${nodeType}.${visitorKey}`, visitors[visitorKey]);
        } else {
          throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyVisitorProperty", nodeType, visitorKey));

  visitor._verified = true;
github forivall / tacoscript / packages / comal-traverse / src / visitors.js View on Github external
export function verify(visitor) {
  if (visitor._verified) return;

  if (typeof visitor === "function") {
    throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyRootFunction"));

  for (let nodeType in visitor) {
    if (nodeType === "enter" || nodeType === "exit") {
      validateVisitorMethods(nodeType, visitor[nodeType]);

    if (shouldIgnoreKey(nodeType)) continue;

    if (t.TYPES.indexOf(nodeType) < 0) {
      throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyNodeType", nodeType));

    let visitors = visitor[nodeType];
    if (typeof visitors === "object") {
      for (let visitorKey in visitors) {
        if (visitorKey === "enter" || visitorKey === "exit") {
          // verify that it just contains functions
          validateVisitorMethods(`${nodeType}.${visitorKey}`, visitors[visitorKey]);
        } else {
          throw new Error(messages.get("traverseVerifyVisitorProperty", nodeType, visitorKey));

  visitor._verified = true;
github babel / babel / packages / babel-core / src / transformation / file / options / option-manager.js View on Github external
if (typeof fn === "function") {
      obj = fn(context);
    } else {
      obj = fn;

    if (typeof obj === "object") {
      let plugin = new Plugin(obj, alias);
        container: fn,
        plugin: plugin
      return plugin;
    } else {
      throw new TypeError(messages.get("pluginNotObject", loc, i, typeof obj) + loc + i);


Collection of debug messages used by Babel.

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