How to use the ava-tf.cb function in ava-tf

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ava-tf examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github electron-userland / electron-builder / test / index.spec.js View on Github external
test( 'Builder.init', function( t ) {
  t.plan( 2 );

  var Builder = proxyquireStrict(
      './platforms' : {}
  ); typeof Builder.init, 'function' ); typeof Builder.init().build, 'function' );
} );

test.cb( 'Builder.init().build - call the correct platform', function( t ) {
  t.plan( 2 );

  var Builder = proxyquireStrict(
      './platforms' : function( platform ) {
        if ( platform === 'bar' ) {
          return {
            init : function() {
              return {
                build : function( options, callback ) {
                  callback( null, 'foo' )
github electron-userland / electron-builder / test / index.spec.js View on Github external
      appPath  : 'foo',
      basePath : 'bar',
      platform : 'bar',
      config   : { bar : {} },
      log      : function() {}
    function( error, result ) { error, null ); result, 'foo' );
} );

test.cb( 'Builder.init().build - create output directory if not present', function( t ) {
  t.plan( 1 );

  var tmpDir  = tmp.dirSync( { unsafeCleanup : true } );
  var Builder = proxyquireStrict(
      './platforms' : function( platform ) {
        if ( platform === 'bar' ) {
          return {
            init : function() {
              return {
                build : function( options, callback ) {
                  callback( null, 'foo' )


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