How to use the ava.serial function in ava

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ava examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jacobp100 / es-css-modules / test / index.js View on Github external
// Expect to call twice
        t.true(['default', 'primary'].indexOf(name) !== -1);
        return name;

  return processor
    .process(readFileSync(button, 'utf-8'), { from: button })
    .then(({ css, messages }) => {, -1);, 0);

test.serial('namespace import', t => {

  const button = join(namespaceImport, 'styles/button.css');

  const processor = postcss([
      jsFiles: join(namespaceImport, 'App.js'),
      getJsExports(name, jsFile) {

  return processor
    .process(readFileSync(button, 'utf-8'), { from: button })
github voluntarily / vly2 / server / api / member / __tests__ / member.spec.js View on Github external, res.body.person), res.body.organisation), res.body.validation)

test.serial('Should return 404 code when queried non existing member', async t => {
  const res = await request(server)
    .set('Accept', 'application/json')

  // This test is not ready since the return status was 500 not 404
  const expectedResponseStatus = 500, expectedResponseStatus)

  'Should not add an invalid member where referenced person or opp is not in DB',
  async t => {
    const newMember = new Member({
      person: '5cc8d60b8b16812b5babcdef',
      organisation: '5cc8d60b8b16812b5babcdef'

    await request(server)
      .set('Accept', 'application/json')

    const savedMember = await Member.findOne({
      person: newMember.person,
      organisation: newMember.organisation
github mrvautin / expressCart / test / specs / users.js View on Github external
    t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Login successful');

test('[Fail] Incorrect user password', async t => {
    const res = await g.request
            email: g.users[0].userEmail,
            password: 'test1'
    t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Access denied. Check password and try again.');

test('[Fail] Delete own user account', async t => {
    const res = await g.request
            userId: g.users[0]._id
    t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Unable to delete own user account');

test('[Fail] Delete invalid user ID', async t => {
    const res = await g.request
            userId: 'invalid_user_id'
github openscope / openscope / test / lib / EventBus.spec.js View on Github external

ava.serial('.off() removes the event from #_events when no other observers exist', (t) => {
    EventBus.on(eventNameMock, callbackMock);, callbackMock);

    t.true(typeof === 'undefined');

ava.serial('.trigger() does not throw when an event does not exist', (t) => {
    t.notThrows(() => EventBus.trigger(eventNameMock, 11, 3));

ava.serial('.trigger() calls each observer with #args', (t) => {
    let val = 0;
    const triggerFnMock = (plus, minus = 0) => {
        val += plus;
        val -= minus;
    EventBus.on(eventNameMock, triggerFnMock);

    EventBus.trigger(eventNameMock, 11, 3);

    t.true(val === 8);
github N0taN3rd / chrome-remote-interface-extra / test / page.js View on Github external
  'Page.exposeFunction should be callable from-inside evaluateOnNewDocument',
  async t => {
    const { page, server } = t.context
    let called = false
    await page.exposeFunction('woof', function () {
      called = true
    await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => woof())
    await page.reload()

test.serial('Page.exposeFunction should survive navigation', async t => {
  const { page, server } = t.context
  await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
    return a * b

  await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)
  const result = await page.evaluate(async function () {
    return await compute(9, 4)
  }), 36)

test.serial('Page.exposeFunction should await returned promise', async t => {
  const { page, server } = t.context
  await page.exposeFunction('compute', function (a, b) {
    return Promise.resolve(a * b)
github N0taN3rd / chrome-remote-interface-extra / test / jshandle.js View on Github external
class B extends A {
        constructor () {
          this.b = '2'

      return new B()
    const properties = await aHandle.getProperties() properties.get('a').jsonValue(), '1') properties.get('b').jsonValue(), '2')

test.serial('JSHandle.asElement should work', async t => {
  const { page, server } = t.context
  const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body)
  const element = aHandle.asElement()

