How to use the assert.notStrictEqual function in assert

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few assert examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ramda / ramda / test / clone.js View on Github external
it('clones Date object', function() {
    var date = new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999);

    var clone = R.clone(date);

    assert.notStrictEqual(date, clone);
    eq(clone, new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999));

    eq(clone.getDay(), 5); // friday
github graalvm / graaljs / test / parallel / test-child-process-spawn-shell.js View on Github external
'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const cp = require('child_process');

// Verify that a shell is, in fact, executed
const doesNotExist = cp.spawn('does-not-exist', { shell: true });

assert.notStrictEqual(doesNotExist.spawnfile, 'does-not-exist');
doesNotExist.on('error', common.mustNotCall());
doesNotExist.on('exit', common.mustCall((code, signal) => {
  assert.strictEqual(signal, null);

  if (common.isWindows)
    assert.strictEqual(code, 1);    // Exit code of cmd.exe
    assert.strictEqual(code, 127);  // Exit code of /bin/sh

// Verify that passing arguments works
const echo = cp.spawn('echo', ['foo'], {
  encoding: 'utf8',
  shell: true
let echoOutput = '';
github benjamn / recast / test / printer.ts View on Github external
function check(head: any, parser: any) {
      const source = "for (" + head + ") console.log(i);";
      const ast = recast.parse(source, { parser: parser });
      const loop = ast.program.body[0];
      assert.strictEqual(loop.type, "ForStatement");
      loop.body = b.blockStatement([]);

      const reprinted = recast.print(ast).code;

      const openParenIndex = reprinted.indexOf("(");
      assert.notStrictEqual(openParenIndex, -1);

      const closeParenIndex = reprinted.indexOf(")", openParenIndex);
      assert.notStrictEqual(closeParenIndex, -1);

      const newHead = reprinted.slice(
        openParenIndex + 1,

      assert.strictEqual(newHead.split(";").length, 3);
github graalvm / graaljs / test / parallel / test-event-emitter-listeners.js View on Github external
const s = new TestStream();
  assert.deepStrictEqual(s.listeners('foo'), []);

  const ee = new events.EventEmitter();
  ee.on('foo', listener);
  const wrappedListener = ee.rawListeners('foo');
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListener.length, 1);
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListener[0], listener);
  assert.notStrictEqual(wrappedListener, ee.rawListeners('foo'));
  ee.once('foo', listener);
  const wrappedListeners = ee.rawListeners('foo');
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListeners.length, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListeners[0], listener);
  assert.notStrictEqual(wrappedListeners[1], listener);
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListeners[1].listener, listener);
  assert.notStrictEqual(wrappedListeners, ee.rawListeners('foo'));
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListeners.length, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(wrappedListeners[1].listener, listener);

  const ee = new events.EventEmitter();
  ee.once('foo', listener3);
  ee.on('foo', listener4);
  const rawListeners = ee.rawListeners('foo');
  assert.strictEqual(rawListeners.length, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(rawListeners[0](), 0);
  const rawListener = ee.rawListeners('foo');
  assert.strictEqual(rawListener.length, 1);
github facebook / regenerator / test / tests.es6.js View on Github external
it("should be kept at top of outer function", function () {
    var strictCode = String(strict);
    var useStrictIndex = strictCode.indexOf("use strict");
    var thisIndex = strictCode.indexOf("this");

    assert.notStrictEqual(useStrictIndex, -1);
    assert.ok(thisIndex > useStrictIndex);

    assert.strictEqual(String(sloppy).indexOf("use strict"), -1);

    check(strict(), [true]);
    check(sloppy(), [false]);
github salesforce / lwc / packages / integration-tests / src / components / scoped-ids / test-dynamic-scoped-ids / integration / dynamic-scoped-ids.spec.js View on Github external
it('aria-details', () => {
            const { id, idref } = browser.execute(function() {
                var integration = document.querySelector('integration-dynamic-scoped-ids');
                var idElm = integration.shadowRoot.querySelector('.details-id');
                var idrefElm = integration.shadowRoot.querySelector('.details-idref');
                return {
                    idref: idrefElm.ariaDetails,
            assert(id.length > 0, 'id attr should be non-empty string');
            assert.notStrictEqual(id, 'details', 'id attr should be transformed');
            assert.notStrictEqual(idref, 'details', 'idref attr should be transformed');
            assert(id === idref, 'id attr and idref attr should be the same value');
        it('aria-errormessage', () => {
github salesforce / lwc / packages / integration-tests / src / components / scoped-ids / test-dynamic-scoped-ids / integration / dynamic-scoped-ids.spec.js View on Github external
it('aria-details', () => {
            const { id, idref } = browser.execute(function() {
                var integration = document.querySelector('integration-dynamic-scoped-ids');
                var idElm = integration.shadowRoot.querySelector('.details-id');
                var idrefElm = integration.shadowRoot.querySelector('.details-idref');
                return {
                    idref: idrefElm.ariaDetails,
            assert(id.length > 0, 'id attr should be non-empty string');
            assert.notStrictEqual(id, 'details', 'id attr should be transformed');
            assert.notStrictEqual(idref, 'details', 'idref attr should be transformed');
            assert(id === idref, 'id attr and idref attr should be the same value');
        it('aria-errormessage', () => {
github CreaturePhil / Showdown-Boilerplate / test / simulator / abilities / primordialsea.js View on Github external
{species: "Manaphy", ability: 'hydration', item: 'laggingtail', moves: ['rest']}
		]);[0].damage = function () {
			if ( === 'weatherball') {
				assert.strictEqual(battle.activeMove.type, 'Water');
			return BattleEngine.BattlePokemon.prototype.damage.apply(this, arguments);
		assert.strictEqual([0].template.speciesid, 'castformrainy');
		battle.choose('p2', 'switch 2');
		assert.strictEqual([0].getStat('spe'), 2 *[0].stats['spe']);
		battle.choose('p2', 'switch 3');
		assert.notStrictEqual([0].maxhp -[0].hp, 20);
		battle.choose('p2', 'switch 4');
		assert.notStrictEqual([0].maxhp -[0].hp, 20);
		battle.choose('p2', 'switch 5');
		assert.strictEqual([0].status, '');
github monmohan / dsjslib / tests / TestBTree.js View on Github external
var bt = new btree(3);
        bt.put(10).put(30, "avalue").put(20).put(40).put(55);//cause root split
        bt.put(11, "eleven")
        assert.strictEqual(bt.get(20), undefined);
        assert.strictEqual(bt.get(26), undefined);
        assert.strictEqual(bt.get(6), undefined);
        assert.notStrictEqual(bt.get(11), "eleven")
        assert.notStrictEqual(bt.get(30), "avalue")
github googleapis / nodejs-common / test / util.ts View on Github external
onAuthenticated(err) {
              assert.notStrictEqual(err, decorateRequestError);
              assert.strictEqual(err, error);