How to use the aws-sdk.STS function in aws-sdk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aws-sdk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bam-lambda / bam / src / aws / awsFunctions.js View on Github external
const { promisify } = require('util');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

const { getRegion } = require('../util/getRegion');

const apiVersion = 'latest';
const region = getRegion();
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ apiVersion, region });
const api = new AWS.APIGateway({ apiVersion, region });
const dynamo = new AWS.DynamoDB({ apiVersion, region });
const iam = new AWS.IAM();
const sts = new AWS.STS();

// sts
const asyncGetCallerIdentity = promisify(sts.getCallerIdentity.bind(sts));

// lambda
const asyncAddPermission = promisify(lambda.addPermission.bind(lambda));
const asyncRemovePermission = promisify(lambda.removePermission.bind(lambda));
const asyncLambdaDeleteFunction = promisify(lambda.deleteFunction.bind(lambda));
const asyncLambdaCreateFunction = promisify(lambda.createFunction.bind(lambda));
const asyncGetFunction = promisify(lambda.getFunction.bind(lambda));
const asyncLambdaUpdateFunctionCode = promisify(lambda.updateFunctionCode.bind(lambda));
const asyncLambdaUpdateFunctionConfiguration = promisify(
const asyncListFunctions = promisify(lambda.listFunctions.bind(lambda));
github aws-actions / configure-aws-credentials / index.js View on Github external
// Specifies the secret key associated with the access key. This is essentially the "password" for the access key.
    core.exportVariable('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', secretAccessKey);

    // Specifies the session token value that is required if you are using temporary security credentials.
    if (sessionToken) {
      core.exportVariable('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN', sessionToken);

    // Specifies the AWS Region to send requests to
    core.exportVariable('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', region);
    core.exportVariable('AWS_REGION', region);

    // Get the AWS account ID
    const sts = new aws.STS({
      customUserAgent: 'configure-aws-credentials-for-github-actions'
    const identity = await sts.getCallerIdentity().promise();
    const accountId = identity.Account;
    core.setOutput('aws-account-id', accountId);
    if (!maskAccountId || maskAccountId.toLowerCase() == 'true') {
  catch (error) {
github diegozanon / serverless-multiplayer-game / backend / lib / iot.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const utils = require('./utils');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const iotClient = new AWS.Iot();
const sts = new AWS.STS();
const roleName = 'bombermon-iot';

module.exports.getIoTKeys = (callback) => {

  // get the endpoint address
  iotClient.describeEndpoint({}, (err, data) => {
    if (err) return utils.errorHandler(err, callback);

    const iotEndpoint = data.endpointAddress;
    // get the account id which will be used to assume a role
    sts.getCallerIdentity({}, (err, data) => {
      if (err) return utils.errorHandler(err, callback);

      const params = {
        RoleArn: `arn:aws:iam::${data.Account}:role/${roleName}`,
github SungardAS / aws-services / lib / aws-promise / sts.js View on Github external
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
            role = roles[idx];
            var params = {};
            if (creds)  params.credentials = creds;
            var sts = new AWS.STS(params);
            var params = {
                RoleArn: role.roleArn,
                RoleSessionName: sessionName
            console.log ("Role ARN == " + role.roleArn);
            if (role.externalId)  params.ExternalId = role.externalId;
            var awsAssumeRolePromise = sts.assumeRole(params).promise();
            awsAssumeRolePromise.then(function(data) {
                console.log("successfully assumed role, '" + role.roleArn + "'");
                creds = new AWS.Credentials({
                    accessKeyId: data.Credentials.AccessKeyId,
                    secretAccessKey: data.Credentials.SecretAccessKey,
                    sessionToken: data.Credentials.SessionToken
github SungardAS / aws-services / lib / aws-promise / sts.js View on Github external
me.findService = function(input) {
        var sts = new AWS.STS();
        return sts;
github dawson-org / dawson-cli / src / commands / proxy.js View on Github external
import { parse } from 'url';
import { flatten, pickBy, mapKeys } from 'lodash';

import createError from '../libs/error';
import loadConfig, { AWS_REGION, validateDocker } from '../config';
import taskCreateBundle from '../libs/createBundle';
import { debug, error, log, success, warning } from '../logger';
import {
} from '../libs/aws/cfn-get-stack-info-helpers';
import { templateStackName } from '../factories/cloudformation';
import { WHITELISTED_HEADERS } from '../factories/cf_cloudfront';
import { templateLambdaRoleName } from '../factories/cf_lambda';

const sts = new AWS.STS({});
const iam = new AWS.IAM({});
const sqs = new AWS.SQS({ apiVersion: '2012-11-05' });
const credentialsCache = new WeakMap();

function findApi ({ method, pathname, API_DEFINITIONS }) {
  let found = null;
  Object.keys(API_DEFINITIONS).forEach(name => {
    if (found) return;
    const fn = API_DEFINITIONS[name];
    const def = fn.api;
    if (!def) return;
    if (def.path === false) return;
    if (typeof def.path === 'undefined') return;
    if (def.method !== 'ANY' && (def.method || 'GET') !== method) return;
    const defPath = `/${def.path}`;
github architect / architect / src / create / aws / create-http-route / create-route / 02-setup-request.js View on Github external
module.exports = function _02setupRequest(params, callback) {

  var sts = new aws.STS
  var lambda = new aws.Lambda({region: process.env.AWS_REGION})
  var gateway = new aws.APIGateway({region: process.env.AWS_REGION})

  assert(params, {
    route: String,
    httpMethod: String,
    deployname: String,
    resourceId: String,
    restApiId: String,

  var {httpMethod, deployname, resourceId, restApiId} = params
  var vtl = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '_request.vtl')).toString()
  var vtlForm = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '_request-form-post.vtl')).toString()
    function _getLambda(callback) {
github seagull-js / seagull / packages / deploy-aws / src / aws_sdk_handler / handle_sts.ts View on Github external
constructor() {
    const { credentials, region } = config
    this.sts = new STS({ credentials, region })
github faultline / faultline / .serverless_plugins / kms_resources.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const fs = require('fs');
const config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../config.yml', 'utf8'));
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const sts = new AWS.STS({apiVersion: '2011-06-15'});

class KmsResources {
    constructor(serverless, options) {
        this.serverless = serverless;
        this.options = options;
        this.provider = this.serverless.getProvider('aws');
        this.roleName = this.provider.naming.getRoleName();

        this.hooks = {
            'before:deploy:initialize': () => {
                return this.beforeDeployResources(this);
    beforeDeployResources(t) {
        if (!config.useKms || !config.kmsKeyAlias) {