  'JSHandle.asElement should return null for non-elements',
  async t => {
    const { page, server } = t.context
    const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 2)
    const element = aHandle.asElement()
github electron / electron-packager / test / darwin.js View on Github external
test.serial('helper app paths', darwinTest(helperAppPathsTest))
  test.serial('helper app paths test with app name needing sanitization', darwinTest(helperAppPathsTest, { name: '@username/package-name' }, '@username-package-name'))

  const iconBase = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'monochrome')
  const icnsPath = `${iconBase}.icns`

  test.serial('macOS icon: .icns specified', darwinTest(iconTest, icnsPath, icnsPath))
  test.serial('macOS icon: .ico specified (should replace with .icns)', darwinTest(iconTest, `${iconBase}.ico`, icnsPath))
  test.serial('macOS icon: basename only (should add .icns)', darwinTest(iconTest, iconBase, icnsPath))

  const extraInfoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'extrainfo.plist')
  const extraInfoParams = plist.parse(fs.readFileSync(extraInfoPath).toString())

  test.serial('extendInfo: filename', darwinTest(extendInfoTest, extraInfoPath))
  test.serial('extendInfo: params', darwinTest(extendInfoTest, extraInfoParams))
  test.serial('darwinDarkModeSupport: should enable dark mode in macOS Mojave', darwinTest(async (t, opts) => {
    opts.darwinDarkModeSupport = true

    const obj = await packageAndParseInfoPlist(t, opts)
    t.false(obj.NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance, 'NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance should be set to false')

  test.serial('protocol/protocol-name', darwinTest(async (t, opts) => {
    opts.protocols = [
        name: 'Foo',
        schemes: ['foo']
        name: 'Bar',
        schemes: ['bar', 'baz']
github webhintio / hint / tests / lib / sonarwhal.ts View on Github external
t.context.connectorFunction = () => { };

    sinon.stub(t.context, 'connectorFunction').returns({});
    sinon.stub(t.context.resourceLoader, 'loadConnector').returns(t.context.connectorFunction);

    new Sonarwhal({
        connector: {
            name: 'myconnector',
            options: {}


test.serial('formatter should return the formatter configured', (t) => {
    const sonarwhalObject = new Sonarwhal({
        connector: 'connector',
        formatters: ['formatter']
    });[0], 'formatter');

test.serial('pageContent should return the HTML', async (t) => {
    const html = '';

    t.context.connectorFunction = () => { };
    sinon.stub(t.context, 'connectorFunction').returns({ html });
    sinon.stub(t.context.resourceLoader, 'loadConnector').returns(t.context.connectorFunction);

    const sonarwhalObject = new Sonarwhal({
github thinkjs / thinkjs / test / case / extend / context.js View on Github external
  let str = new Array(5000).join('|');
  context.cookie('username', str);,true);

test.serial('controller / service', async t => {

test.serial('config.onUnhandledRejection/onUncaughtException', async t => {'onUnhandledRejection',config.onUnhandledRejection('onUnhandledRejection'));'onUncaughtException',config.onUncaughtException('onUncaughtException'));

test.serial('download', async t => { + '/controller.js'); instanceof fs.ReadStream,true)

test.serial('download with content-type and disposition', async t => {
  context.response.get = (key)=>{
    if(key === 'Content-Type'){
      return 'application/json'
    }else if(key === 'Content-Disposition'){
      return 'attachment:xxx'
  } + '/controller.js'); instanceof fs.ReadStream,true)
github planttheidea / moize / test / stats.js View on Github external
return this;

  FakeError.captureStackTrace = () => {};

  global.Error = FakeError;

  const result = stats.getDefaultProfileName(fn);,;

  global.Error = currentError;

test.serial('if getDefaultProfileName will return the function name by itself when no stack can be found', (t) => {
  const fn = function foo() {};

  const currentError = global.Error;

  function FakeError() {
    this.stack = null;

    return this;

  FakeError.captureStackTrace = () => {};

  global.Error = FakeError;

  const result = stats.getDefaultProfileName(fn);