How to use the archiver.registerFormat function in archiver

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few archiver examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / archiver_v3.x.x / flow_v0.104.x- / test_archiver.js View on Github external
it("should raises an error when don't pass a second required argument", () => {
    // $ExpectError (must pass in a module)
github artem-karpenko / archiver-zip-encrypted / test / zip-aes.js View on Github external
before(() => {
        try {
            archiver.registerFormat('zip-encrypted', require('../'));
        } catch (e) {
            // already registered
github artem-karpenko / archiver-zip-encrypted / test / zip20.js View on Github external
before(() => {
        try {
            archiver.registerFormat('zip-encrypted', require('../lib/zip-encrypted'));
        } catch (e) {
            // already registered
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / archiver_v2.x.x / flow_v0.104.x- / test_archiver_v2.x.x.js View on Github external
Archiver("zip", { gzp: true });
Archiver("zip", { gzip: true });

// $ExpectError (values of options should use correct type)
Archiver("zip", { statConcurrency: "1" });
Archiver("zip", { statConcurrency: 1 });

// $ExpectError (must pass in a format)
Archiver.create("zip", {});

// $ExpectError (must pass in a format and module)
// $ExpectError (must pass in a module)
Archiver.registerFormat("zip", () => {});

const options = {
  statConcurrency: 1,
  allowHalfOpen: true,
  readableObjectMode: true,
  writeableObjectMode: true,
  decodeStrings: true,
  encoding: "test",
  highWaterMark: 1,
  objectmode: true,
  comment: "test",
  forceLocalTime: true,
  forceZip64: true,
  store: true,
  zlib: {},
github Ylianst / MeshCentral / db.js View on Github external
output.on('end', function () { });
                        archive.on('warning', function (err) { console.log('Backup warning: ' + err); });
                        archive.on('error', function (err) { console.log('Backup error: ' + err); });
                        archive.file(newBackupPath + '.archive', { name: newBackupFile + '.archive' });
              , 'meshcentral-data');
                    } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); }
            } else {
                // Perform a NeDB backup
                var archiver = require('archiver');
                var output = parent.fs.createWriteStream(newAutoBackupPath + '.zip');
                var archive = null;
                if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword == 'string')) {
                    try { archiver.registerFormat('zip-encrypted', require("archiver-zip-encrypted")); } catch (ex) { }
                    archive = archiver.create('zip-encrypted', { zlib: { level: 9 }, encryptionMethod: 'aes256', password: parent.config.settings.autobackup.zippassword });
                } else {
                    archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } });
                output.on('close', function () { obj.performingBackup = false; });
                output.on('end', function () { });
                archive.on('warning', function (err) { console.log('Backup warning: ' + err); });
                archive.on('error', function (err) { console.log('Backup error: ' + err); });
      , 'meshcentral-data');

            // Remove old backups
            if (parent.config.settings.autobackup && (typeof parent.config.settings.autobackup.keeplastdaysbackup == 'number')) {
                var cutoffDate = new Date();
github orangewise / s3-zip / s3-zip.js View on Github external
s3Zip.archiveStream = function (stream, filesS3, filesZip) {
  const self = this
  const folder = this.folder || ''
  if (this.registerFormat) {
    archiver.registerFormat(this.registerFormat, this.formatModule)
  const archive = archiver(this.format || 'zip', this.archiverOpts || {})
  archive.on('error', function (err) {
    self.debug && console.log('archive error', err)
    .on('data', function (file) {
      if (file.path[file.path.length - 1] === '/') {
        self.debug && console.log('don\'t append to zip', file.path)
      let fname
      if (filesZip) {
        // Place files_s3[i] into the archive as files_zip[i]
        const i = filesS3.indexOf(file.path.startsWith(folder) ? file.path.substr(folder.length) : file.path)
        fname = (i >= 0 && i < filesZip.length) ? filesZip[i] : file.path
github ksoichiro / node-archiver-zip-encryptable / test / index.js View on Github external
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var temp = require('temp').track();
var archiver = require('archiver');
var readline = require('readline');
var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;
archiver.registerFormat('zip-encryptable', require('../'));

function slice(content, begin, size) {
  return content.slice(begin, begin + size);

function bytes(array) {
  return Buffer.from(array);

describe('archive', function() {
  before(function() {

  it('archives flies with password', function(done) {
    var tempDir = temp.mkdirSync('out');
github ksoichiro / node-archiver-zip-encryptable / samples / s3 / index.js View on Github external
exports.handler = async (event) => {
  const bucket = process.env['BUCKET'];
  const password = process.env['PASSWORD'];
  if (!bucket || !password) {
    console.log('bucket and password is required');

  var aws = require('aws-sdk');
  var s3 = new aws.S3();
  var archiver = require('archiver');
  var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;

  var passThrough = new PassThrough();
  var archive = archiver('zip-encryptable', {
    password: password
  for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
      s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: 'test1.txt' }).createReadStream(),
        name: `test${i}.txt`
github ksoichiro / node-archiver-zip-encryptable / samples / basic / index.js View on Github external
var fs = require('fs');
var archiver = require('archiver');

archiver.registerFormat('zip-encryptable', require('archiver-zip-encryptable'));

var output = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/');

var archive = archiver('zip-encryptable', {
  zlib: { level: 9 },
  forceLocalTime: true,
  password: 'test'

archive.append(Buffer.from('Hello World'), { name: 'test.txt' });
archive.append(Buffer.from('Good Bye'), { name: 'test2.txt' });

github deskfiler / deskfiler / example-plugins / zipPw / index.js View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import archiver from 'archiver';
import AdmZip from 'adm-zip';

import PluginSettings from './containers/PluginSettings';

archiver.registerFormat('zip-encryptable', require('archiver-zip-encryptable'));

const checkIfSingleArchive = ({ filePaths, path }) => ((filePaths.length === 1 && path.parse(filePaths[0]).ext === '.zip') || false);

const getFilePaths = async ({
}) => {
  const parsedPath = path.parse(filePaths[0]);
  if (isSingleArchive && !createNewFile) {
    return { filePath: filePaths[0], dirPath: parsedPath.dir };
  const paths = await readFilePath({
    title: 'Select save directory',


a streaming interface for archive generation

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