How to use the appium-ios-driver.iosCommands.gesture function in appium-ios-driver

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import { errors } from 'appium-base-driver';
import { util } from 'appium-support';
import { iosCommands } from 'appium-ios-driver';
import _ from 'lodash';
import log from '../logger';

let helpers = {}, extensions = {}, commands = {};

commands.moveTo = iosCommands.gesture.moveTo;

commands.mobileShake = async function mobileShake () {
  if (!this.isSimulator()) {
    throw new errors.UnknownError('Shake is not supported on real devices');
  await this.opts.device.shake();
}; = async function click (el) {
  if (!this.isWebContext()) {
    // there are multiple commands that map here, so manually proxy
    return await this.nativeClick(el);
  el = util.unwrapElement(el);
  if ((await this.settings.getSettings()).nativeWebTap) {
    // atoms-based clicks don't always work in safari 7